>>>What are you tying today ? Part I

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Pics? The ties sound interesting and I'd like to see them, if possible.
I felt like tying a hopper pattern tonight, so here is my first ever attempt at tying the Dave's Hopper pattern.


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djs12354 wrote:

Pics? The ties sound interesting and I'd like to see them, if possible.
Sorry Dave but I don't know how to post photos on here. Never could seem to figure it out.
Nice hopper dc410. I have fished jack's hopper, but have yet to tie one myself. One interesting thing I saw on one of my store-bought flies is that they used a saddle hackle for the legs. It looks like they tied it in a knot, and then trimmed the fibers to the shape of a hopper leg. Haven't attempted this yet, but it looked pretty cool. You can actually make the top part of the leg thicker like a real grasshopper leg by tying them that way and trimming the fibers to shape.
That is a sweet hopper DC410. For a first attempt it looks like its straight from the catalogue. I think I am gonna give those a try.
Thanks Jeremy and Nick. That's a great suggestion for the legs, Jeremy. A saddle hackle would IMO be a lot easier to tie into a knot than the PT fibers. I used the PT feather that I have that has the longest fibers but still found it to be a real PITA trying to get them knotted. That was definitely the most challenging part of the tie for me on this one. Thanks for that suggestion.
John, that hopper is sweet! Good looking bug.

river sculpins


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Sandfly, really nice sculpins. Interesting pattern.

I like that hopper, dc. I see a strong muddler influence in that.

I need to find a hopper that's easy to tie. Guide flies are my thing.
BrookieChaser wrote:

I need to find a hopper that's easy to tie. Guide flies are my thing.

If you are ok with spinning deer hair. Ed Shenk's Letort Hopper is a real simple pattern to tie. Just three materials ....... Dubbed body, turkey quill underwing, deer hair overwing and spun deer hair head. Although the deer hair overwing and the spun head are pretty much taken care of during the same tying step. It is a much simpler tie than the one I previously showed.

Try the Charlie Boy Hopper. Eazy tie and catches fish. I tie them in tan, and yellow. There's a video on you tube that is pretty good that shows how to tie them.

I fished with Craven back in the late 80's early 90's when he was a guide. Great guy. This is a more recent invention of his but it fits the moniker "Guide Fly"

He taught nymph fishing on the South Platte River- Cheeseman Canyon. Size 22 and 24 RS2's.
I omitted the "me" in the last sentence above. Best guide I ever had. Knowledgable, Patient, and Fun I owe him alot.
Nice adams ^ I do like the good ole classics. Hard to beat.

Thanks for the suggestions, dc and tigereye. I don't mind spinning deer hair on muddlers and blair mice, so I'll try some Letort hoppers.
I definitely will be tying the Charlie Boy hopper once I get some foam.
Well I was kind of stuck in a rut but I have been saved by JG63 new pattern in the general forum.Going to tie lots of those babys in a wide range of flavors.
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