>>>What are you tying today ? Part I

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BrookieChaser wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions, dc and tigereye. I don't mind spinning deer hair on muddlers and blair mice, so I'll try some Letort hoppers.
I definitely will be tying the Charlie Boy hopper once I get some foam.

You will need to grease the Letort Hoppers to keep them up on top and they ride right in the film and can be difficult to see at times depending on the type of water and size of fly you are fishing. The Charlie Boy hopper will obviously float like a cork due to the amount of foam in the pattern. I did pretty well using a size 14 Charlie Boy in chartruese foam last summer as the top of a hopper/dropper rig for small wild brownies and native brook trout.
Just fillin some slots...
How about a few in size 10...
Tied a dozen zebra midges


and a dozen other midges....they probably have a name. Just a zebra midge with some peacock herl.

Here's an attempt at a Jack's Hopper. I ended up crowding the head a bit, so the deer hair section is a little smaller than I would have liked. Only tied one, because this fly is a pain to tie!

@dc410: I attempted the saddle hackle legs on this one, and I think they turned out OK. The knots are a bit messy - I should maybe have tried to pull off all the hackle fibers where the knot was going to be. Making the legs from saddle hackle definitely makes a very prominent leg. Not sure it's any easier than knotting pheasant tail, though, especially if you're tying a small hopper - this is a size 6.



Also tied up a few of lv2nymph's mink nymphs. I used the mink underfur for the abdomen on a few of them, but the one in focus in the picture is antron for the abdomen - much easier to dub.

Attempt at some sculpins. These have mcflyfoam head, swiss straw pectoral fins, dumbell eyes buried in the head for weight. Not completely sure the eyes were the best idea, though - made the head kind of tough to form, so it ended up being a bit too round. As these two are shaped they actually remind me of a bullfrog tadpole.

lv2nymph wrote:
Just fillin some slots...

Very nice Jack. What's the name of this fly again? It's the one that you tie with sulky thread, right? Usually it's a double rib of black sulky and wire, but it looks like you used 2 colors of sulky?

Also @thebassman, nice midges. I wouldn't have thought to tie zebra midges in yellow, but they look good.
I found this guy in the Little Lehigh. He was dead but in decent shape for a pic. Seeing this guy up close and personal is definately getting the gears turning. That is a size 8 4xl BND beside it for reference.

Your tie looks good! Notice how big the sculpins head is?
Jack, nice ties. Tyger cool shot.

Jack, nice ties. Tyger cool shot.

Nice looking ties all.
Jeremy you're thinking of the tungsten torpedo. These flies I don't really have a name for. It's made from polish quills and Pearl quill body. Thanks, your nymphs are looking good. Thanks Mike.
Yea that's it! Very similar look at first glance. I guess the dark stripe on those nymphs is the dark part of the quill rather than black thread.
dc410 wrote:

You will need to grease the Letort Hoppers to keep them up on top and they ride right in the film and can be difficult to see at times depending on the type of water and size of fly you are fishing. The Charlie Boy hopper will obviously float like a cork due to the amount of foam in the pattern. I did pretty well using a size 14 Charlie Boy in chartruese foam last summer as the top of a hopper/dropper rig for small wild brownies and native brook trout.

Thanks for the tips, dc. I'm going to the fly shop(s) tomorrow. I'm going to get the foam for the Charlie Boy hoppers.

On track, last night I tied buggers. No pictures because everyone knows what they look like.
Thanks Brian, apreciate that. I like that nymph you have there, what do you have for the body there it's hard to tell in the pic. Reminds me of bq or something of that nature.
That's right Jeremy, that's the dark strip of the quill.
Tied a pretty good assortment last night. Filling in some empty spots in the boxes.


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WOW!! I haven't been on this thread for a while and I just want to say that you guys are tying some really nice flies.
Jack, what brand and size hook are you using for those gems?
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