Wet fly/nymph swap

jeremymcon wrote:
Nope. 15 is good.

...that is, unless you want to make extras for the mods. I just messaged them, so not sure if they'll all be accepting our extra flies or not just yet. If you're making extras for them all it would be 20.
Looks like a great group of flies. I am sorry I didn't get in. Not to be paranoid but I assume the facilitator is known to most of you? Me and a few others got burned in a "swap" a few years ago. Since I don't surf the board as much as many of you I am unaware of all the players.

I in no way want to challenge anyone's reputation. I guess I am asking how to best implement the guidance of the boards moderators wrt engaging in swaps. Thanks in advance for your insights.
Jeremy and I have fished together on several occasions, so there's no worry here. All will receive their flies without worry. While it doesn't happen much, it does happen and is unfortunate when it does.
Geez! That's happened on this forum? That's awful. I'd be paranoid too if that had happened to me. I'll definitely be getting everyone's flies out - I'd like to continue to be able to use this forum after the swap! Lol.
Nothing to worry about with Jeremy. I was glad to see him take on heading up one of these swaps. I really wasn't sure at first if I wanted to commit to another one so soon after the WW swap but this one was too good to ignore. I didn't just spend the better part of this afternoon and evening pounding out a dozen of the golden stonefly nymphs for nothing. Hopefully by the end of next week I will have mine all tied.
Im out of tungsten jig beads, gonna be a bit before my flies are in but they will be there prior to the deadline. Flies looks good so far.
2 of 5 mods have opted out, so if anyone is tying extras, no need to make 5 extra - only plan on 3 at this point until I hear from the other 3 mods.

Also @sniperfreak223 - check your PM's!
PM sent...I think I made an oops and sent you the wrong set of flies.
I should have mine in the mail tomorrow.


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Dan, I like those.
sniperfreak223 wrote:
PM sent...I think I made an oops and sent you the wrong set of flies.

Your flies are back in the mail.
okay.got it. Those were the Clouser Crippled Minnows I tied for a bass bug swap on another forum. apparently the envelopes somehow got mixed up. I apologize.
Lv2nymph, got your flies today.
Very good, thanks.
lv2nymph wrote:
Very good, thanks.

Btw, was that your handwriting on the envelope? My fiance commented that it was beautiful. Lol.

Flies look good too.
Haha, yes that's my handwriting. My mother went to catholic schools under nuns, the old school nuns. So she thought it was the least she could do when my writing was off to crack my knuckles with a ruler and have me write it again. I tell you that kinda sticks with you. And thanks.
Jack I see a trend here you write like a girl and you fish like a girl do you drive like a girl? :-D
So you're saying I write like my mother, fish like Vokey, and now you want to know if I drive like Danica. I'll drive ya to the carp hole Danny boy... And you can tell me. ;]
Lol....one thing I will admit is I have been out fished by my wife more than once.


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