Warm Water Fly Swap 2013/2014

Mine were delayed but coming soon, mailed Saturday
Thanks Dan ;-)
Great flies everyone.
Hey gang, Sniperfreak shared a set of these flies with me and I received them today. Wow, you guys go to a lot of trouble for those stinky bass! :-D

I am very impressed with the creativity and seemingly time consuming patterns you have shared with one another. Nice ties to all and thanks so much for sharing.

I don't get out fishing the warmwater too much and thus don't invest in the materials to tie these types of flies so these flies are very much appreciated.

Maurice wrote:
I don't get out fishing the warmwater too much...

Now that you've got these swell flies, it's time to move up the fish ladder - stinky trout are the bottom rung - and go chase some classy, higher order fishes, like SMBs or carp or somthin. :cool:
Well after my embarrassing shipping cluster, I received mine yesterday. Nice ties by everyone. Sniper thanks again for organizing
I wanted to thank Norm for sending me a couple of the extra bass flies he had whipped up for the swap. Here's a few pics of what I got and he asked that I post them just to prove that "yes, Norm can tie".

Thanks and have to keep an eye on the nephew. He was here when I opened the mail and suggested that he get 1/2 of them. :)


  • Norms destroyer.JPG
    Norms destroyer.JPG
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  • Norms destroyer (1).JPG
    Norms destroyer (1).JPG
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