Warm water fly fishermen who just don't care

There's nothing wrong with having a polite, educating with positive intent, conversation with guys in a situation like that. It all comes down to how you say it, more so than what you say. I'm sure you were polite and respectful. And I agree, from the context clues of the vehicles and their reactions, it's likely they knew and didn't want to hear it.

Is there any chance they were targeting other species, or heading up a nearby colder trib? (I suppose if they were they just would have told you that I guess.)

Is there any reason on not clarifying on the context of the stream? Maybe that would help us understand what they were doing. Or maybe not, depending on how you look at it. If it's one of the big streams, I'm sure it's no secret there are Trout in it. Penns? It sounds like Penns from your earlier descriptions. Though there are numerous other species in Penns, even in what is considered the traditional public wild Trout section. I've caught Fallfish and Smallmouth on Green Drakes in that section before. Though I would argue fishing for them on Penns in this kind of weather, unless you were wayyyy downstream closer to Selinsgrove, would be negligent in terms of the number of Trout you may inadvertently catch.

Edit - In general I'm not a big fan of the idea of overly broad regulations limiting Trout fishing seasons. For most wild Trout streams in PA, it's simply not necessary. Though, in the specific case of Penns, I would support an annual closed season from say 7/1 - 9/15 from say Coburn down to Weikert or Glen Iron, as I do think it's necessary most years and would be helpful.
maxima12 wrote:
ryansheehan, I guess, what day, what time, what month, what type, a black man or a white man. Seems, you ask a lot for what does not matter at all! The truth is all the matter!

Fisherman, fishing, on a hot day, in a hot month! Facts! Your play is off base! The stream is not yours to see, Do you fish brother, do you like it. I do not like fakes! I am hard because, i was born hard!

Your question, is off tone and you should adjust your question more towards fishing! Yes, hard, i know, i am a fisherman, my wisdom fails you, i wonder what fisherman you are. Yes, might be offensive but i do not fish for you, i fish for all. I fish with the might of the Almighty! Does it make a difference, if you fish, during the season, with a license, the way you want! Hard i am, sorry i am old cause at one time somebody gonna get a bruise!


Nope, just two simple questions, the rest of your questions are nonsense like much of your post, you may find that offensive but I don't post for you. Maxi your and my ideas of whats best for fishing are quite different, but that's ok. I wouldn't call you a fake because you enjoy catching and eating a trout. So if I'm a fake because I want to see wild fisheries fluirish, well then so be it. It's been mentioned before that just because it's legal to do something doesn't mean you should. Fishing a wild trout stream that warm falls into that category. As for my fishing ability that you're wondering about I do just fine.

To the op if you're telling someone not to fish a stocked stream because it's 75 I think that's way off. If it's a wild trout stream I would still keep my mouth shut but don't get me wrong I think it's a bad move on their part.
People should do whatever they think is right. All I said was that water was 75 degrees and too warm for trout. That is all I said. I did not tell them they could not or should not fish. My comment to them could have been taken a few different ways.They chose to ignore me. So be it.

It's ironic hearing of these warm stream temps, as I haven't even seen 60F yet this season on a few of my favorite wild freestones.
I'm hoping that won't be the same situation again tomorrow.
Larkmark.....Isn't that better than getting punched in the mask?
maxima12 wrote:

ryansheehan, I guess, what day, what time, what month, what type, a black man or a white man. Seems, you ask a lot for what does not matter at all! The truth is all the matter!

Fisherman, fishing, on a hot day, in a hot month! Facts! Your play is off base! The stream is not yours to see, Do you fish brother, do you like it. I do not like fakes! I am hard because, i was born hard!

Your question, is off tone and you should adjust your question more towards fishing! Yes, hard, i know, i am a fisherman, my wisdom fails you, i wonder what fisherman you are. Yes, might be offensive but i do not fish for you, i fish for all. I fish with the might of the Almighty! Does it make a difference, if you fish, during the season, with a license, the way you want! Hard i am, sorry i am old cause at one time somebody gonna get a bruise!


A question was asked if i was o k with harvesting 20 inch wild trout. My answer is yes, {if i choose to do so}. I have one in the freezer now.

This fish is for friends of mine that own a company and would rarely get time or the chance to fish. They love Trout. I love these great people and took the time to catch them a real beauty. Note here, 1 fish, not a dozen.

So, on that given day, i choose to keep one. Today, i choose not to keep any. Matter of fact, today i choose not to fish because it is too hot out. But, who knows what i choose to do tomorrow!

Funny how life is all about choices.

Sin's a good man's brother, but is that right?

You tell me that I don't

Then I say I won't, but then I might

You said this is the way it's supposed to be

But it just don't seem right to me, and that's outta' sight

Some folks need an education

Don't give up, or we'll lose our streams

I say we need a revolution

It seems to be the only solution

Sometimes you gotta take the bull by the horns and other times, you have to grab the horse by the lips
To the OP, did you ask them what they were fishing for? I've been on some streams lately, most of them stocked but one with wild trout. I've been targeting smallmouth and carp. At 75 degrees most trout aren't going to be feeding anyway.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with what was done in the original post. I would have done the exact same thing.

I don't want to assume but if they had all that gear, one would think they knew full well what they were doing could kill the fish. Yes, you can find them in a thermal refuge but when the hooked fish runs out into 80° water with no oxygen, it dies. That's selfish and not very ethical.

Would I go to blows with somebody along the bank for it? Probably not. I would however let them know that catching a trout in water that warm may be a death sentence for the fish and move on my way. You see that exact scenario below blue Marsh during the trico's all summer. A lot of those fish are eaten by herons but even more of them died the hands of anglers who are catching them in 78° water.

I quit fishing wild trout streams if the water reaches 68.1° which is a personal choice. I base that off of my respect for the resource.... which doesn't make it right.

Instead of us arguing about opposing views or ethical positions, why don't we simply come together and help protect the resource?
So if I went out and bought top of the line ski equipment and the outfit to match and stood at the top of an expert ski run......you would think I knew what I was doing there?? Nope, I'd be in traction for six weeks!! Let's not assume. Way too much of that going on these days.
If you decide to do that... Please record the event and post here. LoL

Now that you mention it, I did see a guy get a new drift boat delivered, rip the plastic off and put her in the river . He proceeded to hit 500 rocks and pinwheel down the river for miles. I'll guarantee there was more damage to his boat in that one float then there is to mine in 200 floats.
I think all you fellas who are upset ought to go out the 1st day of Trout and start telling them Trout killers how wrong they are. The mans fishing not killing baby Seals for heavens sake. If he's keeping the Trout what's the big deal.

I like to mind my own business these days and surely not going to bother anyone fishing legally.
So, on that given day, i choose to keep one. Today, i choose not to keep any. Matter of fact, today i choose not to fish because it is too hot out. But, who knows what i choose to do tomorrow!

Funny how life is all about choices.

I will give anyone a pass if they really don't know any better.

Let them know about it and move on.

But for someone that has been at this game for a long time, there is no excuse for thinking it's their "right" to do as they please, no matter what harm it may do.

What would the "GREAT ONES" say?!

I think they would say it's neither your right nor privilege to kill fish indiscriminately.


I hope a cold one served because the blisters are too much to bear!

I will tell you now for all to see! "I Love you Guys". Bring it on, "Brother of the Fly". Chickens beware, tomorrow i am looking to CHOKE ONE!


Let's go back a little, 2 people fishing, hot water, hot day. fancy car and rod tube! Yeah, so. If you say the stream was packed, no place to park, then this is a job for the Commission. Rule change policy. We all want conservation.

2 friends, having a good time, what's up with that! I guess good times end in August and start back up, when you say so! Sounds like the Government got involved!

Great one's often shy from this subject but new one's want to sell you the trout you already paid for, again and again. Put em back boy, don't touch them, let me do it , cause i got a crew coming back in 2 days. I have nothing invested but a return. This is called management of liquidity. Commission does the work, i get the play and pay!

Think about it! True or false?

Pa. is yours, you earned it, you fought for it. Many died for it. How, possibly could i tell you, Don't do it! Freedom, but this can change very fast as we forget! I do not want to forget. How could i ever forget in good faith! But some want Faith no More!

I see it, do you.

Support, you know who? I think i said it quite often. Yep, the Freedom People! A whole bunch of "Great Ones".
I was seeing Mark Farner when I was reading this. lol
Maxi, You are kind of taking it to extremes. I said maybe 6 words to the guys. Jeesh. So just talking is now stepping on freedom?
Shame on the regulations (close the steams class A), while I fish when I can I do watch. I normal fish for small mouth this time of year. I will fish morning and evening for trout mainly limestones but if trout are taking the hatch is it too warm?