There's a lot of really great guys on here that truly care about our streams and our fish in PA. Many dedicate a lot of time and effort to do what they can to preserve and enhance our streams and rivers and the fish that inhabit them. Numerous threads and posts on here contain info and insight on how to make things better in PA's streams and rivers.
It's very disappointing when others have total disregard for all that's being done by the many conservation minded anglers. They yawp about their rights and freedom to do as they please to kill or cause harm to the very fish we all work so hard to preserve.
I give a salute to all of you and what you do to make things better in all the streams and rivers here in PA. Keep it up, it's making a difference. Hopefully the yawpers will join this effort some day to make our PA streams even better. And we will proudly be able to hand off things to the next generation to do the same.
It's very disappointing when others have total disregard for all that's being done by the many conservation minded anglers. They yawp about their rights and freedom to do as they please to kill or cause harm to the very fish we all work so hard to preserve.
I give a salute to all of you and what you do to make things better in all the streams and rivers here in PA. Keep it up, it's making a difference. Hopefully the yawpers will join this effort some day to make our PA streams even better. And we will proudly be able to hand off things to the next generation to do the same.