Warm water fly fishermen who just don't care

There's a lot of really great guys on here that truly care about our streams and our fish in PA. Many dedicate a lot of time and effort to do what they can to preserve and enhance our streams and rivers and the fish that inhabit them. Numerous threads and posts on here contain info and insight on how to make things better in PA's streams and rivers.

It's very disappointing when others have total disregard for all that's being done by the many conservation minded anglers. They yawp about their rights and freedom to do as they please to kill or cause harm to the very fish we all work so hard to preserve.

I give a salute to all of you and what you do to make things better in all the streams and rivers here in PA. Keep it up, it's making a difference. Hopefully the yawpers will join this effort some day to make our PA streams even better. And we will proudly be able to hand off things to the next generation to do the same.
Here here! I agree. In the end I think we all want the same things. I know I am critical at times of certain stream improvement projects etc. but I know it is done because people want good things for environment and fishing.
afishinado wrote:
There's a lot of really great guys on here that truly care about our streams and our fish in PA. Many dedicate a lot of time and effort to do what they can to preserve and enhance our streams and rivers and the fish that inhabit them. Numerous threads and posts on here contain info and insight on how to make things better in PA's streams and rivers.

It's very disappointing when others have total disregard for all that's being done by the many conservation minded anglers. They yawp about their rights and freedom to do as they please to kill or cause harm to the very fish we all work so hard to preserve.

I give a salute to all of you and what you do to make things better in all the streams and rivers here in PA. Keep it up, it's making a difference. Hopefully the yawpers will join this effort some day to make our PA streams even better. And we will proudly be able to hand off things to the next generation to do the same.

Yo afish - this is uncommonly eloquent and heartfelt. Thank you for this great post.
Had this article pop up on my news feed the day after browsing this thread.


Coincidence? I think 'the Google' is always watching . . .
I twisted a lot of arms and pulled lots of teeth. I see my work is almost done here.

Afish post, read it, remember it and rejoice in it. 4 times Pa. mentioned. Can i get a post with 5 Pa's.

Pa. is a beautiful place to live, to fish, to love.

Hey, Afish, how about a post on supporting Pa. Fish Commission.

Your Pal!

maxima12 wrote:
I twisted a lot of arms and pulled lots of teeth. I see my work is almost done here.

Afish post, read it, remember it and rejoice in it. 4 times Pa. mentioned. Can i get a post with 5 Pa's.

Pa. is a beautiful place to live, to fish, to love.

Hey, Afish, how about a post on supporting Pa. Fish Commission.

Your Pal!

I support the PFBC and the job they do overall.

They are in a tough situation financially, although this season there is reportedly a windfall with increased license sales because of Covid restrictions on many other activities.

I would like to see more emphasis on wild trout streams, most especially native brookie streams, but the Commish has a difficult job having to satisfy many license buyers that are more interested in fishing for stocked trout.

Everyone should support the PFBC and also consider purchasing the supplementary licenses which fund many types of fish and fishing in PA streams, rivers and lakes.
Yeah Maxi, I think the majority here strongly support the PFBC but we don't always agree with their position on things or their approach..overall, I think that they do a fine job. Also, I think the majority of us know and appreciate just how great PA is with aspects to many things.
For Maxi;
I love the PA outdoors
I support the PAFBC
I support the PAGC
I don’t always agree with the PAFCB
I don’t always agree with the PAGC
I always speak my mind freely to my local commissioner.
I also write letters to my PA elected officials to support those commissions when I feel it necessary.
I don’t always agree with my PA elected officials.
: )
maxima12 wrote:

...how about a post on supporting Pa. Fish Commission.

Maxi, you could make a post about supporting the PFBC.

One that explains what WAYS you suggest to support the PFBC.

We all buy a license and trout stamp, which supports them financially.

What ways beyond this are you recommending?

That's a couple of excellent posts right there. The first guy did well speaking up, and Baron's complimenting and mentoring is above reproach.
Keep up the good work, both of you - you give me hope!
Not every place is too hot to fish....

I ain't tellin' you where I was at but at 11:00 when I started the water temp was 62. When I left at 2:30 or so, it was 64 (measured at a different spot in shallower water).

The fish weren't super cooperative but I took about 10 fish (all wild) on bead heads and on top on beetles. I also managed a 19" brown on a size 16 bee pattern after he refused several passes with a beetle and a floating inchworm. 😛int:

The big guy was landed rather quickly despite me using 6X because I horsed him in on a nice forgiving glass rod. No pictures but I have a ripped up thumb as proof if required. ;-)

It was good be out on a trout stream for a change!
Bamboozle wrote:
Not every place is too hot to fish....

I ain't tellin' you where I was at but at 11:00 when I started the water temp was 62. When I left at 2:30 or so, it was 64 (measured at a different spot in shallower water).!

You don't have to tell us where you were. There are a ton of streams that stay plenty cold all summer long. That's one reason we are blessed and have good trout fishing. I've been on streams that are cold enough to fish a few times each week.
I fished a mountain freestone on Tue and the water temp was only 56F. I've fished this stream 5 times this season starting on June 22, when the water was just 50F. I haven't seen it get above 58F yet.
I have to say, I love you guy's. As i wipe the tears from my eyes. Some good is gonna happen! I know it and i can smell it it the wind!

We got them, right now, by the jingles. There is no better place than Pa. and no better people than here! Larkmark, good going. You did very well!

All you people, you did just fantastic! I love what i do, fishing, i love what i do on the side, tying leaders. Been loving it more than half my life and been trying, "My Way" to get the fishing story out.

Lucky man, i am.

Feel lucky, let me put a little spin on your luck! You fellows are really not lucky, your empowered! Power to the brothers!

Plenty of warmwater species to target during summer. I landed my first good channel cat on the fly rod yesterday and it was a BLAST. Big, strong fish. Good practice for salmon and steelhead coming soon....
blitzinstripes wrote:
Plenty of warmwater species to target during summer. I landed my first good channel cat on the fly rod yesterday and it was a BLAST. Big, strong fish. Good practice for salmon and steelhead coming soon....

I was, first and foremost, a "warm water" guy my entire life. My love for trout came much later in life than did my love for smallies, largemouths, catfish, etc. This is in part due to my first exposure to the styles of fishing and those species and my ignorance to just how abundant wild trout are in Pennsylvania.

I will catch anything that swims on a fly rod and I love the different styles involved in trying to catch each fish. It is equally fun to get smallies to eat a surface bug as it is to swing soft hackles at trout. Just depends what I am in the mood for. Lately, I have had trout on my mind.
If you subscribe to the PA Angler & Boater Magazine, take a look at the top of page 60 in the current issue; September/October 2020.

The first part of the regular feature "Angler’s Notebook" by Jerry Bush is in BOLD font and discusses the importance of using a thermometer and not fishing for trout when the water is too warm.

Thanks Jerry and the thanks to the editors of the PA Angler & Boater!!