Volunteers needed 1/12/13

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
I was thinking about bringing the net I use in my boat. It has a telescoping handle for extra reach. It's great in a boat but streamside it isn't practical to carry but it would probably be perfect as a "guide's" net for netting someone else's fish.
Gareon and Ed, just found out that I may have to take my mom to see her brother-in-law on Friday or Saturday but won't know until later in the week. Since we have so many good volunteers, why don't you assign someone else to my student and if I'm able to make it, I'll snap pictures.
Foxgap239 wrote:
Gareon and Ed, just found out that I may have to take my mom to see her brother-in-law on Friday or Saturday but won't know until later in the week. Since we have so many good volunteers, why don't you assign someone else to my student and if I'm able to make it, I'll snap pictures.

This is Gaeron's call - I'm just a ghillie on Saturday. :-D
Looks like I'm good to go...
I have an extra rod and waders (size 10-11).
You guys need another volunteer? I would be happy to help out in any way whether it is fishing or taking pictures. I have a video camera I could bring and and a go pro camera too.

Also, I would be happy to bring my little propane grille and cook up some hot dogs and burgers at lunch if that is ok with the group. Just give me an approximate #of people (parents to) and I will get the goods.

Frank G. Swarner III
cell 484-888-6674
Well, I have every intention of being there, but there may be a problem. My truck failed to start 2 times in the last 4 days and I called my mechanic this morning, assuming he could fix it this week (sounds like the fuel pump, doesn't happen every time I try to start it). Problem is, he may not be able to repair it this week. He told me to drop it off on Thursday and he will see if he can fit it in Thursday or Friday.

That being said, if he doesn't fix it this week, I'm probably going to chance it on Saturday because I don't want to miss this event.
Ed, talked with Dave today, this should be fun. Count me in.
Alright, we are going to do it this way. Since I don't know some of you by face, when we get there please approach me IF YOU HAVE A STUDENT ASSIGNED TO YOU. We will then see who doesn't have a fishing partner (as in the students) and they will be assigned one. The remaining people may do as they wish, photos, making lunch, etc.

As for footage or photographs, do you think you guys could send me the raw footage and photographs? I am going to put together a "club video" and will be using a couple different video sources. Please PM me if you are planning on bringing some sort of Videocamera, GoPro, or something along those lines.
Hi Gaeron - Just some "big brother" type advice:

I wouldn't have assigned any volunteers to the kids until Saturday morning. Life has a habit of interfering with even the most reliable people. If a volunteer doesn't have anyone assigned to them beforehand, they might choose to not show up thinking they're "not needed".

Also, it might be helpful if you get a basic inventory of gear from the kids - like what rod wts they have, wading gear, etc. A good idea would be to have each volunteer bring a spare rod that would be suitable for the method they plan on using/teaching.

Having someone wade for the first time might not be too good of an idea, especially if they're using borrowed gear that doesn't fit them well. It's a bad time of year to go for an accidental swim. Also, make sure the kids have a change of clothes in case they do take a swim. The fly shop should be available for people to warm up in, but it's not always that warm inside.

Don't stress over this event. Our guys always come through, and if things don't work out perfectly, just improvise. It's just like fishing - see what you're faced with, and adapt accordingly. Being prepared makes it easier.

Lastly, even if things wind up really crummy (like weather), coffee/hot chocolate and donuts go a long way towards keeping the troops happy. I'll cover you on this one.

Relax - it'll turn out just fine.

Alright, we'll do it that way. We'll assign people on Saturday. The only people wading will be people who have waded in the past (I'm pretty sure).

My Sony does both vid and still. I was thinking that I would send you raw files on a cd or dvd.

If you want email, pm me an email addy.

We can discuss on Sat if you wish

We will discuss it on Saturday! Whatever you prefer would be fine, but like I said, I will address all the film/photo -ers when I get there. I think Ed is right, I'm probably panicking too much!
If anyone lives in the Reading area (or Lancaster area as I live right off 222 on the south side of Reading) and you wouldn't mind a traveling partner please let me know. I won't know the status of my truck until Friday evening. You can pm me for my phone number.
This should be fun, really looking forward to it. This is the fist time I will make an attempt to really help someone while fishing but you guys on the board have mentored me enough that I think I know what I'm doing (sometimes) enough to help. The weather looks like it will be really nice too. I will be there by 9:30 ready to go.
martin0206 wrote:
This should be fun, really looking forward to it. This is the fist time I will make an attempt to really help someone while fishing but you guys on the board have mentored me enough that I think I know what I'm doing (sometimes) enough to help. The weather looks like it will be really nice too. I will be there by 9:30 ready to go.
Good thinking Jeff. Time to "Pay it Forward". Good luck and have fun.
I'm going to bring a single gas burner and some jugs of water and packets of hot chocolate, tea, and coffee. Its supposed to be warm but not that warm.
Yeah guys, Looking forward to helping some kids get involved in such a great sport/pasttime! See everyone Saturday morning!
looking forward to Saturday. don't get up to the LL to often so if the conditions are good I might hang after if anyone wants to join.

Should I bring extra rods and waders?
Thanks to everyone who made it out! It was awesome and everyone from my club had such an amazing time. For those with photos that will send it by email, flytyergf@gmail.com is the email you should use. Those who have photos to send by mail, PM me and I'll gladly give it to you.

I'll do a more thorough write-up when I'm not as exhausted!