Volunteers needed 1/12/13

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
Ed ,Gaeron,
I should be able to help out. I'll contact some other MLFT guys to see what we can do. We are a teaching club and help out some other high school clubs. I'll let you know how many.
Skinnyme, like I told you before. You can link me up with whoever you would like, does not matter to me. I will have my my highsticking stuff, I am by no means an expert with it, but kinda know what I am doing. I will also have all my other rods probably so can help whatever way you need. This is your show kid! Lol
Gaeron, looks like you're all set.

I don't know any of the club members, but you can't go wrong assigning any of the volunteers to any one of them.

I'm always impressed with the way our members step up to the plate when it comes to helping others. The kids in your club are gonna really enjoy this!

Long range weather forecast shows 45 degrees for a high, and mostly cloudy - keep your fingers crossed...
outsider wrote:
David wrote:
So put outsider down as 4 volunteers!

Good luck with the outing! I wish my HS had a FF club!

In my condition, if half an outsider shows up I'll be grateful.

That is pure modesty talking from what I understand! Appreciate all the volunteers' efforts in forwarding the sport! Hope the program is a success!
Heritage Angler - Mr. Schaffer
outsider-Tyler LaGreca
Foxgap-Brandon Haroldsen
marcq-Chris DeVilliers
martin0206-Johnny Miller
I assigned kids to the first people that said they would help out. So, if any more kids sign up PhilC and blueheron, you will be assigned kids. If not, you can do whatever you want; you can double up, walk around, fish on your own, whatever you guys want to do!
No pressure :)
A few questions about Tyler LaGreca:

Is he left handed or right handed? Do I bring a rod for him? I have rods set up both ways, can bring several with me. I'm left-handed, as everyone should be.

If he wears size 16 shoes will he tread on me? After all, I'm a sawed-off runt.

Looking forward to it. Not being tread on, but helping out.
No worries, you guys have fun.
I'll try to make it. Need to get an alignment done on my Blazer but I should be able to during the week. If so, I'll be there.

I can bring a pair of hip boots if someone needs them. I think they're size 9 or 10.

I'll also bring extra gear.
outsider wrote:
A few questions about Tyler LaGreca:

Is he left handed or right handed? Do I bring a rod for him? I have rods set up both ways, can bring several with me. I'm left-handed, as everyone should be.

If he wears size 16 shoes will he tread on me? After all, I'm a sawed-off runt.

Looking forward to it. Not being tread on, but helping out.

He says he holds the rod in his right hand. If you could bring a rod for him that would be wonderful, because he just told me the rod he has is an 8 wt.

He shouldn't tread on you, he's a big guy, but if there are any problems tell either Mr. Schaffer or myself. These boys (and girl if she shows up) have been given a ton of gear and supplies and are now presented with an opportunity of a life time. If they react to that with disrespect or anything else along those lines there will be consequences, obviously. But that shouldn't happen.

gaeronf wrote:
He says he holds the rod in his right hand. If you could bring a rod for him that would be wonderful, because he just told me the rod he has is an 8 wt.

He shouldn't tread on you, he's a big guy, but if there are any problems tell either Mr. Schaffer or myself. These boys (and girl if she shows up) have been given a ton of gear and supplies and are now presented with an opportunity of a life time. If they react to that with disrespect or anything else along those lines there will be consequences, obviously. But that shouldn't happen.

I'll bring a rod for him to use. The "tread on me" part was only in jest.
outsider wrote:
gaeronf wrote:
He says he holds the rod in his right hand. If you could bring a rod for him that would be wonderful, because he just told me the rod he has is an 8 wt.

He shouldn't tread on you, he's a big guy, but if there are any problems tell either Mr. Schaffer or myself. These boys (and girl if she shows up) have been given a ton of gear and supplies and are now presented with an opportunity of a life time. If they react to that with disrespect or anything else along those lines there will be consequences, obviously. But that shouldn't happen.

I'll bring a rod for him to use. The "tread on me" part was only in jest.

I figured it was, but it is just in case. If anyone has a problem with any club members please feel free to tell either Mr. Schaffer or myself. But like I said before, I doubt it will happen. We have a very passionate, eager-to-learn group.
If I have a problem with my student, I will just drown him.
SBecker wrote:
If I have a problem with my student, I will just drown him.

This from our resident teacher to be! :roll:
Foxgap239 wrote:
SBecker wrote:
If I have a problem with my student, I will just drown him.

This from our resident teacher to be! :roll:


Proper discipline is everything in the classroom (or stream-side) ;-)


I don't know if I can be considered qualified to "teach" anybody anything besides how to bust Fox, but I will be there and will bring extra gear to lend if needed.

Nice response to this request of yours!
I believe in corporal punishment.

Edit: now that I think about it, I will waterboarding first, then drown.
Do you need help? I can make it
If you want to come to help you are more than welcome!

Here's an idea for one of those who want to help but aren't assigned a person at the moment. If any of you guys enjoy taking pictures maybe that's something that you could do, go around and take pictures. Just offering as an idea, I know some guys really love photography so I'm just throwing it out there.

Given the way people will be dispersed along the stream, two or three people taking pictures will be a good idea.

I'll being my camera along and can help with some of that.
I always have mine with me.