Unpowered Launch permit for yaks why ?

SurfCowboyXX wrote:
Two things:

First, what about the PRINCIPLE of being a PA resident and fishing principally in PA and NJ yet registering a watercraft in DE? I'm not entirely sure that's legal, TBH. Your kayak is to be registered in its "state of principal use", and it doesn't sound like you use it most in DE. Do you also have a DE fishing license? Principles without consistency undermine integrity and make for weak argument.

Second, it doesn't surprise me that the WCOs at Marsh Creek are known to stretch the limits of their authority. I have had my issues with them myself and wonder just how many BS violations they issue that aren't challenged in court.
I own De, NJ and Pa licenses I use my yak in all three states can’t say I use it in one state more than the other but I use it in pa the least . And I live on the Pa Del NJ boarder .

And like I said it’s the principal not the money seems like a few of you are having a hard time grasping that concept.
Well here's a concept to grasp: If you don't like the PAF&BC laws, don't fish in PA.
wbranch wrote:
Surf Cowboy,

I was unaware that non residents have to register their water craft in PA if it is already registered in their state of residence. Is that what you are saying?

Dear wbranch,

As far as I know from decades of power boating, all States will extend an invite to legally registered boats from out of State waters. It is generally restricted to 14 days or thereabouts.

The law is universal in that all boats must be registered in their State of principle use though.


Tim Murphy :)
outsider wrote:
Well here's a concept to grasp: If you don't like the PAF&BC laws, don't fish in PA.

Dear outsider,

+1000000000, and 1 on that one dude.

Like you, I hate whiners!


Tim Murphy :)
outsider wrote:
Well here's a concept to grasp: If you don't like the PAF&BC laws, don't fish in PA.

Here's a concept to grasp: Citizenship.

If you think that the government is doing something wrong, try to get it changed.
troutbert wrote:
outsider wrote:
Well here's a concept to grasp: If you don't like the PAF&BC laws, don't fish in PA.

Here's a concept to grasp: Citizenship.

If you think that the government is doing something wrong, try to get it changed.

Dear troutbert,

A noble thought, but until you get it changed you are subject to it, so if things go wrong just eat your poison and shut up, OK?

Honestly, if paying $ 10.00 a year to use a kayak frosts you that much you have far bigger problems than the launch fee to deal with.


Tim Murphy :)

I entitled to my opinion just like some of the trolls that frequent this site . If you don’t agree it’s your right don’t get all in your feelings if you can’t debate or argue without getting bent out of shape you might be better off on another forum. FYI some of the posts on this thread have given me some quality entertainment thank you .
Fredrick wrote:
I entitled to my opinion just like some of the trolls that frequent this site . If you don’t agree it’s your right don’t get all in your feelings if you can’t debate or argue without getting bent out of shape you might be better off on another forum. FYI some of the posts on this thread have given me some quality entertainment thank you .

Dear Fredrick,

There is absolutely nothing to debate here. Despite your efforts to rationalize things you are wrong, and that is that.

Own it.


A troll