Tying workstation

Thanks there FB. My knee has been cut so many times there's not much left to cut. Maybe I need the sand paper and filler. My orthopod has put me back together after a few motorcycle accidents and climbing falls so he is well versed in my personnal anatomy, which is scary in it's own. I'm probably headed for a replacement in the next five years or so, not much I can do about that now after all the damage has been done. I'm hoping Bob saw the light and went out fishing today. Me, I'm at work and unfortunatly most people just don't see the humor in fly gear in an ambulance when they call with chest pains so I have to forgo the stream. Tomorrow is another story.
Really sorry to hear about your knee, I too have very bad knees, but not to your extent.

I didn't get out fishing today, but tomorrow I will be out taking the rod and reel for a nice walk. I worked on the station most of the day and I have all the parts fixed and drying. I am hoping to do the final touches before the weekend is over. I will post pics of the monstrosity I created over the last few hours.

This way medi and FB can make some constructive critiques of the project, along with some witty and humorous remarks!

well everyone (Medi and FB)

here she is in all her infinite beauty! LOL

Please be gentle.

I decided not to give it a great finish because I am just going to get it all beat up and dirty anyway. I also figured since this will not be a permanent piece of furniture and it will be put back in the utility room after each session that I would not worry about making it look really nice.

I only worried about functionality.

Looks good to me. The real test is when you start tying on it. You know you got it right if everything is in reach but not so close that you knock it over all the time. With any luck Sunday I'm heading out to do some fishing my self.
I just started using it tonight and what a difference it makes to have all of my tools and materials at an arms length and readily available.

I am able to tie faster and far more creatively, because I can actually see what materials I have around. Before I was getting stuck using the same things over and over again because I just didn't want to dig through bags and boxes. THIS IS GREAT!!


Good luck getting out tomorrow and I wish you tight lines and healthy knees!!!

I started with a cheap roll top desk and with some of my own add ons I have a place to hold all my thread and wire on one side and i took an old metal stand that was for holding sheet music and modified it to hold a tying book open to a certian page
YOU, built that tying station? Gads, from the pictures, it's an extrememly great looking job!
I especially, like, the many holes for tools, etc, that you've added. Your choice of materials, is also an excellent choice, because as you mentioned....... "you'll be moving it around and putting it away a lot", and something like sold oak would have been bear to handle all the time.
For a guy that drinks $93.89 a dram, booze, I think you did a really fine job! You said, in a following post, that you've also already used it and that, like Medi-But-Boat said I think; "Is the biggest test" and evidently according to you "it passed".
A really, really, nice job old man!
I GUESS,since both you and M.B.B. have now posted pictures of your tying stations, I should do like likewise!!??! Although I'll try and get to it, yet tonight, since I can only tie while wearing a tuxedo and sipping Drambuie from a 13th century hand crafted gold goblet.... it'll take some prep time before I can get a pic or 12 downloaded.
Again, though, super job!

Thanks buddy, I am happy with the outcome and the functionality of it. I have used this on the kitchen table and I also broke it out and placed it on a tray table in front of the TV for football yesterday and it stayed stable. I think I may have actually built something that works!!!

I guess I earned myself a shot the snobby stuff for that project!!

Yes, I agree with B.B.!!
"Break out, the snobby stuff and have a shot!
After all you've gone through, to get this thing done, I am the first to admit that; a fine cut-crystal goblet, slightly warmed, then gently and slowly filled with something on the order of "Annie Green Springs", (vintage-Monday), is MORE than called for here!
You deserve NOTHING........but the finest!
( Now, I WOULD HAVE, suggested MD 20-20, for such an occasion as this one, but sorry Bob, you built a tying station, you didn't save the world or anything).
MD 20-20 man that brings back some memories, of some really good times or at least what seemed like good at the times.


how about some Boone's Farm, maybe the really nice blue color?

For many, many, years I'd always get "MD20-20" and "WD40" mixed up, because of the like names.
However, after finding out that WD40 never gave me a headache the next day, the way MD2-20 always would, I made the switch for good!
I can't say anything, about Boone's Farm, sorry Bob.
Even those, that are as lowly as I AM, have their limits as to what they'll drink and at least SOME resemblance of pride left.
Someday, when we're well into winter and "Off Topic", topics, are filling these threads instead of fishing............ I'll tell you about "Crazy Susy Wine" that I once ran into, down in Mexico, while fishing for Bones. Great stuff........ crystal clear, mimeographed label, and put up in one gallon, clear glass, jugs with a cork for a stopped! Yummmm!
sounds as good as some of the home made (pear) wine up hear...makes your back teeth hurt, but good...
On Sandfly's most wise suggestion of making a small batch of homemade pear wine, coupled with a quick shot of my private reserve of "Crazy Susy-wine, spot remover and vegetation killer" I had the one of the wildest "visions", we Native Americans are so often having.
It was so vivid and so "life like", that I wanted to share it with you, before it faded from my memory. It was a vision of you, and of course, your lovely on your wedding day.
(I, hope, that I added the copy of this vision correctly it's my first attempt at doing so!?)


  • wedding shot.JPG
    wedding shot.JPG
    101 KB · Views: 7
So if they don't both catch one is the marriage annulled?

Chaz will be here soon to say that the dress should be camo as not to spook the fish. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm not a big fan of mad dog 😛 Somehow, I end up drinking it though... I've got a few questions for you high class boozers. For what it's worth, I drink plastic bottle rum. The only splurge I make is that I refuse to drink cheap beer. I drink guinness on my own time, and bring yuengling black and tan to parties (cheap, but serviceable), and drink real black and tans at bars, as well as whatever microbrews they have on tap. I'm a beer head.

I know nothing about whiskey and other strong booze types, so I've got some questions about a bottle of scotch that I got today from a friend at work.

It's a single malt from The Balvenie. 12 year doublewood. Is it any good? How should I enjoy it to maximize the experience? This is my first scotch, so I have no idea.

that about sums it up my friend!!!


I am not sure of the maker, but I would enjoy that on the rocks with a really nice cigar!!! or... just do it the college way and drink it out of the bottle!!

Bottoms Up
