Tying workstation

No need to worry about me taking these last few posts as anything by light hearted fun. Gotta get some digs in here and there and I have some fairly thick skin. I guess all of my liquor is top shelf now that I think of it. Maker's Mark Burbon, Grey Goose vodka, Jamesons 12 year old irish whiskey, you know the scotch, Remy Martin VSOP cognac, and B&B. Almost forgot the Apelton Estate rum, Drambuie, Bombay Saphire gin and Patron Reposado tequila. I like my creature comforts and good drink. I tried a lot of different brands in the past and found that I really like these, so that's what I stock. Funny, none of my friends seem to mind what we're drinking when I have a little get together.
same here, it seems that all my friends have no problem drinking my stuff either... thats funny how that works!
I am one of the lucky ones ,my wife had me set up a entire room for fly tying.I use a postmaster desk i picked up at Ames for about a 100.00 bucks.it has a bunch of slots and a large drawer it works well for organizing my stuff. Now if i could only get off the stream long enough to do some tying id be okay.
WHAT, has happened, here to my beloved sport and this particular thread about tying areas/tables!??
It started, with my trying to help, Bob-"Plastic Cat"-Cambyses on some wood working hints for his tying table project and suddenly........
I'm surrounded by guys that own booze, more expensive than my pick up, someone that shares pillows with a LAWYER and also secretly uses spin gear and nightcrawlers when the hatches are slow!?!
Another, who "climbs ice", (whatever that is), and fishes from a "Butt Boat", while sipping from a flask, containing obvious liquid gold?
Thankfully, while growing up in Tennessee my grandfather's still, outside Cookeville, provided me with a real education as to "what "REALLY GOOD" drink was"! (as well, as, affordable). "Aged, since Thursday", was a great benchmark of fine sipp'in! (if, you got it on Saturday!)
A least, Bloodknot, seems to be fairly trustworthy, since his tying area is roughly the same size as mine and no mention, (yet, anyway, I'm holding my breath), of lawyers, butt boats, spinning gear or nightcrawlers.
Hey flybinder, I guess you didn't know that Bloodknot is an ex lawyer who made his millions desinging kayaks and now currently farms night crawlers to pay for his fishing trips. Sorry there Bloodknot, had use you to stir the pot. No offense brother. I do love your writing style though flybinder. It adds just the right ammount of humor to any subject.
Damn FlyBinder, while reading your post I spit my Louie the 8th out all over my laptop!

I loved that last one, I was laughing my *** off. As far as the sharing pillows with a lawyer, I look at it as a long term investment to increase and improve the quality of my fishing :-D

As far as the bait chucking, does it really count as bait chucking if I put the night crawler on the end of my fly line and fish in the DHALO section? and how else do you expect me to sip on my highfalutin drinks if I'm using both hands to fish...oh wait, I'll just pour my drink into the hydration bladder of my Orvis chest pack.

Well I guess since this thread has deemed me part of the upper crust, I ought to just go out and buy myself one of those fancy tying desks from Stoney Creek!!!

Well, Bob, since Butt Boat, errrrrr, Mediclimber, sorry.........explained so much about BloodKnot, I don't know WHO to trust, on these threads anymore!?!
Granted, even tho' we've never met, I had already sort-a figured you as "crusty", but I'll hold judgment about the "upper part", for a while yet. After, all..you DO hang out with lawyers, obviously, and ya' know what "trust me", in Lawyer Speak means!??
As for you, "going out and buying a pre-made Stoney Creek tying station", DON'T blame THAT on me!
"But, Snookie-Pookums!! Flybinder, TOLD ME to!"
I don't want any part of WWIII or having any part of my anatomy, (like YOURS will soon be, if you get caught!), "permanently plasticized" like your cat!
If you do, go all nutso and buy a Stoney Creek table, I'd suggest staying awake a few nights and listening VERY carefully for that little "ballbearing rattling sound", that spray cans make when being mixed well!??
I've already read, Mediclimber's published book: "Women And How I Control Them". It's not only a nicely bound book, but the 203 blank pages, make for a nifty note pad to keep by the phone!
Controling women? The only thing I've found that works is strong hypnotic sedatives or unlimited charge accounts. Four point restraints don't cut it for the long run, they just chew through them eventually. :-D
I love where this thread has gone.

As I'm sure you have all figured out from reading this thread my book is named " My Fiancee and how she Whipped me!" But then again I am engaged to a lawyer....man I guess I should have seen that one coming.

As far as the strong sedatives, I can help you there, I work for a large Pharma company and I am sure we have some lying around some where LOL actually we are making Sodium Oxybate now AKA the Date Rape Drug!

Can that book be used as a fishing journal? and FlyBinder how do you think it would work under the leg of my Fancy tying desk? would it even things out when my girl hacks one of the legs off it and uses it to beat me?

well, for the meds I was thinking along the lines of Versed and Etomidate. Te book, shure, you can use it for a fishing journal. If your luck right now is anything like mine on the Manatawny you'll be making entries like, "went fishing, fell in the creek, caught a tree." :cool:
A TREE? Native? Hatchery? Was the 3rd, upper most, adipose limb missing? (that's a hatchery, tree, if it was, by the way).
And, just for next time............ "One does not "fall into the creek/stream/brook". You were merely "taking a closer and more, "exact look" at the aquatic insects, to make sure you had mounted the correct "dry" to your "cast".
If anyone is with you and doesn't believe that, throw some Latin at them, something like "Fallin'us et Wetbuttus", then, merely turn and stroll off.....whistling.
Musta been a native sycamore then. I've tried that "just looking for larva" in the past and it seems to work when reclining on the stream bed. Good thing no one was around yesterday because it was no "grace under pressure slip". I had to laugh about it later, I must have looked hillarious. I'm wondering if anyone has a good pattern for a kernnel of corn since nothing here is interested in buggy looking things right now.
Now, don't you KNOW BETTER, than to suggest such a thing as "IS THERE a pattern, that looks like corn", etc.!??! I can send you the link, if you deem it really needed, but there is, truly, a "cluster of corn fly" that's now quite popular for Carp fishing.
Yellow thread, 3-5 pieces of very light pound test mono, (6 or 7X tippet would work fine)), and 3-5 pieces of bright yellow dense foam, "cut to resemble corn kernels". With needle, tread mono thru foam, sear tag end with match to make a ball, so it won't pull all the way through the foam.
Leading ends of mono are gathered with their matching brethren,then tied in, tightly, just behind the eye of a bare hook of your choice with yellow #6 or #8 thread!
Have fun!
I've seen this pattern and I must admit that it is funny looking but from what I have read about it: it is deadly on the carp!

I really like the spin on the falling into the creek. I'm gonna have to use that one sometime.

Bob, what's happened to the work station project? (I, THINK,that's where this tread started?). Haven't heard a word, on its progress now, for some time!?!
As to "falling down, in streams and creeks",the advice I gave to Butt Boat, was merely "hearsay", as I of course, have NEVER slipped and fell while wading!
True, that over the years, a few "quite rude and bold" stream bed rocks HAVE jumped clear of their watery homes and slapped me upside the head on occasion and there's even been rare incidents, where a stream has suddenly risen so QUICKLY..........that it's come up as high as my face, before I could reach the safety of shore!
Terrible, terrible, experiences to say the least.
So, always be aware of your water bound surroundings, when wading!
I've even had stream bed rocks as large as bread boxes, follow me upstream and when I least expect it........... slip quietly under my spiked felts, then will "roll" to one side, or the other, before making their airborne leap at my face! (or, other parts, to remain unnamed, of my Herculean physique).
Anyhooooo, "The PROJECT"??
Yeah, those upstream unknown releases from whatever water shed can be blamed for those such incidents. But you are right, how is the tying station comming?
Gads!! Mediclimber................ya' suppose he's gone and "Lawyer'ed up" on us? I hear, he routinely plays "slap and tickle" with one!?
Well, maybe he's out checkin that secret spot. I'm "lucky" enough to have the day off, but my left knee is about the size of a soccer ball so.... I'm waiting for my orthopod to give me a call so I can get some fluid tapped off of this thing and get back out to tree fishin, er, I mean fly fishin. A wading staff makes a nice cane since the water is so shallow here. It's warm enough to not need waders, just the studded shoes.
The station is still underway with a very large change to the original design. I had to order some stuff online and was waiting for its arrival. It came in yesterday and the building will resume this weekend if I can resist the urge to go fishing!

Is the above post, I just read, REALLY from Bob ya' think? Doesn't at, all, sound like him. It made sense and I could read it, easily?
Whoever wrote it, also stated that there was some sort of "decision to be made", in regards to "whether to FISH or WORK"!?
Again, nothing I'd expect a guy like Bob to ask!?!
Oh, well. Perhaps he's just tired from too much "Lawyering up" lately!?!
On a serious note, I'm really sorry to hear about the knee!! I've "been there/done that" and God it's painful and debilitating!! I truly hope, that you can get it taken care of SOON whether you fish or not. Mine, years ago, ended with surgery. I hope you're not headed in that direction too!?!
Bob told me, one time, about HIS OWN knee acting up sort of like yours. He told me he'd sanded it down with 0000 steel wool, filled the pores with Famo-wood, then sealed it all with spray plastic.