Toothy Critter Success Thread

Nice pike. Can't wait for the 15th. Heading up to the Thousand Islands on the St. Lawrence river. I've always done really well there with conventional gear so this year I'm only bringing the fly rod. Should be a good time
Caught my first Chain of the season this evening.


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Nice bro..I need a chain and a pure breed musky and I have the Esox Grand Slam, well for Pennsylvania at least. I don't think we have grass pickerel in PA do we?
There's Redfin & Grass in Pa.
I did not know that..well..that's more fun in my opinion, more toothies to catch. I'm assuming the pickerel are mostly on the eastern side of the state and the middle. Ill have to do some more homework
3 days until a fishing trip to the St. Lawrence River in Alexandria Bay. Really hoping to stick a toothy critter on the fly! A big smallie would be nice too. I've got a good feeling
Good luck brother. That sounds like fun. My Uncle goes up there every year and they crush big smallmouth
Thanks! And Yeah it's awesome up there. 40 feet of clarity, great scenery, babes everywhere. I love that place haha. Fishin is great too. I saw a 65+ inch musky swim by my hotel on the water (right near the shipping lane) a few years back. Thing was ENORMOUS. No doubt it was the world record
what area you heading too? we go up to our friends camp on an island every year. been going since i was 7 or so. was up in July, but the fishing was slow. to be honest it was more of a drinking trip anyway. only fished from shore.
We stayed north of alexandria bay. The fishing was good but the pike were all in the deep water. Had some swipes but nothing really took. Caught one of my biggest largies on a gamechanger though. Ill post pictures later. It was a good trip
Man this is a tuff year musky wise for me. I'm 0 for 5 on the musky bites. I've moved some great fish too. But it seems that every pike a gamer. I'm not gonna complain. There a "little pick me up" to a ragged musky junkies ego.

Good news is I can still remember how to strip set!
Paco, u got some good fish on this thread my dude... Speaking of the 1000 Islands I figured I'd post one of the many pike I got into. Most of these fish came out anywhere from 6-12 feet of water. But when it's gin clear, they'll come up for a streamer! Can't wait for the fall to target musky. Actually gonna hit the swatara creek near Hersheypark next weekend and throw some big streamers around and see what takes. This isn't a monster, only 30" but damn do they SMASH flies!


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Ok, one more... This was my largest fish on a fly I've taken yet. This fish almost ripped the rod from my hand as I wasn't paying attention while stripping in a large, black streamer. After a few pics, I let him swim off to continue his feeding binge. Just found a taxidermist for a replica, can't wait!


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Nice Pike my dudes! @Paco, I feel your pain man... I'm taking a mental break having got the skunk three straight times since I caught my first musky...chasing smallies on Sunday and then bait(trouts) in clear creek at the end of the month..need an ego boost and to actually catch fish for a change
Nice fish! I've been doing the same as you crawdad. Just moved back to central pa so I've been hitting the trout streams pretty hard. It's nice to catch fish again :lol:

There's a fly fishing club up here and apparently the guy who runs it (or something) is huuuuge into musky. Maybe the fall will be more interesting than I thought
Enjoyed your article in MAFF!

For folks interested in learning about the basics of FFing for toothies, check out the current issue (Sept) of the Mid Atlantic Fly fishing Guide for some tips.
Just a baby... but the first I've actually landed. I've had a few hookups, but I just don't get out often enough (only the 4th time all year).

I'm fairly sure the next one will be bigger. I've seen some real monsters and I can't wait to land one of the big ones...
Well I am 0 for 2 (years) now, broke my rod last time out and getting wrist surgery Thursday so I am done until next spring. Guess I have a good 5 months or so to figure something out.

Planned changes for next year include either a jon boat or a kayak I can stand in. Casting while sitting in the kayak was rough. Also will be fiddling with line leader combos to help improve my casting as soon as my wrist is healed.