Toothy Critter Success Thread

Thats great footage & a good example of how quick it happens. The first musky in that vid is what dreams ate made of. And what keeps me goin long hours of seeing nothing. It happens in a blink of an eye.
Neat video. Hat cam over the course of a season?
My guess would be that the footage was from Lake St Clair - huge natural lake known for numbers. Also, interesting weather patterns: lots of low sun and cloudy days (no surprise) but a good bit of blue bird days.
I thought some of you guys might like this pic . I'm not sure if you seen the link I posted in the OT but this is a pic of the officer who lost his life working at USP Canaan this Monday night .
This thread needed a bump. I took my new toy out to see if i could raise a toothy or 2. I hooked up. I figure it was about 30, but it was heffer.

I'm new to the forum, not a new fly fisher though, I am happy to report, first pike as well as first pike on the fly. Everything came together today, a lot of reading (this thread, books), talking to fly shop owners, and YouTube(leader recipe). I have to say you guys were right, catching a toothy on a fly rod is like NOTHING else! Even this little pike just murdered a clouser. Murdered. I have to say fly fishing is already an unhealthy obsession that just got wayyyyyyy worse..I definitely want more...
Congrates and welcome to the "darkside" Crawdad.....
Thanks dude, they are awesome fish can't even imagine what a large fish does to a fly. I was doing a figure eight and hooked up right in front of me which is pretty kool.
Congrats Crawdad. You will never be the same.
Congrats Crawdad. You will never be the same.
Check out this fish
Anyone looking to do a toothy float trip sometime soon in Western PA? I'm itching to get the drift boat in the water! I'm in the Burgh area, but anywhere within a couple hours drive is game.(Allegheny, lower Yough, French) Hit me up if anyone is interested.
TD55 wrote:
Congrats Crawdad. You will never be the same.

Yeah Dude! I know what your saying, I can't stop thinking about it, I want to get back out real bad! I'm heading up to Erie next weekend to kayak the lagoons so I'm hoping to get into some toothies up there. As if fly fishing wasn't enough of an addiction already.
Fredrick wrote:
Check out this fish

Crazy how big that is, looks to around the spawn, fins are reddish. I like the one dudes comment, about throwing a poodle at it! LOL
I seen a mid 30s pike attack a muskrat last fall the pike didnt kill it & it got away but that fish tried drowning it a couple times. It shook the #censor# outta it.
I seen a mid 30s pike attack a muskrat last fall the pike didnt kill it & it got away but that fish tried drowning it a couple times. It shook the #censor# outta it.

You would think the puncture holes from the pikes teeth would of killed it at the very least .
Oh I bet it dyed but it made it to its hole before the pike finished it off. Nature is a wonderful thing.
Seeing one hit a muskrat would be pretty awesome to witness!

Hey guys I'm heading to Erie late next week to yak the lagoons and possibly a small part of the bay..anyone done this for toothys before, that could lend a bit iof advice??
Im a river guy. I dont have much time on lakes or big bodys of water. Concentrate on the edges structure. Its spawn time. Remeber anytime to interact with a fish its a win. Good Luck.