Toothy Critter Success Thread, Part II - 2015

acristickid wrote:
Floated the lower Yough yesterday for Musky. Expectations for success were low but can't catch unless you try. Little tiring throwing big flies in breezy conditions.

Saw two fish though which I didn't expect. Lying in bigger , deeper pools. That was pretty neat to see. Oh well, putting in the time.

Good to hear - just seeing muskies is motivating (I checked several favorite pools that I'm familiar with recently and saw zero).

The toothy folks have been low key this summer and fall. This time of year is a good time for river muskie fishing and happens about the time that river bass fishing is shifting into low gear. Hopefully, we'll see some pike or muskie pics soon.
In the last month ive got two. One was with Afishinado and another was a solo trip on a local lake. Hope to get out soon.
codym21 wrote:
In the last month ive got two. One was with Afishinado and another was a solo trip on a local lake. Hope to get out soon.

Cody did a great job on the toothies. I know he's down on the OBX right now fishing for the toothless ones, but maybe he post some pics when he returns.
I haven't had as much time this year to chase toothies as would have liked. My daughter is 8 and has gotten into fly fishing so I'm spending time fishing with her.

She did get her first fly rod pike. Well I cast the fly and she strips it in. She had two eats yesterday. She lost the first fish then sealed the deal on this one. I couldn't get her to hold it and had to improvise for a picture But the fish was released and swam away.
afishinado wrote:
codym21 wrote:
In the last month ive got two. One was with Afishinado and another was a solo trip on a local lake. Hope to get out soon.

Cody did a great job on the toothies. I know he's down on the OBX right now fishing for the toothless ones, but maybe he post some pics when he returns.

Come on Afish, we all know he was using live suckers as bait.
I haven't had as much time this year to chase toothies as would have liked. My daughter is 8 and has gotten into fly fishing so I'm spending time fishing with her.

She did get her first fly rod pike. Well I cast the fly and she strips it in. She had two eats yesterday. She lost the first fish then sealed the deal on this one. I couldn't get her to hold it and had to improvise for a picture But the fish was released and swam away.

What a great picture - love it!
Bosshog wrote:
afishinado wrote:
codym21 wrote:
In the last month ive got two. One was with Afishinado and another was a solo trip on a local lake. Hope to get out soon.

Cody did a great job on the toothies. I know he's down on the OBX right now fishing for the toothless ones, but maybe he post some pics when he returns.

Come on Afish, we all know he was using live suckers as bait.

A sucker would scare it away!....he caught it on a pink weenie...

(How's the fishing in Miami, Dan?)



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After 8 months filled with follows, grabs, refusals, sore hands, adrenaline rushes, doubts, endless casting, fly tying, musky dreams, and time on the water, it finally all came together on Sunday. You can go through the motions one day and feel like a musky charmer. Go through the same motions then try everything else you know the next time, and you can feel like a musky jester (they relax and watch you for entertainment).

I have a couple great mentors in the musky game, and of course am soaking up information from anywhere I can, but I'm quite new to this faction of fly fishing. Until we start cracking some serious musky codes, I know I will be paying my dues for the next one. And that's ok, because plenty of other events happen on the river even when the muskies don't feel like playing. For example, there are other fish around that will also find 11" musky flies tasty :-D (by-catches below caught on a black 11" musky fly). Another benefit is the practice and resulting abilities you gain from the ridiculous amount of time casting a 10+wt rod with a large, air-resistant fly. Besides the concrete positives, every trip to the water is a new experience to learn from and enjoy. This is true for any kind of fly fishing though, as we all know.



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Very well done Lutz!
And good points about how muskie fishing improves and broadens one's understanding of fly fishing

It's great to see the toothy thread come back to life.

Yes, you can hook some interesting big river fish on muskie flies, esp smallmouth bass. Big walleyes and even brown trout will take a swipe at a ten inch long muskie lure or fly too from time to time. Even rock bass that are literally smaller than the fly will sometimes bite one. Back in my days throwing hardware for muskies in MN, we caught large numbers of pike too and some days this kept us happy when no muskies were in sight.

The cattie is interesting. I get lots of catties on bass flies but don't recall ever getting one on a muskie fly. However, considering the size of that cat, it doesn't surprise me.

Awesome job man, way to stick with it. These fish always have us on the edge of entering into an asylum or weak kneed from seeing or landing one of these beasts. Thats what keeps us coming back for more and learning all that we can. Congrats man on a great catch.

Put in 11 hours on the water this past Sunday. We were using conventional gear when it got breezy, but I was throwing flies when we got behind wind breaks. During one particularly calm moment when the surface ripple dissipated I was able to watch my fly particularly well. I noticed I had a slow follow from what appeared to be a 30"ish tiger who sunk back to the depths as I started my figure 8. Thats my first follow on the fly (that I know of). We had 7 total follows on the day where the rest were on conventional gear.
Gotta give the little toothies some love.

After numerous failed attempts I was finally able to scratch grass pickerel off of my life-list over the summer. Got a couple out of a small, weedy, natural lake in Ohio. Also got a chain pickerel out of a small northwestern PA stream/swamp that I fish for northern pike at......and that same week my brother pulled a little grass pickerel out of it as well. First we've seen from that watershed. Cool little critters....

This winter has bin ideal for musky fishing. My daughter got out with me Wednesday for a couple hours. Got two good eats and landed one. I set the hook and tried to hand the rod to my daughter. Let's just say she was a little rattled when she saw the fish. I didn't get a tape on it but a musky on the fly in December I'll take it.

Lutz- missed your post bud. Still an awesome fish. When I get back from FL I'll post up the pickerel lol
This winter has bin ideal for musky fishing.

Wow - nice tiger PF!
Your daughter is likely to get the toothy bug at a young age.

This winter has indeed been good on the rivers as the last two winters were nearly a total loss with frozen conditions. Old time PA river muskie guys have always like the winter months and, so far, this winter has been ideal.
In no way am I comparing this little guy to the beasts being posted here but thought you guys would get a kick out of this. My only toothy critter of 2015 - small chain pickerel, from Scott's Run Lake on Black Friday. Was fishing with Lutz, we were actually targeting the pickerel for a change of pace. This was my only fish but he ended up with 3 nice stocked brook trout. We were both outdone by a lady tossing crankbaits from a kayak who caught a 3 lb bass and a really nice pickerel.


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Nice fish Paco, I got out on Sunday and got a small tiger around 30 and missed a nice fish.
Sarce-cool looking fish as well
What sinking line can you guys recommend?
I have to replace due to a splitting sheath on my intermediate 9# line and now I'm open to options.
I'm thinking something around a 300gr sinking line.
The fish I targeted last weekend were all deep deep deep and I switched to hucking bulldogs on conventional gear.
For a 9 weight I'd go 300-350.

You can find the SA streamer express lines on sale right now.