Toothy Critter Success Thread, Part II - 2015

Got my first musky ever last weekend. Exciting to say the least. I've officially got the bug now.

Got him on this fly. Simple but apparently effective.
AWESOME fish man, congrats!!! Welcome to the addiction. And as you found out, a lot of times, it doesn't take a fly that takes forever to tie to get em to eat. I'm a believer of just getting something in their face. If they are ready to eat, set that hook and hold on. Nice job!!

CPRASAP wrote:
AWESOME fish man, congrats!!! Welcome to the addiction. And as you found out, a lot of times, it doesn't take a fly that takes forever to tie to get em to eat. I'm a believer of just getting something in their face. If they are ready to eat, set that hook and hold on. Nice job!!


Thanks Jay. It seemed that all the "stars aligned" that day. We had just had a full moon and I was right in the middle of the prime feeding time. It was an awesome fight. He spun my canoe around atleast twice and took me for a ride around the creek. Can't wait to get back at it.
Great job! I also learned yesterday that when they're in "feeding mode", it doesn't take much to get them to strike! A simple Clouser or Deceiver works just fine.

Marburg is HHHHHOTTT right now!
LOL Thats fantastic!! You gotta love it when everything comes together like that. Do you carry a GoPro or any type of video camera?? Just curious, cause I bet that was a hoot seeing you get pulled around the water. I just started carrying a GoPro over the last season or so, and really dig some of the videos I've been able to get.

Anyhow, sounds like an experience you won't soon forget and you made me realize how bad I need to get back out on the hunt!!!! Keep it going man, hit em while they are hot!


You got that right. It always amazes me at what they are willing to attack sometimes. And, that is one beast of a fish in that link!!
I'm not preaching I know something can't be helped. But that 49 at Marburg probably didn't survive. A 30 min fight for a 50 inch class fish. That's a lotta lactic acid build up. Muskies mortality rate from catches and extended light gear fights is not high. Which some fish swim for 72 hours after release before falling because "stress".

The guys here On the board I just would like to stress the proper catch and release, its not like trout. Dealing with these fish there's alotta weight and mass that's not meant to be supported upright. The teeth and rakers to deal with while unhooking. Its a track meet for me and my fishing buddies to get one unhooked and released once one hits the net.

Just try to limit fight times and handling. These fish are big and bad but are very easily stressed and fragile when it comes to handling and trauma. Muskies Inc had some great guides on safe CPR (catch photograph release) on line.
I couldn't agree more on the things you mentioned. I'm a member of the "Fishing Lake Marburg" Facebook page and people often post up "incidental" pics of musky caught, holding them vertically. Those in the know hop on and correct them, but the "damage" is already done at that point. My general impression is that people don't know what to do with them once they get them landed. Heck I even saw a pic of a guy holding one vertically with needle nosed pliers!

Yep education is the key. I'm not being a hypocrite. I see it a lot. It's a big holy #censor# moment even a small one for most anglers. They're a very old fish and it takes along time to replace a 3fter or let alone even a 50 inch class of fish. As 50 can be 12 to 15 years old. People fishing a lake or river with muskys in it they got to learn and have to tools for a proper release.
There are three very active Muskies Inc chapters in Pa if anyone is interested in getting involved with musky conservation.
CPRASAP wrote:
LOL Thats fantastic!! You gotta love it when everything comes together like that. Do you carry a GoPro or any type of video camera?? Just curious, cause I bet that was a hoot seeing you get pulled around the water. I just started carrying a GoPro over the last season or so, and really dig some of the videos I've been able to get.

Anyhow, sounds like an experience you won't soon forget and you made me realize how bad I need to get back out on the hunt!!!! Keep it going man, hit em while they are hot!

Funny you ask that. I got a go pro last year and I got a chest mount to go along with it. I've worn it on the three trips out before this and got the skunk each time. I thought it was bad luck and didn't wear it on the trip I got that fish. Luckily my buddy caught most of the fight, landing and release on his. The whole thing only lasted 3 or 4 minutes tops. Felt like an eternity though.
Good tips on the handling issue - muskies are a bit more fragile than they look.

At Marburg in the springtime it is not unusual to see some huge muskies caught by bass fishermen pounding the shoreline. Some years ago there was a 53" caught by a shore fishermen and kept. Many of these huge, incidental muskie catches by bass fishermen are kept. I certainly don't condemn anyone keeping a legal muskie (it's a fish of a lifetime for many bass guys or casual anglers and most of these giants probably aren't spawning in this part of PA) but folks just don't understand how long it takes for a fish to get to these sizes (Ditto with big river SMBs but that's a different thread).
So kudos to the kid for releasing the fish. Thankfully, by summer, these big Marburg muskies will tend to be deep. That puts them largely out of range for us FF guys...but it also gets them away from bass guys who may keep 'em too.
I'm heading up to Southern Ontario for our annual spring trip over memorial weekend And I want to take the fly rod along this year. Do you guys have any recommendations on flies and also where to get them? I am outside of harrisburg but also travel to eastern pa as well. Thanks!

Oh man, I know exactly what you are talking about with the GoPro feeling like a curse early on. I ran into the same issue. Just seemed like fish wouldn't come within a mile of my flies when I had it with me. I initially just had it in the boat with me and would grab it just to film the release. Then, I started wearing the head mount and after a while, I'd forget all about it. As long as I remember to turn the thing on, I've been able to get some decent footage.

Like you said, they tend to be quick battles, but it sure seems a lot longer. I definitely tend to rewatch the vids (even just the release ones) way more than checking out the pics I've taken in years past. Its just pretty cool to see the whole situation in motion. I use that as kind of a fish/conditions log too. Its a great resource.

Anyhow, good luck. Hope the bite stays hot for you guys.

I just picked up a 10wt rod and reel to start for toothy critters, was looking for a little advice on the leaders and line. I did read the whole other post and just wanted to check on a few things.

First of I will probably be getting Rio Pike/Musky line, any options that are better or is this a solid choice?

Also for the leader, I want to use 25 pound line attached to my fly line for a break point and then 60? or 80 pound floro attached to that. Is it best to attach them all by loops or to nail knot them? And from what I read go with floro over wire

I believe thats all my questions for now. Thanks dudes
Kill3ducks1deer wrote:
I just picked up a 10wt rod and reel to start for toothy critters, was looking for a little advice on the leaders and line. I did read the whole other post and just wanted to check on a few things.

First of I will probably be getting Rio Pike/Musky line, any options that are better or is this a solid choice?

Also for the leader, I want to use 25 pound line attached to my fly line for a break point and then 60? or 80 pound floro attached to that. Is it best to attach them all by loops or to nail knot them? And from what I read go with floro over wire

I believe thats all my questions for now. Thanks dudes

That will work. You'll get different opinions. Lots of toothy guys use flouro but TD55 and some of our hard core muskie anglers have had mixed results with flouro including (rare) bite offs.

Whatever knots etc you use, make sure they are solid and hooks are sharp.
My leaders are simple. 3 ft of 40 pound flouro nail knotted to the flyline with a small nonslip mono loop on end. I hand shake that to a piece of notable wire with a monolop tyed one end and the other is a quality snap.

I like the 30 pound tiger wire. And for snaps I use the sea striker quick snaps in the 40 pound sz.
Floated the lower Yough yesterday for Musky. Expectations for success were low but can't catch unless you try. Little tiring throwing big flies in breezy conditions.

Saw two fish though which I didn't expect. Lying in bigger , deeper pools. That was pretty neat to see. Oh well, putting in the time.