Tohickon (sic?)

Here Goes,
The tohickon is 90% private although most allow fishing...the dam is owned by the army corp. of idiots...We all know how they screw things was built for flood control...they open the bottom gates twice a year to test them..of course this scours the stream..mean time the yakers get to float cause the corp decide to do this for a whole weekend for them..if they let out a mininum release all year they wouldnt have their playground...what needs to be done is all the intersted people getogether and yell FOUL..for one it is hurting the ecosystem in the creek...push your local tu's to get on this...then maybe state fought for it for years i'm tired..write the gov....some of the land owners would like to see a trout fishery tooo. the dam is a surface release the rest of the years...all they would have to do is crack the bottom valve a slight bit and the stream would be fantastic....there are some springs along the crrek with trout all year, goto hike to find though...
well said my friend. well said. so i dont see how crakin a valve slightly will make money go to other places. just imagine, if they made this a tailrace fishery then it could support fish year round. the wilds in the smaller creeks would eventually utilize this bigger freestone stream and as we all know tailraces are often very fertile, probably some great hatches! im going to write and talk to tu members on this. like we said, we need more year round fisheries here in the sepa region.
JackM wrote:
LehighRegular, I think you should run for Governor of Pennsylvania so you could use your influence to divert tax dollars from silly things like roads, bridges, poverty relief, law enforcement and such and direct it instead to improving trout fishing for us fly anglers. If you need help with the campaign out West, I personally know a half-dozen or more fly anglers that will probably help put up signs or even hold a rally for you. :-o

I think this is a rude, insulting post, and that should be deleted. Jack, you're a moderator, could you take care of that? :)
See, I put a smiley at the end, so it's OK. :)
Beautiful stream and surroundings. If I lived near there I'd go even if there were no fish.
troutbert wrote:

I think this is a rude, insulting post, and that should be deleted. Jack, you're a moderator, could you take care of that? :)
See, I put a smiley at the end, so it's OK. :)

If I thought it was inappropriate, I'd not have posted it. I have been censored by the other mods in the past and if they think it is over the line, they can cut it. My moderating style is different from theirs and I favor a more liberal allowance of the use of rhetorical flair in the making of points for discussion.