The Spotburning Thread

What's funny is, I sifted through a few pages of stream reports and most if not all of the streams posted are well-known streams. I don't see a lot of "secret" spots being given away in the stream reports section. These are all streams that are known fishing spots, stocked streams (for the most part), and not a secret by any stretch of the imagination.
Wg, you are missing the point. The letort is famous and well known but what do you think will happen if a stream report gets posted that says between 1pm and 3pm today I was fishing the stretch just below the old abandon rr bridge at bonney brook when a massive bwo hatch happened bringing dozens of trout to the top. I ended up hooking 12 including one pig that went 22". Also missed one that went about 25". What a day.

To hide behind the excuse and say the letort is hardly unknown is a cope out for posting a glory report to show the world how great you are. That type of report shows zero respect for the trout and has the strong potential to attract fishermen with evil intent or an onslaught of fishermen and one idiot on the letort can easily ruin fishing on 500 yards of stream for everyone.

Now if you say i fished the letort today and experienced a good bwo hatch bringing some fish to the top, had a good day for the letort and caught a few, that report says the same thing without spoon feeding info that will cause others who otherwise would not have gone to possibly go. The first stream report specifically narrows down that there is a 22" and 25" wild brown in a certain stretch of water and you have no idea who is reading that and what their intentions are. Too many people assume only law abiding sportsmen read these postings on this site because it is paflyfish but the reality is that is probably not the case.


If I'm following your logic.... a stream report that claims to have encountered an "EPIC Hendrickson hatch and killer day of fishing" should result in a group of spinning rod poachers lingering aroud that stream the following day.

If I were to post "it was a nice day with some insects hatching", the poachers wouldn't show up, right?

So, I should be able to say "no hatches noted, water conditions were off color, took 4 fish between 22 & 26" in Fox's Meadow on a Olive Sculpin. Will poachers show or not? I didn't note any great hatches which always attract spin fishers nor did I say I had a great day of fishing. I just reported the facts. BTW, if you don't think poachers know where the big fish are, you're wrong. I'm guessing they catch more big ones in a year than most of us do in a lifetime. They're just scumbags for stealing fish / breaking the law.

Just a thought, but up until this thread I almost never look at the stream reports and none of them make me want to jump in my car and go fishing tomorrow.
Now that's funny. Well done.
caveman wrote:
Just a thought, but up until this thread I almost never look at the stream reports and none of them make me want to jump in my car and go fishing tomorrow.

No, but you're not Bubba Baitchucker with a 6' spinning rod, Power Bait, stringer on the hip, and can of Pabst either. You know, those guys want to know what's hatching too!

Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me... :-D
dkile wrote:
I declare victory. The horse is has been beaten beyond recognition!
Agree. I can't even tell what color the horse was....What's next? This topic to go viral on the web? 21 pages and counting.
I actually love to have a spin fisherman attack a hole before I move in. Call me nuts, but that's fine, I am!

Try it sometime, you might like it!
309 posts.. 8915 views. Bottom line if ya dont want people to know about it. Dont post it. You cant control what other people write on the net. So dont worry about it. lets get on to somehting more productive...HUH.
Krayfish, you make some valid points but how do the poachers get to know where the big fish are? Is the a secret that points out locations or a secret society that shares info? The point is therevare a lot of lazy people out there and pin pointing something in a public forum may tell them something they did not know or would not otherwise have thought of doing. I believe there are pro poachers who are seasoned poachers and they do not need this forum or anyone's help in finding large fish and then there are the weekend warrior poachers who go for the easy pickings. I've seen those kinds, generally it's more than just one. They show up and pound an area for 30min and off they go. Witnessed that several times at a lv stream which coincidently happen after that particular stream was noted several times on this forum and someone so cleverly pointed out the location of several large browns that were hidden in plain sight. Those trout were gone within a week and they had been in that area for 2 years and never moved so it is very strange they would move on their own and more than likely they were poached.
Paco Said

309 posts.. 8915 views. Bottom line if ya dont want people to know about it. Dont post it. You cant control what other people write on the net. So dont worry about it. lets get on to somehting more productive...HUH

I forgot to mention this is insanity at its finest! How can either side win?........think about that...

With that being said this is all a waste of energy!
Someone, anyone..........please lock this thing down..........So I won't read any more of it.................Thanks :0
what's sad is the number of trip reports, whether braggert garbarge or not, has declined dramatically on this board. I for one have quit posting them because of the negativity sometimes involved~ not even on the spot burning aspect...

the hero shots are a little much, but what about the good stuff we are missing because of ppl afraid to post tr's?

off to the drake I go in search of quality reading that hasn't be rehashed by the same heads.
another day of watching a dead horse get beat....well, maybe....yall have stopped beating the dead horse and are now looking at the stick you are using and the horse....or whats left of it...
Still 22 pages and counting...
Hope they start stocking....some of ya need to get outside and blow off some steam.
Back to the GI system and systemic diseases thereof...Nursing school stinks.
You guys are killing me. (actually laughing right now)

Someone pickup the bloody mess of whatever that carcass is on the side of road and bury it for the love of God.

We are not gonna change anyone's view at this point. Everyone reading this post please raise your right hand and repeat after me-
I am am comforted in knowing that I am undoubtedly correct...again.

And your are!

Now let's go back to discussing cougars and bigfoots sightings, which are tradition February conversations.