The Spirit of the Fly Tying Forum



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Fellow fly tyers,

The Fly Tying Forum on PaFlyfish is intended to foster a shared knowledge and experience to make those that tie more productive and generate flys that are more productive. The recent concerns over commercial interests within the forum will not be tolerated, Likewise, neither will name calling and personal attacks or general board member moderation.

While certainly some recent posts have been suspect of violating board rules, the community has stepped beyond the bounds of good manners while we have been evaluating the situation.

I would respectfully ask that those with commercial interests use caution when posting and restraint to not overwhelm the board with posts. And we ask that the community be more tolerant and respectful of the moderators and owners wishes to allow us to moderate and serve sanctions should they be necessary.

The fact that PAFlyfish allows commercial interests to participate within the forums without financial compensation for their presence is a gift and should be reciprocated with the same courtesy extended to those being gifted.

Please help to keep this Forum a quality one by exhibiting self restraint through your posting and criticism of those that do post.

If you have a problem with something that is going on here, please express it to the moderators and refrain from engaging the alleged offender.

