Taking my sister fishing.



Jan 22, 2007
I come from a big family (two biological brothers, one adopted brother, and four adopted sisters). My youngest sister, who is attending art school in Philly, asked me to take her fly fishing. I blinked a few times, she's very urban, and agreed to take her out on the Wissahickon.

She took to casting like a, wait for it, fish to water. With five minutes on the water she was casting passable loops. I told her that she probably wouldn't catch anything, but she might as well try casting with a hook on the line. I had already tied on one of those mysterious foam flies Orvis includes in their "50 flies we can't sell for $20" deals, and I went over to give her one. As we swapped rods so I could tie on her fly, a sunny nailed the fly. I talked her through landing it, and showed her how to unhook and release the fish.

She caught another five fish, all small but exciting. We switched to stimulators after noticing that the fish couldn't get their mouths around the blue foam monstrosities. For me, the highpoint was seeing her overcome her girlie-girl tendencies and release her own fish.

Her last fish was the most memorable. A blue heron had watched her fish for about 45 minutes, and had ignored a sunny she tossed it. We were about to pack it in when she hooked a fish about 15 feet out. As she pulled the fish to the surface, the heron charged her, flairing its wings. It quickly nailed and broke of the fish, then retreated to swallow, fly and all.

I hope the heron is alright, and I'm looking forward to fishing with her again.
thats a hell of a first trip.
no do Heron have to be hooked in the lip to be considered fair hooked :-o
Nice story, Ian. Sounds like a fun time, and sounds like you've got a great new fishing buddy.