Tactics… if you’re catching fish is it wrong? 😊

Even under the toughest of conditions like wind, high water, low water I still fly-fish. Under those conditions I don't reach for a spin rod, because the only way one learn to fly-fish when things are tough is to get out there and try. I just take it on the chin if I fail to catch any or many fish and hopefully learn something and try again tomorrow. If you open up your eyes and learn something each time out you will move forward in the sport and will never really fail at all, you've actually won!
The only respectable way to catch trout is by catching them on dry flies. Everyone knows that.

Everyone one else is, well, wrong.

This is the way.
Apparently, the only thing I've learned over the last 30+ years is that a passable dry fly drift is always better than a technically perfect dry fly cast... that and don't break the law.
Nothing better than old men grousing about frivolous topics.

Get out, fish, and enjoy thyself.
I'll be out tomorrow, Thurs, Sat, Sun, feel free to drop in any time.
Get out, fish, and enjoy thyself.

But only if conditions have been confirmed to be absolutely perfect for trout survival on the date of fishing by a biologist with at least a bachelors in freshwater fisheries science, you are fishing on public land with at least one form of written, certified confirmation from a local LEO, you fish with barbless hooks no bigger than size 14, and you stop fishing after hooking exactly one fish (which you genuinely didn't really care if you did anyway because catching fish isn't just a bonus, it should be a totally unexpected and rare side effect of fishing).

Otherwise yeah have at it. just remember that we're all watching you.
...and if you toss streamers, you're a not fly fishing, but it's totally cool to tie on a swimbait to your favorite baitcaster and give it toss (essentially the same thing as fly fishing with a streamer). "rEspEcT aLl fIsHiNg".
Don't know if I could chum it with the plunkers, kinda kills the vibe.
I do trips with a couple of buddies. Go fishing, bust balls, drink beer around the camp fire. Rinse and repeat. More about camaraderie than what style of fishing you do. We have a boatload of fun. That’s what it’s about for me.
Nope he probably is fine with 60 cutts a day on dry dropper but if its 20 browns in a spring creek its the biggest issue in “conservation” according to this guy.
What basis do you have for these statements?
What basis do you have for these statements?
He demonizes euro nymphing and not dry dropper fishing in his podcasts and articles and talks about tailwaters full of non-natives as critical to “conservation”.
Again, everyone is entitled to fish how they want to, as long as it is legal. I think for me part of why I fly fish is to escape the mere concept of spin fishing as a whole, but that's just me. I must confess, that this past Tuesday I touched a spin rod and was fishing with an individual implementing conventional (baitfishing) techniques for carp. A spin rod was handed to me and I wasn't feeling too officious to turn it down (it already had a carp on the line, which I broke off in under a minute thankfully). I will say for the record that I had no desire to fish this way and would never implement this tactic myself, I just wasn't going to reveal my snobby nature at that particular time.
He demonizes euro nymphing and not dry dropper fishing in his podcasts and articles and talks about tailwaters full of non-natives as critical to “conservation”.

I've listened to every one of his podcasts.... he's never said non-natives.

He demonizes nymphing people and you demonize non-native brown trout. According to the rules, it's a push.
Moderation in all things.

(Just don't overdo it.)
I've listened to every one of his podcasts.... he's never said non-natives.

He demonizes nymphing people and you demonize non-native brown trout. According to the rules, it's a push.
He absolutely has mentioned them and if by me “demonizing” brown trout you mean taking peer reviewed evidence of their harms to ecosystem’s then i guess Dr’s “demonized” cocaine and heroin too. deeter is spewing non fact based personally biased crap based on his perceptions not directives from the scientific community.
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Dr's always over react to health problems that is why health insurance coast increase year after year, Most prescribe drugs or procedures that are unnecessary and costly. Drs are the segment in health care that do not want universal heath care and fight with special interests adamantly against it while it would save Americans millions in health premiums.
I have fished for trout with corn, worms, paste baits, and bread while helping a child to learn to fish this year and I have independently fished for trout with spinners, stick baits, nymphs, and dry flies so far.
Try garlic bologna sometime - seriously. Especially if you ice fish.
I read the article. I don't think he demonized Euro Nymphing. I also don't think he made a direct jab at the style other than giving his opinion that, for him, it didn't give the full effect of what a day of fly fishing for trout should be. In fact, read the quote below:

"I think Euro nymphing is kinda fun. It’s interesting on some levels. I think it’s worth checking out and learning how to do. If you want to be a “complete angler” you should have all the tricks in your bag."

That's from the article. He advocated putting the tool in your tool belt for goodness sakes.....

The point of his article (to me) was this: a day fly fishing is about more than the numbers of trout caught, it's more than just dredging heavy nymphs along the river bottom because it's the most effective way to haul trout in. It is about the experience, being in nature, breathing the smells, observing the bugs, deciphering a rise. It's about a level of spirituality received while really being present in the moment. That's what I think that article was about.

Now, regarding Kirk Deeter I didn't even know who he was until Fish Sticks made a comment months ago in another thread and I looked him up. I also am not familiar with his works or themes or whatever. Frankly, I don't care. I just go fishing and try to enjoy myself and learn every time I'm out.

Fish how you want and have fun.. If Euro Nymphing gets you that spiritual boost, then so be it.
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I'll be honest, no idea who he is and if you would mention his name, my guess would have been former major league pitcher or the only guy to ever knock mad dog Mike Curtis out of the game