Tactics… if you’re catching fish is it wrong? 😊

I fished with a group of guys years ago from this forum. One was JayL and Don Thompson. Jay moved to Montana. Don and I still fish here and there every couple years. The guys I fish with the most are spin fisherman. I like to fly fish. I enjoy the company of anyone who likes to fish as long as it’s ethical.
Come on Deeter. They are not Crappie Jigs ..... they are ice fishing jigs.
Who the he** is Kirk deeter?

Re his opinion of tight line nymphing - as a famous man once said "Frankly Scarlet,....."
The invasive brown and rainbow trout in the Madison are downstream of a man made cold water source and are there to be caught they sure as heck ain’t there for the ecosystem or conservation.

All this time I never knew that Old Faithful was a man made cold water source of the Madison River. The same as I thought that Quake Lake on the Madison was caused by the 1959 Earthquake. Thanks for correcting those misunderstandings.

Nonetheless, I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed catching every one of many beautiful browns and rainbows in the Madison River over the years. As have ten of thousands of other anglers. Some of us gain an appreciation of our ecosystem and strive to conserve our natural resources by being able to see and catch those trout in streams and rivers wherever they may be.
Tactics are a matter of preference, just like pretty much anything in fly fishing and really fishing in general. There isn't a right or wrong way, so long as you are following fishing regulations and if you do plan on practicing catch & release, taking care of the fish.

For myself, instead of focusing on tactic I adapt to water conditions and start with the tactic I think will work best and adjust as needed.
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The question is, would KD or any other anti-EN be able to restrain themselves if they were catching fish one after another on dries? Probably not. By their logic they should stop after a few fish because they're being too darn effective and isn't that the problem?
I just encourage people to fish. I don’t care what legal technique they use. This obsession with how other people fish and “right or wrong” ways to fish is, in my experience, unique to a segment of the fly fishing community.

I have fished for trout with corn, worms, paste baits, and bread while helping a child to learn to fish this year and I have independently fished for trout with spinners, stick baits, nymphs, and dry flies so far. In a few weeks I plan to be night wet fly fishing. Catching too many fish has never crossed my mind with the exception of stepping aside to give another angler a shot at them.
The question is, would KD or any other anti-EN be able to restrain themselves if they were catching fish one after another on dries? Probably not. By their logic they should stop after a few fish because they're being too darn effective and isn't that the problem?
Nope he probably is fine with 60 cutts a day on dry dropper but if its 20 browns in a spring creek its the biggest issue in “conservation” according to this guy. Like you pointed out if you catch and release 20 trout in a tailout at spinner fall is that just as fair grounds for looking down upon that angler?
Don't know if I could chum it with the plunkers, kinda kills the vibe.
There’s really no difference between throwing a spinner or spoon or chucking a big streamer. That’s why so many guys love streamer fishing bc it’s easy 😂

And as far as gear for WW fishing goes, I still think people who use fly tackle to throw “sink tip” lines to SMB should just go to cabelas and buy an ugly stick.
Catching too many fish has never crossed my mind with the exception of stepping aside to give another angler a shot at them.
I enjoy helping friends who can't read water get into fish. It's more enjoyable for me to get others into fish. This isn't out of good will, I just want to see how I can live vicariously through someone else and get them to replicate what I do.
I just encourage people to fish. I don’t care what legal technique they use. This obsession with how other people fish and “right or wrong” ways to fish is, in my experience, unique to a segment of the fly fishing community.

I have fished for trout with corn, worms, paste baits, and bread while helping a child to learn to fish this year and I have independently fished for trout with spinners, stick baits, nymphs, and dry flies so far. In a few weeks I plan to be night wet fly fishing. Catching too many fish has never crossed my mind with the exception of stepping aside to give another angler a shot at them.
When I hunted, my passion was bow hunting. Certainly not the best or easiest way to fill your deer tag but I had a ball doing it. I fletched my own arrows and practiced almost every day in the fall, tweaked my bow and equipment, climbed trees and waited hours up there for a deer to come into range. I did hunt with a cam bow, and yeah, some guys would say me using a cam bow was cheating, a recurve or long bow is "real" bow hinting. It all a matter of degree and it all comes down to what you find to be the most fun.

I now only fly-fish because I find it to be the most fun and a challenge. Tying my own flies, making my own leaders and even wrapping a few of my own rods on occasion.

I have nothing against spin fishing; hell I've caught many thousands of fish with spin and bait casting tackle back in the day. I know at times I can catch more using a spin rod and lures or bait, but just catching as many fish as possible is never my goal.

Going out to the stream or river or lake and catching fish on my flies and tackle is what I really enjoy. Even under the toughest of conditions like wind, high water, low water I still fly-fish. Under those conditions I don't reach for a spin rod, because the only way one learn to fly-fish when things are tough is to get out there and try. I just take it on the chin if I fail to catch any or many fish and hopefully learn something and try again tomorrow. If you open up your eyes and learn something each time out you will move forward in the sport and will never really fail at all, you've actually won!

Enjoying what you do, isn't that what it's all about?....or should be, anyway. It's all about having fun by meeting the challenge of the sport (but never really succeeding ) yet certainly not just about reeling in a bunch of fish.
The only respectable way to catch trout is by catching them on dry flies. Everyone knows that.

Everyone one else is, well, wrong.

There’s really no difference between throwing a spinner or spoon or chucking a big streamer. That’s why so many guys love streamer fishing bc it’s easy 😂

And as far as gear for WW fishing goes, I still think people who use fly tackle to throw “sink tip” lines to SMB should just go to cabelas and buy an ugly stick.
^This is what fentanyl does to the brain folks...