Stoney Creek



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I am not sure what to think of this.

River becoming state's first whitewater park
Monday, July 30, 2007

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A 300-yard section of the Stonycreek River near Johnstown will be turned into a playground for tubers, rafters, kayakers and swimmers as early as this fall.

On Friday, workers began unloading 1,000 tons of boulders into the river to create Pennsylvania's first whitewater park. The stones will be strategically placed to create waves even during low flows.

"To see those stones moving and being piled, it's hard to describe," said Mike Quinn, facilitator for the Conemaugh Valley Conservancy.

The project, paid for by several grants, will cost nearly $600,000. Grand opening is scheduled for next spring.
And DEP approved this?

I don't know either...maybe they figure if more people use that river, it get better care...I haven't fished it much but I'd still lie to know exactly where.
I imagine that section of Stoney is a low quality fishery. The times I fished Stoney, the further down stream you go the worse it gets and I was only around rt 30. I hope that they are not talking about the "narrows" . And even if they are will it preclude people from fishing it?

I personally think its a good idea. Turning lemons into lemonaid.

If I was the governor I would make all of the unclaimed slate dump and coal tipple piles Off Road Vehicle parks. The only better riding I can think of as far as terrain goes is MOAB.

PA needs more of this eco tourism stuff!!! This state has alot to offer and none of it is publicized.
I have to believe it is close to Johnstown. Stoney Creek could be awesome but the acid mine runoff is prolific. You would not catch me playing around in that filth. STUPID! The tourism, ahem " the money" would come naturally if they spent the money to clean up the mess that a century of unchecked mining has left. Gotta love those beautiful orange waters!