Stocktoberfest Who Is In?

count me in..I live about 1 mile from it.
Well Fade did you find out yet ?
Will post definitive info tomorrow. Suffice it to say it will be Ridley. Fred and I have a plan.
fadeaway263 wrote:
October is a map of the park

Links dead.

I am trying my best to move something around to get out there.
I am a maybe at this point. Too many question marks as of now. If I'm around, I will be attending oktoberfest at stoudts that evening, so may stop by if it fits into my travel plans.
Rumor is Dkile is trying to make an appearance. We in SEPA would be honored.
OK Here is the definitive Plan. Saturday October 15th 9:00AM at Ridley Creek located in Ridley Creek State Park. We will gather in the lower left corner area of the Colonial Plantation parking lot. To get to the parking lot take Sandy Flash Drive N off of Gradyville Road. Proceed .6 miles along Sandy Flash and the parking lot will be on your left. There is a park sign that tells you that you have reached the Colonial Plantation parking lot. As you are facing the left rear corner of the parking lot Fisherman's Trail can be accessed from the left hand side of the parking lot. Just take the trail down to the creek. Here is the link to the park map:

The GPS setting for the lower left corner of the parking lot is Lat. 39 Degs 57 ft. 49 in. N Long. 75 Degs 26 ft. 53 in. W

I will have Donuts coffee and Penny Lane with me again this year [Big Dog in my avatar]. Frederick will see if the Sporting Gentleman in Media will open early as the shop has special flies for Ridley Creek. Fred will accompany any of you that wish to fish the FFO stretch which is about a 10 minute car ride from Colonial Plantation. As I mentioned Dkile may attend but he has some personal business that may prevent his attending. Please PM me or post if attending. Fade.
PS PM me if you want my cell #
oops,i apologize.i know i was one to vote for ridley.i work on saturdays,so i'm out.sorry!

maybe i'll clean up after you guys on sunday,haha
I work to but I'm calling out . There is always one of the salt Jam's
Have fun guys. Wish I could join you, but I'm moving on the 15th.
Barring health concerns (heavily pregnant wife), I will be attending, but may not stay beyond early afternoon.
Pcray...we broke up around 3PM last year.
fadeaway263 wrote:
Pcray...we broke up around 3PM last year.

What?!? No stopping at the bar to hoist a few and [d]reflect on a day of spectacular fishing?!?[/d] I'm not coming then.... :-x

Edit: Strike that. I forgot you are fishing at Ridley.... ;-)
Yessir...crawling with them:



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The beer garden at Pinocchio's is more than worth the trip IMHO the fishing is just a plus
i agree with fred...just hope penny will be ok in the jeep.
PS. The 12t 30 bucks are on me. Write off right Jack?
Fred is going to see if the Sporting Gentleman will open at 9AM. The Ridley Creek fly selection box is a good deal. Here is a link to the shop: