Stocktoberfest 2012 - Oct 20th @ White Clay Creek

I have wanted to come to this for the past two years and never made it. Maybe this is the year?
My vote goes for White Clay Creek because crowds on the Tully will be ridiculous as usual but don't count on me or plan on my account since I never make this anyway.
I am thinking Saturday the 20th at the Tully. Thoughts Please. Fade
hmm. Had a brief thought of attending morning festivities, chasing some brookies relatively nearby, and then coming back for afternoon festivities.

But on a second thought, probably not a good idea. Spawning.
Pat you just want to show off!!!
No, just haven't gotten much "real" fishing in this year. And if I'm able to actually get a day to myself for this shin dig, it'd feel like a waste to spend it at the Tully when there's so much better fishing in the area. But I'd certainly want to attend the social stuff.
OK time to get a head count started. Will I be able to bring Penny Lane with me or are dogs not allowed in the parking area?
I never noticed, Fade. Don't think it would be an issue though. Its near Blue Marsh, and people have tons of dogs in that area.

I do have to work that Saturday in the AM, but I will switch with someone, or just come after work (I get off at noon, I can be up there by 12:40pm at the latest). Count me in, either way.
Count me as a maybe. I would love to attend but it's going to be a week-of decision I think.

Which parking area? Regarding dogs, the ONLY place I think you'd be allowed is Waterworks. In most places, the bike trail generally runs the stream. The trail and the parking areas (Stonecliffe, Gring's Mill, Red Bridge, Rebers Bridge, Palisades, Stilling Basin, etc.) are all considered to be county parks where NO PETS are allowed. Likewise if you plan on using the trail to travel the stream you'd be running afoul of the law with a dog. Not saying you wouldn't get away with it, but.....

So if dogs are a requirement, you could look into Waterworks, I've seen lots of dogs there, it's on the opposite side as the trail, and the trail is pretty far away from the stream there anyway. I'm not sure if you'd want to get permission there for an event like this or what. It is a dirt/gravel lot, wooded. Private enough I suppose, but could be a muddy mess in a rain situation. It's also back a hard to find gravel/dirt road so giving directions would be a little tricky for those who aren't familiar with the Tully.

I'd add that the whole length, from the dam to the mouth is stocked on the 9th. And the lower end, below the special regs, does fish pretty well in the fall, it doesn't seem to get fished out right away like after the opener. Not saying to go there, just that it's an option.

Aside from the dog situation, I'd think Gring's Mill or Red Bridge would be nicer areas for an event like this than would Rebers, Palisades, or the Stilling Basin. Rebers, for instance, is a small lot with heavy non-fishing traffic. One or two cars, not a big deal. But if you're gonna start having upwards of a half dozen cars it's gonna be a mess with not enough parking spaces, etc. From all of them, you can fish close, or jump in the car and drive to other areas.
ah, looked backwards and saw Palisades parking area. Been trying to look deeper into the dog thing.

Regarding ownership, the union canal trail owned by the county extends from Rebers Bridge down to Stonecliffe and covers both sides of the stream. And the rules there are definitely no dogs.

However, the area of the trail upstream from Rebers, including the Palisades parking lot, is owned by the Army Corps of Engineers and LEASED to the county which allowed the upgrade to the parking area and the extension of the trail. I've been trying to find out the pets rule in these areas. The Army Corps allows them, the County Park system does not, so whichever set of rules governs the area wins.

Waterworks is owned by the Army Corps and pets are allowed.
Ok, found it, I think. The Army Corps is in charge of law enforcement at both the Rebers and the Swiftwater (Palisades) parking areas. Downstream from Rebers it's all controlled by county park system, where the no dogs rule applies.

Swiftwater and Rebers parking areas are listed as developed areas.

1. Pets shall be on a leash under 6 ft in length, or otherwise physically restrained, in all developed areas or adjacent waters.
2. Persons bringing pets into developed areas shall be responsible for removal and disposal of wastes produced.

blah, blah, blah

The waterworks parking area is also owned by the Army Corps, but NOT listed as a developed area, thus it falls under the rules of "remote areas". There's a rule against aggressive or vicious pets, but Penny Lane is a good girl and it looks like she'd be free to roam leash-free there.
We are thinking Yellow Breaches behind the Allenberry

I love Allenberry - however, they (politely) asked me to leave one day when I was fishing there with Benny. There are no signs that I'm aware of....but they don't allow dogs.
The Breeches would be awesome too! Please keep the date the same though, as I already put in a request to get that Saturday off.

I'll go anywhere w/in reason (I ain't driving to Erie, for example!)
Put it where you want. But the mroe I think on it, Waterworks on the Tully would work just fine.

It's army corps property, dogs allowed, and don't have to be leashed there. It's stocked right there, we can watch for risers while we B.S. It's relatively private, the only people there are dog walkers and fishermen. It's not a huge lot but probably big enough for us.
I like that idea. Since its right there along the stream, maybe I'll even bring my dog! We can fly fish right there w/in site of the parking, right PCray?
Yes, definitely are fishing opportunities in sight of the parking. The parking is elevated too, so it's kind of like a stadium, lol.

I'm just trying to remember how many parking spaces are there. Been a while since I've been there. It's not huge.
I bet some of us can get there early enough to "reserve it" for our gang.
I wasn't so much worried about other cars not associated with us. The issue is that it might only hold 7 or 8 vehicles total or something. One of those deals where it's not a paved lot with lines and stuff, it's just a dead end gravel road in a woods setting, with a couple of unofficial or semi-offical "pads" where 3 or 4 cars can pull off at the dead end.

With a group like this, you could, for instance, park people in and get more. You might be able to park em along the road if you can get off enough. I just don't remember in enough detail exactly what it's like. Never paid attention, because there was only ever a car or two there and it wasn't an issue.

But you can always shuttle them in from other lots. Rebers, Palisades, Stilling basin, etc. It's a short drive to all of the other lots.

And realistically, you'd have that same problem at Palisades, Rebers, or the road to nowhere as well. If you want bigger parking areas, it limits you to Grings Mill, Red Bridge, or the Stilling Basin. The former 2 are county parks, no dogs period. The Stilling basin is an army corps property as well, it's the spillway. But they list it as "improved", meaning dogs must be leashed.