Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

I'm guessing, with flip to compare to, that fish was about 50lbs... good fish flip.

Deep freeze next week my lock up some more parts of the streams. If you can get out soon I would recommend it.
flipnfly wrote:
has anyone had any luck on shrimp patterns if so what patterns and sizes ? im looking for new things to catch them on and new things to tie now that ive got the itch

Atlantic salmon style shrimp patterns or those tiny freshwater shrimp?
Those erie steelhead, on any given day, will eat almost anything.
Try Ally's shrimp or Allys cascade on #4-10 salmon hooks or Alec Jackson style hook in #5 or #7 or learn spey and dee flies if you want to get fancy boy technical.
People use freshwater mysis shrimp patterns effectively in Erie even though Lake Erie has no mysis shrimp.
I've caught fish on a small versions of River SHrimp that was posted on flyanglersonline. I think they were tied on #8 3xl streamer hooks. try different color combos.
Dano Lake Erie has hemimysis shrimp also called red shrimp which are an invasive species is why I'm asking
Hemimysis anomala
You're on your own on this one. Try a 14-12 wet fly hook and go at it. You might come up with the new hot pattern for Erie. "Flips Shrimp"?
This may explain my success on some shrimp looking Czech nymphs I tried out. Not as good as eggs or some soft hackles, but when I put them on I seemed to hook a few.
If anyone can fill me in on conditions in Ohio right now, that would be great. Heard a rumor that fishing is good out there and I'm thinking about shooting out tomorrow (Sunday)

Ended up staying in PA. Had a great day on the water with the fewest people I've ever encountered up there in some fairly popular spots.
Fished 20 mile Fri, Sat, Sun and Mon. Fishing was slowwwwww. Cold water and low flows that got worse. Fish were spooky and sluggish. Only landed 7 for the trip. Good time had by all. The Bourbon was flowing.
Considering it's December, there was quite a few fresh fish that moved up into lower Elk on Friday. Many jacks in the mix. Some Ohio looking fish, too. Good flow and color.
Which fish have clipped fins
Brown trout that PA stocks, not sure they'd spend the time to clip the one million steelhead they stock but I could be wrong.
Noticed some fresh ohio strain steelies as well the other day Dan.
Just curious: how do you guys identify the Ohio fish vs the PA fish?
MrMustard wrote:
Just curious: how do you guys identify the Ohio fish vs the PA fish?

Ohio's Little Manistee strain is a long slender torpedo with a big tail. These fish are very powerful fighters because of the build. The PA mixed strain is built like every guy I ever wrestled from PA in college...short with broad shoulders. They have a much larger girth. And while they look like tanks, they do not fight quite as well as a Little Manistee. That's not a knock on the PA what it is. I spend more time chasing PA fish than Ohio fish each year.
MrMustard wrote:
Just curious: how do you guys identify the Ohio fish vs the PA fish?

They are the ones that have the "O" right behind the pelvic fins.
Haha thanks FD, I wasn't sure if I should be looking for an "O" or a buckeye.

I am planning on hitting the tribs more in the late winter/early spring. Hopefully I'll be running into a few of the Little Manistee strain fish. I have read in other places they tend to be the better fighters of the two as well.
Awesome question on the Ohio fish. I was wondering the same. Does anybody have any good pictures that kind of display that bigger tail and the body shape? I am pretty familiar with what you say about the girth and broad look of the PA fish since I have fished for them quite a bit. I might be able to tell right away if you show us those Ohio fish. Maybe we can have an ID contest!