Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

Tough day today. Fished Elk, upper Walnut, and swung by Conneaut on the way home and and had a whopping total of 3 hook-ups, and only one of which resulted in a catch. Creeks had a nice flow but were very clear. Overall a nice day on the water....better than sitting at home or shopping.


Nice fish streamer. I ended up going today as well with the exact same stat line. Was on elk all day
Beautiful photos streamerguy
Pics make me wish I was there!
Where did you get that one landed at Conneaut?

That one fish I landed was on Elk. Out of the other two I hooked and lost one was on Elk and the other was on upper Walnut. Didn't get into any at Conneaut, though I did see a guy lose one. Didn't fish it very long either.

Conditions were prime, probably should've just went there instead of starting in PA. Lately I've been hearing and reading good reports coming from the OH tribs...
i love that you guys think that one landed and three hooked is a tough day.LOL

i'd almost chew my foot off for a day out like that.

it really is an outstanding fishery. i gotta get up there one day soon.
Well a tough day by comparison to others haha... Don't get me wrong any day I'm able to make it up there for a while is a great day regardless of how i did.
sunday on elk was a great day this is just one of many beautiful fresh fish


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Whats the snow cover situation like at the present? Is a big melt expected today?
Awesome fish flipnfly!!
Dano if you haven't been able to tell yet from the gauges streams are going up quick. I was up there this morning and it was great early in the morning but by two they were getting quite muddy and high. There is still a decent amount of snow up there too. If I had to guess probably still two or three inches so I suspect they're only going to get worse.

Flipnfly that thing is a horse.. Nice fish to say the least
Skeeter not Dano for post above sorry
i caught 2 like that but i didnt want to gloat that one was 34 inches the other one was 31 3/4
has anyone had any luck on shrimp patterns if so what patterns and sizes ? im looking for new things to catch them on and new things to tie now that ive got the itch
Great fish man. Anytime you get a 32" plus in Erie, you got a great one. And 34" with weight, that's just awesome. Congrats, beautiful pic too.