Springton water levels

Bamboozle wrote: ... so it makes an intentional draw down of Springton seem likely, (at least to me).
That's my point, there isn't currently anything to draw down from Springton. It's that low right now.
I meant drawn down BEFORE it got that low, as in months/years ago.

I don't know the last time levels were "normal", but IF there was/is an issue with the dam, they could have drawn it down then and it remains drawn down.

It happens all the time with reservoirs.

Droughts as an excuse for Springton's levels make no sense to me when Crum Creek reservoir isn't that low and I never saw it dramatically low to be honest.
Lived nearby my whole life. It has been off limits to fishing since the 9/11 attacks...if my memory is correct. In the past AquaPa has taken advantage of low levels and dredged the upper section by Gradyville Rd. where there has heavy siltation. I don't think anything out of the ordinary is going on.
My apologies to all on this thread. I assumed that because the 12 month precipitation was about average there was no drought in SE Pennsylvania. I was quite wrong. I visited the Pennsylvania Drouhgt Monitoring Site to find out, much to my surprise, that SE Pennsylvania is still under a drought watch. This applies to much of the Poconos, and a broad swath of North Central Pennsylvania. Interesting though Tioga and Potter Counties are not in the watch area.
salmo wrote:
My apologies to all on this thread. I assumed that because the 12 month precipitation was about average there was no drought in SE Pennsylvania. I was quite wrong. I visited the Pennsylvania Drouhgt Monitoring Site to find out, much to my surprise, that SE Pennsylvania is still under a drought watch. This applies to much of the Poconos, and a broad swath of North Central Pennsylvania. Interesting though Tioga and Potter Counties are not in the watch area.
No apology needed salmo, it can be decieving. Yep, NC finally started getting some of the precip and levels have come back up considerably. I pray this trend continues.
If the weather lady is correct ... the reservoir should be up a good bit by Tuesday!!
I was born and raised and learned to fish at Springton Res. Ive seen it pretty low in my lifetime. Im shocked that know one has mentioned the all time best reason that the res. was closed to fishing!! I've also heard of stories about giant LM out of there!! Nothing first hand.
salmo wrote:
When you look at the precipitation amounts for the past 12 months, the Philadelphia area, precipitation is normal. We have had about 42 inches of precipitation in the past 12 months which is spot on with the annual average. We've had 13 iinches of precipitation in the last 4 months. There is no real evidence of a prolonged drought in SE Pa.
Since Sept. 2016 every month but January has been below normal in Allentown.
I believe if I check Reading it will be the same.
So I checked Reading and it's somewhere in between, a couple of months were above average rainfall. The others were below normal.
mooney4 wrote:
Im shocked that know one has mentioned the all time best reason that the res. was closed to fishing!!

The reason they stopped allowing fishing at the "Res" was mentioned in Post #23, because of 9/11.
Actually Aqua has reopened many of their water impoundments since closing them after 911. Locals have many theories about why Springton is still closed. I kinda believe that there is an influence behind it my self. Its very sad since theres no other lake to fish in this area. You have to travel up to Marsh Creek or Nockamixon for the closest bodies of water.
Which reservoirs are open other than Green Lane?
In the SE area of Pa. Theres Nockamixon, Blue Marsh, Octorora, Green Lane, Lake Ontelaunee. Theres a couple of small ponds in French Creek state park. I might have missed something. But those are the ones that come to mind.
Of the ones listed in # 32 above, only Green Lane Res. is owned by Aqua Pa.