Spring Creek State College

There is still a closed section. It is just the section within Talleyrand Park in Bellefonte. From the High Street bridge up through the park to the railroad bridge at the upper boundary of the park.

Regarding bait fishing on Spring Creek. The Fishermans Paradise stretch, 1 mile long, is flyfishing only. The entire rest of the stream is open to all types of tackle. And that is not a change. The Paradise has had flyfishing only regs since it was opened, somewhere around 1930. The rest of the stream has never had any tackle restrictions.

Salmonoid wrote;

Why does it matter what angling method the individual who lobbied to open the stretch above Lamb Street Bridge to High Street prefers? He was a fly angler, by the way.

Why are you beating up on me? I don't see anywhere in my comment discussing the angling methods of anyone. Other than saying "hordes of bait anglers" which does not depict any angling method at all. Guys with fly rods can fish bait too.

Sixty years ago my first good fishing rod was a 8' 6" Phillipson fiberglass fly rod. I fished it with worms and caddis larvae for years before I transitioned to flies.

BTW I know Paul quite well from his days of employment as fly shop manager for West Branch Angler.
Lol. I love it when people brag about how many trout they catch using bait. I just think "Congratulations. You and my 6 year old niece really put it to them using bait."
724flyfishing wrote:
Lol. I love it when people brag about how many trout they catch using bait. I just think "Congratulations. You and my 6 year old niece really put it to them using bait."

Sounds awfully elitest to me. We don't need this in our ranks.

Maybe those bait angler's would laugh at how few trout you catch with flies.
Those bait chuckers are too busy bashing the trout's heads off of rocks and death squeezing them to notice how few fish fly fishermen actually catch ;-)
Oh no, some guys legally caught and released trout using bait, such heathens, they need a stern talking to by a tweed wearing, bamboo sporting dry fly fisherman to set them in the "correct" way to catch fish.

What's funnier, an elite fly fisherman catching fish with a bright green mop, or a bait fisherman using an egg? hmmmmmm
Just shocked anyone would stock those ugly mutants in a world class wild trout producing stream. That is my biggest gripe of the whole ordeal, I did not know Spring was an all tackle stream either; that explains the HUUUUGE treble hook I took out of a fish's stomach last spring.

DriftingDunn wrote:
724flyfishing wrote:
Lol. I love it when people brag about how many trout they catch using bait. I just think "Congratulations. You and my 6 year old niece really put it to them using bait."

Sounds awfully elitest to me. We don't need this in our ranks.

Maybe those bait angler's would laugh at how few trout you catch with flies.

I'm sure they would and I'd probably joke right along with them. It's happened many times before amongst friends. Maybe I'd even ask to borrow a rod to avoid the skunk. But I can guarantee I wouldnt then proceed to write a blog and brag about how I picked up my single egg rod and caught 20 fish in two hours or whatever their count was.

I don't have anything against bait fishing. Never once said I did or eluded to it in any of my posts since I joined on here. I've learned a lot about drifting from center pin guys. I just think it's funny when grown adults brag about how many stocked trout they catch with bait. It's comical.
All I can say is that it looks like I need to finish my bamboo bait casting rod before this years jam. Who knows, I may mate it with a Zebco 202 and donate it to the raffle.

OK, don't get your hopes up. I'm not going to do that. I mean the donate part. ;-)
FarmerDave wrote:
All I can say is that it looks like I need to finish my bamboo bait casting rod before this years jam. Who knows, I may mate it with a Zebco 202 and donate it to the raffle.

OK, don't get your hopes up. I'm not going to do that. I mean the donate part. ;-)

If you have time to build two, I may need to order one of those from you, according to some on here. :lol:
724flyfishing wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
All I can say is that it looks like I need to finish my bamboo bait casting rod before this years jam. Who knows, I may mate it with a Zebco 202 and donate it to the raffle.

OK, don't get your hopes up. I'm not going to do that. I mean the donate part. ;-)

If you have time to build two, I may need to order one of those from you, according to some on here. :lol:

Come on Chris., we all know you can puddy dunk with the best of em lol

Hahaha you got me there. I'll put a timer and fish counter with live updates on my blog when they open Twin Lakes for that early C&R stocking. I bet my FPH rate hits 20 easy.
724flyfishing wrote:
DriftingDunn wrote:
724flyfishing wrote:
Lol. I love it when people brag about how many trout they catch using bait. I just think "Congratulations. You and my 6 year old niece really put it to them using bait."

Sounds awfully elitest to me. We don't need this in our ranks.

Maybe those bait angler's would laugh at how few trout you catch with flies.

I'm sure they would and I'd probably joke right along with them. It's happened many times before amongst friends. Maybe I'd even ask to borrow a rod to avoid the skunk. But I can guarantee I wouldnt then proceed to write a blog and brag about how I picked up my single egg rod and caught 20 fish in two hours or whatever their count was.

I don't have anything against bait fishing. Never once said I did or eluded to it in any of my posts since I joined on here. I've learned a lot about drifting from center pin guys. I just think it's funny when grown adults brag about how many stocked trout they catch with bait. It's comical.

I'm not defending them, I don't fish bait, and actually have the same kind of thinking as you, it IS funny when guys brag about catching fish on bait, its not much of a challenge.... But to be fair, these guys are trying to sell product, not just brag, so in order to sell product its probably a good idea to brag about how many fish you can catch with such product.. just sayin
I'll add The fisherman I saw using live Minnie's was very ethical with the fish. He was using a large hook and the fish were quickly released.
Mwheaps32 wrote:
I'll add The fisherman I saw using live Minnie's was very ethical with the fish. He was using a large hook and the fish were quickly released.

Funny. I hope it was intended that way. Otherwise, please explain to PITA that it is ethical to stick a large hook through the side of a small fish and using it as bait to hook a large fish, so you can play with it and then release it. ;-)

To be clear, I have no problem with it. I've been know to kill a minnow or two.

As was said, this is a blood sport no matter how you look at it, assuming you haven't figured out a way to tie tofu on a strung so the fish at least gets some benefit for their efforts. Make sure the tofu is made from non-gmo soybeans.;-)
Fishing bait takes a skill set the same as fly fishing and spin fishing lures there is knack to all of them. Fly fishing is more challenging and that's why I do it.