Split shot and bead heads



Mar 22, 2011
Im not a fan of casting with split shot. It just feels really weird. Can i accomplish the same task by adding a bead head to the flys i tie? Are there any advantages or disadvantages to doing so? Thanks.
Yotrout wrote:
Im not a fan of casting with split shot. It just feels really weird. Can i accomplish the same task by adding a bead head to the flys i tie? Are there any advantages or disadvantages to doing so? Thanks.

Weighting flies with bead heads and/or heavy wire works great. IMO you get a more direct connection to the fly and strike detection is easier. The biggest disadvantage is that the weighted fly is not adjustable, and short of tying flies in all different weights, it still may be necessary to add split shot to get you flies to the proper level.

I often use tungsten putty to add or subtract a little weight instead of micro shot which is difficult to remove.

I'm not sure that casting a weighted fly vs split shot will feel less "weird" though....
i like the tungsten putty too but i havent totally figured out on how to make it "hold" better. It holds really well at knots but usually my tippet is a 2-3 foot section and i want it closer to the fly. I was thinking of just tying a short piece if tippet 12-18 inches up from the fly just to have a knot where i can form it to....any suggestions??

Maybe im just casting wrong. Ill have to play with it. It was pretty windy yesterday day too so maybe that was the culprit.
govtmule wrote:
i like the tungsten putty too but i havent totally figured out on how to make it "hold" better.

Roll it between fingers.
Roll it over line.
Roll it into a football.
Dip it into cold water.
Thrill as it hardens up!

Don't cast like a mad man, or it'll still flick off. When its rreally cold it starts to fall apart and chip away.

It is reusable, but loses some of its magic each time. I assume whatever the binding agent starts to leech out or just get ineffective with grime.
Gfen, thats exactly what i do...what brand are you using?
gfen wrote:
govtmule wrote:
i like the tungsten putty too but i havent totally figured out on how to make it "hold" better.

Roll it between fingers.
Roll it over line.
Roll it into a football.
Dip it into cold water.
Thrill as it hardens up!

Don't cast like a mad man, or it'll still flick off. When its rreally cold it starts to fall apart and chip away.

It is reusable, but loses some of its magic each time. I assume whatever the binding agent starts to leech out or just get ineffective with grime.

Govtmule wrote:
Gfen, thats exactly what i do...what brand are you using?


Some T-putty, even the same brand, doesn't stick as well as others.

Also think "spaghetti" rather than "footballs".....