Snakeheads are coming

I think SH are interesting and rather cool looking fish, especially the diamond flank markings....

But then again, I like muskies, and cudas, and walleyes, and bluefish, and bonnetsharks, and... well you get the point.

If they had a name other than snakehead, there might be a bit more acceptance and folks might avoid nonsense like "frankenfish" and similar hyperbole.

Some years ago seafood aficionados re-branded the ugly Patagonian toothfish into Chilean Sea Bass and started a food fad (actually the species was over-fished as a result).
Maybe if folks could come up with a better sounding name than SH and start a food fad, like Prudomme's blackened redfish, we could get snakeheads reduced a bit.

Just musing... 🙂
Maybe market them through a food chain?

"Fred's Fried Fillets"?
Marketing is everything.
They once sold muskrat meat as marsh rabbit I heard.
I would like to try Snakehead meat.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Maybe market them through a food chain?

"Fred's Fried Fillets"?

Now that's a good idea!

Course, Fred won't kill 'em so maybe we should appropriate Fred's name, toss some grenades into his favorite fishin hole, and then harvest the fillets ourselves.

Maybe we'll even invite Fred over for dinner at Fred's Fried Fillets.
Can someone ask the PFBC if grenade fishing is legal?

Wait....were are we getting grenades? :-o
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I dont know why you keep posting Trump rhetoric to me. I dont even like Trump.

My neck of the woods is lancaster but really SEPA.
Ill chalk it up to you have no examples and are just regurgitating far left talking points since you also keep throwing Trump in there, that is, until you provide context.

I might even agree with you if you do.

why do you think everything i post is directed toward you? thats a you problem, sal. :lol:

you did play along though..
Maybe because i directly asked you a question before you posted your garbage. Read .

See that's your problem not mine :roll:
Which you have avoided a second time. Your refusals to play along tell me all i need to know. Time to move on.
Seems like every body of water that has a good population of snakeheads has a ton of people fishing for them because they are fun, aggressive, and can tolerate poor water quality. Black water in MD has way more people fishing now than before they were in there. Tackle shops have entire aisles dedicated to SH tackle. Most people will tell you the bass and striper populations in there haven’t been affected by them either. Who wouldn’t enjoy catching a 3 foot snakehead or 4foot Muskie while fishing the Brandywine? I can’t wait! I won’t kill any fish I catch, don’t worry guys they will keep stocking more trout than other fish can eat in a season. The world is changing and SH are the least of our worries when it comes to fly fishing!
Had to wonder how you got on Trump, even as a joke, in a thread about snakeheads.
Did a test and looked at Facebook.
You talk about Trump more than anything else :lol:
It is so bad you are bordering on some man love/hate relationship there.
You are his biggest fan :lol:
Striperbobby wrote:
Seems like every body of water that has a good population of snakeheads has a ton of people fishing for them because they are fun, aggressive, and can tolerate poor water quality. Black water in MD has way more people fishing now than before they were in there. Tackle shops have entire aisles dedicated to SH tackle. Most people will tell you the bass and striper populations in there haven’t been affected by them either. Who wouldn’t enjoy catching a 3 foot snakehead or 4foot Muskie while fishing the Brandywine? I can’t wait! I won’t kill any fish I catch, don’t worry guys they will keep stocking more trout than other fish can eat in a season. The world is changing and SH are the least of our worries when it comes to fly fishing!

Some angler feel the way you do about snakeheads.

No one knows how SH's will effect the ecosystem in any stream, river or lake, so I for one listen to the fisheries biologists and heed their warnings.

I suppose anglers thought the same about brown trout around the turn of the last century. Now over a hundred years later, brown trout have taken over and have pushed out the native brook trout in every major stream in the northeast. And now the brook trout population is but a shadow of what it once was...
I can’t comment on trout cause it’s about the only species I don’t target on a fly rod eventhough I catch some really big rainbows while smallie fishing on the Brandywine. I just can’t understand killing fish if you aren’t going to eat them. Hate seeing bow fishing guys killing 40 year old carp just to throw them up on the bank or in a trash can at the boaT dock. I don’t think SH will take up residence in trout type waters they are generally way back in feeder creeks with low poorly oxygenated water almost have to cast on land for them.
Well i asked you to qualify your statement. Even now you still havent. Without context i have to provide it myself. Immigrants, wall, your facebook, seems like you are referencing Trump.

Ive lost interest now though :lol:
You could try sending him fast food gift cards and interview him to stoke his ego. He would like that. I think you would too.
Thanks for the laugh :lol:
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Well i asked you to qualify your statement. Even now you still havent.

HAHA guys .....Got into some Susky snakeheads today my face is priceless in this photo . Also I did a video on how to fish in pads posted it on Facebook for anyone that is interested.


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Damn Fred nice!
To me that doesnt look all that enjoyable. Then again i never tried it. Who knows?
Either way that certainly takes some skill.
Good stuff!
Imagine what the Apes were saying to Each other when the first humans appeared and started invading their Banana Patches.
"Kill the Humans Harold. They're invasive." (and we still are)
Nice job Fredrick - that's a good looking SH.

Following up on my comments about the coloration of these fish being interesting - in addition to the diamond flank marks, the horizontal squiggle streaks on the head and gills match in color but contrast in angle, making for a cool effect. Reminds me a bit of the markings on SMBs, being more pronounced and striking on some specimens, mostly lighter colored ones, than others.