Snakeheads are coming

afishinado wrote:
Recent article about snakeheads >

That's a few months old I believe that three other websites posted that same article .
If I ever have the misfortune to encounter one of these it will be dispatched swiftly without a second thought.
Don’t knock them until you catch one .


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I really have never gotten the intense dislike of Frederick and his pursuit of the Snakehead. He didn't distribute the invasive species in SEPA. I believe they showed in FDR Park in the tidal area. The snakehead is here and no matter how many get thumped over the head they are here to stay. If you don't like them then don't fish in warm, weedy backwaters. I consider them another warm water species and we are certainly on our way to having more warm water. Fred, I'm in Delco and would love to give them a shot some day ! That looks like a hell of a fish to get on the fly !!
Same old bs couldn’t even post a pick of the right kind of snakehead well anyway here is an article about the fish found in the upper Delaware
Video about snakeheads in the Octoraro >

I don’t like your hate speech Mike . That article is from last year Tom


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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but to me the Flathead and Snakehead are UGLY. I will take the Brown Trout or Smallmouth over them any day. I have eaten Flathead and it is good and I would try the Snakehead. The real problem with eating any of them is the polluted river they live in.
Catch kill and grill. I like that. Might make a Snakehead tee shirt with that slogan on it!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but to me the Flathead and Snakehead are UGLY. I will take the Brown Trout or Smallmouth over them any day. I have eaten Flathead and it is good and I would try the Snakehead. The real problem with eating any of them is the polluted river they live in.
Catch kill and grill. I like that. Might make a Snakehead tee shirt with that slogan on it!

Let me know I will take one or make it “Snakehead - Catch, Kill & Dispose Properly”
There is an existing tee shirt that has a snakehead within a circle. A diagonal cancellation line bisects the circle and fish. The circle is framed, left and right, by two high voltage lightning bolt symbols. Written above the circle is “Snakehead Killer.” Written below the circle is “Task Force” with a scoped rifle below it and the phrase “High Voltage...the next best thing to explosives,” written beneath that.
That is one ugly *** fish that I wouldn't even want to hold. I'd kill it in a second if I caught one. Count me in for a shirt.
All this hate speech do you guys kiss your significant other with those mouths .


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Im all for eliminating snakeheads but...

I dont think a snakehead is anymore ugly that a walleye or other fish.
I also dont think the majority of anglers could tell the difference between a bowfin and a snakehead. Just like the majority cant tell a brook from a brown or a stocked vs wild.

Dangerous times for bowfins.
Fredrick wrote:
I don’t like your hate speech Mike . That article is from last year Tom

its also a Pittsburgh outlet doing a Delaware story so It was probably pulled of the AP wire.

I think they look cool too. But when you consider they way we treat humans that come from other parts of the world, I'm surprised by all this love for invasive fish and plants an the like. Just saying.
Could you qualify that last post?
How are we treating people from other parts of the world?

I dont see anyone in my neck of the woods from other countries getting treated badly.
I dont know why you keep posting Trump rhetoric to me. I dont even like Trump.

My neck of the woods is lancaster but really SEPA.
Ill chalk it up to you have no examples and are just regurgitating far left talking points since you also keep throwing Trump in there, that is, until you provide context.

I might even agree with you if you do.
