Snakehead Woes and bias

sarce wrote:
The snakehead above great falls did not come from an angler. I think there have been a couple found in the river above the falls

Has this been documented, or just rumor?

As far as I'm aware, they've only been documented in the canal.
There is no way to know whether an angler moved them upriver of the falls or whether a flood helped move them from the canal. It was probably a mixture of both. All I know is that snakeheads have at least been documented in the Potomac up from the falls. I really don't think they are going to do all that much in that type of habitat but we will see. Maybe I should investigate what the rivers are like that they call home is Asia. If you look at their native range they seem to be more of a riverine species than a lake dwelling species. Let's just hope those rivers are very lazy, low current, and sluggish waters.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This guy and the media is really milking this they were caught there last year . I wonder who is making all the shots on this story the media the angler the tackle shop or the PFBC . At least they didn't portray them as some devil fish.
Pop goes the whine bottle. Or is it a conspiracy theory of one.
jifigz wrote:
That was actually one of the least biased news pieces that I've seen in a while.

At least this clip shows how local anglers are responding with enthusiasm - not more of the typical "frankenfish" nonsense and hysteria.

Do these fish really taste that good? I know they're popular food fish in Asia, but folks are describing them as comparable to perch or walleyes.
From what I hear they are one of the best tasting freshwater fish that exists. They are here to stay so we might as well embrace them in both joy of fishing for them and as table fare. I just hope people don't intentionally keep spreading them. Plus, if they stay confied to a certain area of the Potomac, Susky, Delaware etc it could become a very valuable tourism attraction which could certainly be a huge benefit to the local areas.

On the other hand when someone is becoming profitable like that it is incentive for others to spread the fish and try to create that opportunity elsewhere.
They will not stay confined to small local areas. Think about it. They started in Maryland and are already in VA, PA,DE,NJ and I'm sure other states.

They are not a destination fish. People are not coming in mass to fish snakeheads when they can just wait for snakeheads to come to them.
poopdeck wrote:
They will not stay confined to small local areas. Think about it. They started in Maryland and are already in VA, PA,DE,NJ and I'm sure other states.

They are not a destination fish. People are not coming in mass to fish snakeheads when they can just wait for snakeheads to come to them.

I disagree completely. The only way they they are going to escape the watersheds within which they are in now is with human involvement. Yes, I think that people will continue to spread them. If they stayed confined to the drainages that they are currently in I could definitely see them being a destination fish. Excellent bass fisheries are destinations for anglers and the snakehead followers LOVE this fish. Smallmouth bass are all around the country and you think that the Susky isn't a destination fishery? If our fisheries become excellent snakehead fisheries then they could easily be a destination. In the end a lot of it has to do with marketing and creating that opportunity in the first place.
jifigz wrote:
poopdeck wrote:
They will not stay confined to small local areas. Think about it. They started in Maryland and are already in VA, PA,DE,NJ and I'm sure other states.

They are not a destination fish. People are not coming in mass to fish snakeheads when they can just wait for snakeheads to come to them.

I disagree completely. The only way they they are going to escape the watersheds within which they are in now is with human involvement. Yes, I think that people will continue to spread them. If they stayed confined to the drainages that they are currently in I could definitely see them being a destination fish. Excellent bass fisheries are destinations for anglers and the snakehead followers LOVE this fish. Smallmouth bass are all around the country and you think that the Susky isn't a destination fishery? If our fisheries become excellent snakehead fisheries then they could easily be a destination. In the end a lot of it has to do with marketing and creating that opportunity in the first place.

Honestly there are people from all over that travel to catch this fish . They migrate every spring thats why they spread around so much and they don't really walk on land thats hogwash. Al though they are air breathers and can drown in water .
Yeah. Snakeheads are definitely a destination fish. You can take trips to Thailand to fish for Giant Snakeheads so obviously people are willing to pay and travel to fish for snakeheads. Now we have opportunities for catching large northern snakehead right here that is close and easily accessible to millions. I can guarantee that people all ready travel to the tidal Potomac to target them and that benefits the economy the same way people come to central PA for the great trout fishing. Plus, some of the Snakeheads being caught here in the Mid-Atlantic are reaching impressive sizes.

On another note, the Susky is becoming a destination for catfish now too. People love flatheads and they are speculating that the Susky is going to break the flathead state record. I mean, it is becoming an amazing river for trophy flatheads.
First off they will spread without human intervention. The Delaware is a big river with thousands of tribs. Also, what makes you think human transportation is going to change. Its a fact that of the few hardcore snakehead aficionados some will continue to transplant them just because of their love of snakeheads and loatheing of all others. After all they are harmless and benificial to a fishery, despite what the expert say.

Other then a few youtubers struggling to pay the note on their trailers the vast majority of anglers could careless about snakeheads. I could be at FDR park, the skuke, the art museum and any number of Philadelphia area snakehead hotspots in 30 minutes. I have no desire to go to catch a snakehead. I know sooner or later I'll accidentally catch one. There will not be an explosion of out of towners coming to catch snakeheads. A handful of day trippers yes, a cottage industry no.

Of the thousands of members on this site, how many have been to Thailand for a snakehead trip? How many have a trip scheduled? How many are planning a trip to Thailand. Or how many are scheduling a weeks vacation to come to Philadelphia or D.C. to fish for snakeheads?

I am well aware that will colonize all hospitable habitats in the watersheds in which they are currently in. I understand that and didn't mean that they wouldn't continue to spread. I was stating that I hope that they do not get spread to other unconnected waterways. Yes, I agree, people will probably keep spreading them and there is no stopping that.

As far as users here taking trips to target them that is a worthless argument. 90% of people on this forum are trout smitten. They barely fish for muskies, Pike, bass, etc so this forum hardly represents the people that would travel for them. Once a fishery is known to grow trophies of anything people come, plain and simple. You did not address why flatties are becoming a huge draw to the Susky and why smallmouths are a huge draw? How many on this forum care about the trophy flatheads fishery developing in the Susky? Almost 0%. The smallmouth fishery is a little more appreciated on this forum but not nearly like trout. If Snakehead fishing becomes huge here with large fish we will have people come to try and catch them..
The video links Fredrick posted are worth watching, especially the ones where they're cooking the fish and the one with the biologist electroshocking and talking about the fish. Very informative.
Been meaning to reply but for some reason cannot log in via my phone. Only work comp. Dave W is correct, I did some quick research and the snakeheads above great falls were only found in the canal and biologists said it was "likely" that because of that finding and the frequent flood overtopping of the canal sides, they could be assumed to be in the river above the falls.
Sarce, yeah I found the same info. I could have sworn that I read that hey were upriver in the Potomac. I really don't think the SH's will be all that home in the upper Potomac.
I agree. There are some slower, weedy pools where I'm sure they'd do fine but overall it is nothing like the tidal part where they thrive.
jifigz wrote:

I am well aware that will colonize all hospitable habitats in the watersheds in which they are currently in. I understand that and didn't mean that they wouldn't continue to spread. I was stating that I hope that they do not get spread to other unconnected waterways. Yes, I agree, people will probably keep spreading them and there is no stopping that.

As far as users here taking trips to target them that is a worthless argument. 90% of people on this forum are trout smitten. They barely fish for muskies, Pike, bass, etc so this forum hardly represents the people that would travel for them. Once a fishery is known to grow trophies of anything people come, plain and simple. You did not address why flatties are becoming a huge draw to the Susky and why smallmouths are a huge draw? How many on this forum care about the trophy flatheads fishery developing in the Susky? Almost 0%. The smallmouth fishery is a little more appreciated on this forum but not nearly like trout. If Snakehead fishing becomes huge here with large fish we will have people come to try and catch them..

Your point is valid. However, I don't see masses of people flocking to the susky to fish for flatheads either. Locals and day trippers yes but again it's not on many anglers bucket list and will never equal the interest the SMB get. Could you have people come in for a SMB trip and add a little flathead fishing? Sure but not many. Cats and snakeheads are still considered lowly fish and are only fished for by us lowly bait fishermen. A true trouter or basser would rather be caught dating his mother in law.

I'm three hours from the susky and I haven't been there in a number of years and I'm not going to be making a flathead trip. If I were to take a flathead trip it would be down south. I can catch them right here in my backyard. Which by the way, might be next week depending on the weather. I'll have to get my flyrod out to catch the bait.