Pooppy if you watch the videos Odenkirk says they are not invasive, and there is still no scientific evidence stating they are committing any harm . This new set of videos has better and more current information with no spin offs .
Fredrick wrote:
Pooppy if you watch the videos Odenkirk says they are not invasive, and there is still no scientific evidence stating they are committing any harm . This new set of videos has better and more current information with no spin offs .
poopdeck wrote:
My bad if I got the states mixed up. It's been a while since I researched snakeheads.
Fred, I will try to watch the videos but I'm generally tired of the same old stuff. I'm not an expert, I think I have established that through my rambling banter. Being a layperson I am forced to use common sense in my snakehead opinions. The fact remains that the kill on site order is still in effect. I assume this decision is based on the recommendations of experts like Odenkirk. I do recognize him as an expert. The experts say it's best, for now, to kill them. Who am I to argue against their recommendations?
afishinado wrote:
poopdeck wrote:
My bad if I got the states mixed up. It's been a while since I researched snakeheads.
Fred, I will try to watch the videos but I'm generally tired of the same old stuff. I'm not an expert, I think I have established that through my rambling banter. Being a layperson I am forced to use common sense in my snakehead opinions. The fact remains that the kill on site order is still in effect. I assume this decision is based on the recommendations of experts like Odenkirk. I do recognize him as an expert. The experts say it's best, for now, to kill them. Who am I to argue against their recommendations?
I checked on what was going on in VA and sure enough, the fisheries scientists recommend they be killed here > https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/snakehead/
poopdeck wrote:
Well I haven't watch any of the posted videos because I know what the guy is going to say.
Hers Virginia and Odenkirks stance as of 5/2018. He has concerns. If looking for a positive he mentions sportfishing. His concerns are still damage to the eco system. I love the spin some can put on things.