outsider wrote:
Then perhaps you will know who Frauderick is.
Sorry never met that person tell me more about them
outsider wrote:
Then perhaps you will know who Frauderick is.
Fredrick wrote:
outsider wrote:
Then perhaps you will know who Frauderick is.
Sorry never met that person tell me more about them
I’m not sure what to say I started this thread for people to voice there opinions in a open discussion and it seems like I’m the one getting attacked . If anything it seems you are the one trying to censor people. A success thread is a norm for the warm water section of this forum it’s the WW equivalent to a stream report and I honor it as such . The thread turned into a debate on snakeheads and that was not my intention of starting the thread, so I started this one for people to discussjoebamboo wrote:
Dave, seems you are right. Seems as if Fredrick thinks the site belongs to him and he gets to decide who can post and what they can say. Wack this discussion!
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Obviously 2 different critters but by how much?
Bowfin are native to PA. Snakeheads are not.
Are the two similar breeders, similar in food consumption and similar in aggressive nature?
If so, while not good, they could displace the bowfin if they have an advantage but might not effect other fish to the degree people think.
I'm asking because I'm curious and have no clue, I'm not defending or advocating for snakeheads, just an honest question.
I also question if they would survive in a cold water creek like the letort. Anyone know if that's even possible?
Fredrick wrote:
Snakeheads- Love them or hate them
I feel like ranting… Snakeheads have been caught by hook and line for over fourteen years and the controversy still rages. They will kill our environment is the cry from some folks that only know what the media put out over 16 years ago and never bothered to do any new research into these fish, it isn’t new news, so the media has moved on and people are left with what they first remembered and believed.
The media only got one right…they are good table fare. They don’t walk on land, they aren’t going to eat your dogs & cats and grand moms don’t be alarmed, they aren’t going to eat your grand kids. They don’t spawn 5 times a year. They don’t eat everything in sight. They are somewhat shy and lazy.
Basically they are minnow eaters, primary banded killifish and bluegill. I have chased this great gamefish for pushing a decade and I can say I have not seen any change in the fishery. Matter of fact where bass and snakeheads coexist I have seen the bass seem to be larger. I guess this isn’t the snakehead eating the bass (Virginia has open over 1500 snakeheads and found only about 3% bass in their stomachs, BUT, I bet every bass has baby snakeheads in them). They have no hard fins so they are prey for all fish. Why do you think they lay so many eggs? Not many will survive.
I have always thought that most folks that fly the banner… “Kill the snakehead” and wants you to know it, has never caught one, for if they had they too would see what great battlers they are. Any fisherman that likes bass fishing surely will like the fight of a snakehead.I am positive I would like it. But then, I'd probably still kill it.
Maybe not the bass tournament guys, they think they are going to eat all their beloved bass, which by the way was introduced and are not native. These guys feel the same way about chain pickerel which they believe don’t belong in THEIR waters. They don’t know that the pickerel is a native fish that once covered the whole east coast and all the way to the Mississippi. Maybe the introduction of the bass in their waters took a toll, because they aren’t everywhere anymore.There is some truth to what you said, but it also looks like you are willing to overlook the bad simply because you enjoy catching them.
A few fishermen lose the full fighting aspect of snakehead by fishing with bait on the bottom, yes they will catch fish and that is alright, but these fish are one of the best top water fish around. The whole experience is visible, from the initial follow to the sound of the fish closing its jaw on the bait. Its music to my ears, can’t get enough of it.
Same could be said for Arapaima. Should we introduce those because they are fun to catch?
Before I decided to go on this rant, I looked up the bowfin on Wikipedia. This fish is a close second to the snakehead in many ways and they have been around for 30,000,000 years and guess what, haven’t destroyed the environment.
Actually longer. I don't remember all of the details, but I believe it is the only surviving species from a family of fish that was around during the Jurassic period. But this argument is actually irrelevant. They weren't transplanted because somebody liked eating them or catching them
More and more fishermen are touting the fishing quality of the snakehead and feel as strong as I do they are a worthy opponent. It has been taking time and we snakeheaders need to help educate folks that they aren’t the “frankenfish” that the media and uninformed believe or what they want you to believe without any scientific information. So the next time someone says…”Kill the snakehead” just ask them if they have ever caught one. You already know the answer, just walk away; they don’t know what we know.
There is some truth to that. I'm sure they are fun to catch. But explain to me how a decision based on whether I caught one and liked it, is not Science. There is science out there if you care to look.
jifigz wrote:
This is purely my opinion, but I don't see snakeheads having much of an effect on the majority of our waterways. I think that most of our rivers have more current than they prefer and so they would be found in the slack water areas. I don't think that they are going to our smallmouth populations. For those of you that are worried about trout being displaced, I really don't think the snakehad would be at home in trout streams. Trout waters are generally higher gradient, colder, with less areas of super slack water that is densley vegetated.
FarmerDave wrote:
My earlier is mostly opinion neutral and you come back with that?
If you mean the fishing video, I think I did see it before. Looks like fun.
Not sure I would kill one there, but I definitely wouldn't eat it.
Fredrick wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
My earlier is mostly opinion neutral and you come back with that?
If you mean the fishing video, I think I did see it before. Looks like fun.
Not sure I would kill one there, but I definitely wouldn't eat it.
It’s a video of a electro shocking for snakeheads with a Virginia fishery biologist. Allot of questions are answered in this video they even talk about Bowfin. I must of copied wrong link some how sorry
tomgamber wrote:
what Fred meant to say was "I don't why it WOULDN'T be snakes heads..." 🙂
afishinado wrote:
tomgamber wrote:
what Fred meant to say was "I don't why it WOULDN'T be snakes heads..." 🙂
:lol: :lol: :lol:
😛int: 😛int: 😛int:
tomgamber wrote:
what Fred meant to say was "I don't why it WOULDN'T be snakes heads..." 🙂