Snakehead Woes and bias



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
I’m starting this thread for anyone wants to cry about snakeheads. With that being said keep your complaints off my Bowfin and Snakehead successes thread .

Here is your first order of business.
I had 5 kids and 3 poodles.

Now I have 1 kid and no dogs.

All from snakeheads
My two cents... While I certainly wouldn't want to see them in the Letort, Breeches, etc. I've caught enough of them to know what fun they can be. They are incredibly aggressive when they're turned on and put up a hell of a fight. So I wouldn't necessarily complain if they found there way into another waterway near me.
I think snakeheads are great and need to populate the planet so we can feed starving kids.
poopdeck wrote:
I think snakeheads are great and need to populate the planet so we can feed them starving kids.

There, fixed that for you.
I think snakeheads are great and need to populate the planet so we can feed them starving kids.

Obviously 2 different critters but by how much?

Bowfin are native to PA. Snakeheads are not.

Are the two similar breeders, similar in food consumption and similar in aggressive nature?
If so, while not good, they could displace the bowfin if they have an advantage but might not effect other fish to the degree people think.

I'm asking because I'm curious and have no clue, I'm not defending or advocating for snakeheads, just an honest question.

I also question if they would survive in a cold water creek like the letort. Anyone know if that's even possible?
They bury themselves in mud during the colder months and wake up in April/May or so. Possible that Letort is cold enough year round that they couldn't handle it.
FarmerDave, that was funny.

Snakeheads? Terminate with extreme prejudice.
Fredrick wrote:
I’m starting this thread for anyone wants to cry about snakeheads. With that being said keep your complaints off my Bowfin and Snakehead successes thread .

Here is your first order of business.

I find this rather amusing about telling board members where to post and what not to post.
A bowin and Snakehead success thread is for fishing success stories and photos. Not a debate on if Snakeheads are hurting local fish pops . I found it amusing that everyone decided to turn a success thread into a debate. Hence why we moved it over here . And I’m glad I amuse you I hope to continue this amusement in the future.
Oh, I see. Un-cork another bottle of whine.
For you poopy
Any insight to my questions?
I fish a spot that has both species and one species will be hot one day and the other the next . The fish are almost exactly the same with the exception that both parents guard the fry for snakeheads and Bowfin will bottom feed were snakeheads mostly eat live food . But in the areas they coexist there hasn’t been any noticeable changes to Bowfin populations that I have observed . For the most part I find snakeheads fill a niche that wasn’t there in most locations they seen to thrive in areas that are mainly occupied by carp.
Here is video three of Robert fields snakehead trip the video includes a Electro shocking with John Odenkirk
Fredrick wrote:
For you poopy

If you were referring to me as "poopy", how imaginative.
outsider wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
For you poopy

If you were referring to me as "poopy", how imaginative.
looks like I’m still amusing you but poopy knows who he is .
Then perhaps you will know who Frauderick is.