Snakehead update: The Giving Pond, DCNR lake, upper Bucks Co

The sunfish on that list are very interesting as well!

There's also been a tilapia or two caught from a warmwater discharge in one location :lol:

Fishing & Hunting Journal August 2017

I found this today, Page 5 has a story about snakeheads. The sheer number of waterways mentioned in the story where people have started catching them is pretty insane. On the west side they're in the Potomac and Rappahannock. To the north, the lower Susky. On the east side, the Blackwater and Marshyhope drainages, which is getting close to the southern Delmarva. That's almost the entire Chesapeake drainage, in just 15 years - so yes, they are indeed very prolific and rapidly spreading. I can agree that the ultimate impacts may be TBD.
I fished Stockton to Easton 3 times a week April thru October for 30 years. I also fish days in March and November. I fish at the mouth of the Tohicken 75% of my trips. I've yet to catch one. For a fish to migrate Giving Pond to/from the river, the water has to be over the road. It has been that high. But then again, the chances of a fish going from the river to the pond at that height is pretty slim. Unless the level is so high that it meets the pond.