I usually tie a short length of bite wire to my muskie flies before they go in the meat box.
What's your opinion? Do you use wire or heavy flouro? Do you tie the bite tippet when you tie your fly on to fish or do you build an integral bite tippet into each fly?
I use 80lb flouro for my bite guard. Rather than buying a bunch of different sizes of flouro to tie a tapered leader I find that since the flies are so heavy when wet a tapered leader is not necessary. I go straight 80lb about 5 feet from line to fly. The size does not scare fish away plus the flouro helps hide it a little. Musky are not leader shy. I have also caught walleye and bass while musky fishing with the same set up so they don't mind it either.
Interesting. Thanks. I agree, they're not leader shy. I still prefer a short section of 20lb in mid-leader as a "class tippet" - this is mainly in the event I get a snag and have to break the fly off.
Well I lied I forgot I do put in a bout a 6" piece of 25lb mono between my fly line and leader if I get snagged I can break it off. It hurts to lose a fly but hurts worst to lose a 70 or 80 dollar fly line. I learned the hard way. I broke a fly line on the snag from hell.
We tye them, if ya buy them there about 25 to 30 dollars apiece. And not to many flyshops ofer them. Great lakes fly shop is 1 of them.
In order for a class tippet. The lightest part of the leader has to tyed to the bite guard according to IGFA rules. And as far rod wt. alotta people think that a 8wt will cut it....It wouldn't, trust me. I rather have a heavier rod it makes casting bigger flies easier.Throwing a big rod with heavy flies and line is work. Look @ Mcfluffchuckers blog spot and other pike musky flies on youtube. And anthing with Brad Bohens name mentioned in it.
It might be cheaper to buy a couple of prom dresses and cut them up.......I'll have to stop down and watch some of those get put together if your doing at Jims sometime
Oh and Paco is right. I would not recommend an 8 unless you were throwing smaller single hook flies like 3/0. Once you step up to the big ones (Mine are 6/0 and 7/0 tandems) you need the extra backbone to throw it or you'll just kill yourself. If you have a stiff enough 10 you can even throw triples.
My point on the 8 weight being sufficient was that it is an acceptable rod for a guy wanting to try the sport out. There would be no sense in buying a huge rod and flies and line and reel and everything else that goes with it if you just want to try it out. Take your 8 weight and some 8 inch buck tail streamers. Fish your local water that they stock muskie in catch one and determine from there if you want to spend the money. I hope i have made my point 🙂 good luck i hope you catch one.
OMG!!! you guys have really got my fever going!! I live on the East side of Pa and I purchased a house up in Pike County. Just about every lake and pond in the area has a good population of "Toothy critters". Pickerel being the dominate but there are also Pike and Musky too. I've been looking for fly recipes and ideas to tie. I guess Im just looking for all the info I can get. This has opened up a whole new world in the fly fishing world for me and I'm very excited to get started. Where do you guys get your materials from??? Leader tips??? Fly pattern ideas?? I will admit that I only have an 8wt rod right now but Im not apposed to getting something bigger if need be. HELP!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!
Thanks guys and keep those pictures coming, this is great!!!