Shocked by Mergansers

Those numbers will fluctuate due to food supplies. Left alone mother nature will regulate the population ,but when man stocks fish the food supply is skewed in favor of the predators.
Mergansers are "fish" ducks. Some of the old timers ate them when I lived in NY ,but I can't say I ever tried them on a plate.GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Those numbers will fluctuate due to food supplies. Left alone mother nature will regulate the population ,but when man stocks fish the food supply is skewed in favor of the predators.
Mergansers are "fish" ducks. Some of the old timers ate them when I lived in NY ,but I can't say I ever tried them on a plate.GG

I talked to a duck hunter last year that killed one. I asked him what he did with the mergansers. He said he marinates them for a really long time.
I have a better idea. Let's shoot all of the human polluters who cause fish kills. That would leave more trout for the mergansers and for me. :lol:
I can testify that mergansers are pretty poor eating. When I was 14 or 15, I had to eat (or at least take a few bites) one after I made a beautiful overhead shot on one at about 40 yards thinking it was a woody. As part of his program to encourage his boys to always be sure of what they were shooting at, my Dad cooked it and I had to take three or four bites.

I didn't mistake any more mergansers for Wood Ducks after that..