Save Spring Creek, Centre County



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Spring Creek, Centre County, PA is in danger of being degraded by a land deal involving the Rockview Penetentury Land and adjacent canyon corridor along Spring Creek. Here is a link to an article on the FFP message board regarding the issue.

Article on FFP Message Board

According to Troutbert this is not a done deal and can still be overturned. I/We urge conservation minded and or fishermen/sportsmen to act now regarding this proplosed legislation. Perhaps enough opposition can influence the political action that seems emminent. It has in the past.

Please write either Snail Mail or email to your legislators and to your Governor; Ed Rendell, expressing your opinion on the matter.

To find your legislator, and their contact information, go here:

To contact Gov. Rendell, go here:|

This isn’t very hard to do and it could really benefit Spring Creek.

Say that you OPPOSE the Rockview lands (Spring Creek Canyon and adjacent lands) being transferred to Penn State University and Benner Township.

And that you FAVOR these lands being transferred to the PA Game Commission, for the permanent protection of Spring Creek and it’s adjacent lands.

As Troutbert said,
This thing isn't over. The legislation has not been passed. It is being PROPOSED to give the stream corridor lands to Benner Township and the flanking uplands to Penn State. Penn State would use the land for agricultural research, so you'd have intensive agriculture, research buildings, access roads, utilities etc., much like their Rock Springs property, if you are familiar with that.

The other proposal is that the land go to Game Commission. This would be better for the long-term conservation of the stream and surrounding lands.

Flyfishers who care about the future of streams in general, and Spring Creek in particular, should be asking themselves what they can do to influence the decision towards the Game Commission proposal.

The answer is to contact your state legislators in your district and tell them. By phone, by email, by letter. Do the same with Governor Rendell. If you do that, you are making a contribution to stream conservation.

You should make the message very simple. Avoid going off on tangents and making attacks etc. Simply tell them that you do not approve of the lands going to Penn State & Benner Twp, and that you are in favor of the land going to the Game Commission, for permanent protection.

Thank you for your anticipated support.

I will be sending these letters tonight:

Dear [Governor Rendell][Representative Harhai][Senator Stout]:

I understand that there is a certain tract of land that is in close proximity to Spring Creek in Benner Township, Centre County (presently owned or used by SCI Rockview) that is being considered for transfer to the Pennsylvania State University and Benner Township. I also understand that a proposal for transfer of this land to the Game Commission is competing with the Penn State proposal. My understanding is that the Game Commission proposal will allow no development on the entire parcel, but that the Penn State proposal would involve a certain amount of development for facilities of the University's College of Agriculture. If there is any chance that the allowable development by the University will negatively impact Spring Creek or that the transfer will make it possible for the lands to be further transferred without restrictions on such development, I urge you to oppose that option.

As you may be aware, Spring Creek is a Class A wild trout stream and is very popular with anglers not only from the Commonwealth, but also anglers from all of the United States. Many sport fishermen believe it is one of the best trout fisheries in the Eastern United States. I suspect that there is a significant positive impact on the local economy resulting from the popularity of Spring Creek. Additionally, quality wild trout streams are becoming more rare because of the negative effects of development. We cannot afford to allow this unique and vital natural resource to be degraded.

Please use your influence to assure that Spring Creek is protected in the process of this property transfer either by supporting transfer to the Game Commission, or requiring enforceable restrictive covenants that would prevent development that might threaten the health of Spring Creek.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Thanks for the links, guys, All posters, it only takes a couple minutes at the longest to send your reps your thoughts, that stream is the center of fly fishing in the state possibly the country.

Remember Penn State KILLED THE STREAM in 1956, killing 200,000 trout and all macroinvertbrates in the stream.
It would be nice to know if there is actually a Bill under consideration in either house of the legislature. All I found was this Bill Dealing With Property Transfer from SCI Rockview but I don't think it is the same property. There should be a similar one for the Canyon Proposal. And the Bill # would be useful to place in your letters.

If there is no pending legislation, then I would submit that the Governor's Office is the only of the three people I mailed to that have any idea what I'm talking about.
Thats a good point Jack. Forgive me for not collecting that info lets play catch up.

Troutbert, do you know this detail? Is there a house bill addressing this?

BTW, here is my letter that I sent to each senator and rep and the governor. While not as thorough as Jacks, it touches the points.

..Dear Mr {senator},

It has come to my attention that the land currently owned by the State in trust to Rockview Penetentury is being considered for transfer to the Pennsylvania State University and Benner Township. As a conservationist and flyfishermen, I strongly OPPOSE the Rockview lands (Spring Creek Canyon and adjacent lands) being transferred to Penn State University and Benner Township. Spring Creek in Centre County is a World Class Wild Trout Fishery. Anything less than placing this land into the hands of conservationists is unacceptable in my eyes.

I FAVOR these lands being transferred to the PA Game Commission, for the permanent protection of Spring Creek and it’s adjacent lands.

It is important that we entrust special ecosystems and environs to the public trust when the opportunity presents itself rather than having to acquire lands or reclaim them from past abuses.

Please consider these interests and those of other conservationists when voting on this and other like conservation issues.

Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter,

{Your name here.}

Use it as it is or change it as you see fit.

Send away if you value wild trout resources.

Consider the fact that the receipents of the communications will have hopefully hundreds and possibly thousands of emails, so make your point in the first sentence, or just send you thoughts in one sentence!
I just sent my letter.
It felt good too! Like I said I was not trying to be a spokesman for PSU the other day. Being a college of AG guy I may have been looking at the situation through rose colered polarized galsses. I do agree however that of the two options on the table the PAGC one is the best possible outcome.
lj, not to burst your bubble, but I would be surprised if the Governor gets more than 50 comments and I'll bet Ted Harhai and Barry Stout (my Representatives) won't get more than a half dozen, more than likely mine will be the only one. That said, a one sentence e-mail or letter is better than none at all.
You are probably right Jack, that brings up a thought, most of us have email groups on our computers, family, fishing guys etc, lets forward our thoughts to all of those folks asking that they emial their reps!!
Thanks Maurice. And thanks Comparadun for bringing this to the attention of This is serious stuff. The following groups have already signed onto the proposal that the land to be transferred to the Game Commission for permanent protection:

PA Council of Trout Unlimited
Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited
PA Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs
Centre County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs
PA Chapter Sierra Club
Moshannon Group Sierra Club
National Wild Turkey Federation
United Bow Hunters of Pennsylvania
Adams County Chapter of Trout Unlimited
State College Bird Club
Juniata Valley Audubon
Coalition for Open Space Preservation
Nittany Mountain Biking Association

So, many people have been working on this, and many letters and emails have already been sent. But the support of all flyfishers is necessary, because this won’t be easy! Have you ever fished Spring Creek? If so, please contact your legislators and Governor Rendell.
Wouldn't it be correct to have public input into this, town meetings, at minimum or email solicitation from all concerned like an email to sportsmens groups to notify their members,? As it is developers will have all the pull and we know what that will lead to.
This issue is well known in Harrisburg. It was Senate Bill 740 with Hanna Amendment, and conservationists succeeded in getting it delayed. There were numerous newspaper articles about it. Some of the legislators on the committee considering the bill were swamped with phone calls and emails, according to an article in the CDT.

Whether the bill will have the same number when this proposed land transfer comes up again, I don't know. And I don't think it's that important when you send your email. Just stick to the message.
I have just sent a letter to the League of Conservationist Voters, an environmental and conservation lobbiest group on D.C. In the past they have had great pull in protecting the arctic wildlife refuge from drilling, as well as countless other ecosystems. Hopefully they can help.
Below you will find the letter I wrote to my representative on July 6th voicing my opposition of the proposed land transfer to Penn State. I have also posted his response

Dear Representative Conklin,

I am writing to you to voice my opposition to Penn State acquiring the land from Rockview Prison know as Spring Creek Canyon. Penn State does not need to acquire more land to put in another reserch center, The Canyon should be kept for all citizens to enjoy. This is a very special area for sportsman and should be left in its natural state and protected by a permanent conservation easement to ensure that it is never developed for any reason. I have read that Rep. Hanna has stated that it is "pretty much a done deal" for Penn State to acquire this land and I urge you to use your influence to prevent this from happening.
Thank you,

Thanks for taking the time to contact me. Rep. Mike Hanna and Sen. Jake Corman are the prime sponsors of the Rockview land transfer. Please make sure you contact them as well. I will take your comments into consideration as the debate moves forward. Thanks again for the e-mail.

Meredith wrote:
Below you will find the letter I wrote to my representative on July 6th voicing my opposition of the proposed land transfer to Penn State. I have also posted his response

Dear Representative Conklin,

I am writing to you to voice my opposition to Penn State acquiring the land from Rockview Prison know as Spring Creek Canyon. Penn State does not need to acquire more land to put in another reserch center, The Canyon should be kept for all citizens to enjoy. This is a very special area for sportsman and should be left in its natural state and protected by a permanent conservation easement to ensure that it is never developed for any reason. I have read that Rep. Hanna has stated that it is "pretty much a done deal" for Penn State to acquire this land and I urge you to use your influence to prevent this from happening.
Thank you,

Thanks for taking the time to contact me. Rep. Mike Hanna and Sen. Jake Corman are the prime sponsors of the Rockview land transfer. Please make sure you contact them as well. I will take your comments into consideration as the debate moves forward. Thanks again for the e-mail.


Good job. Here in Centre County, Rep. Benninghoff is opposed to the transfer of the land to Penn State & Benner Twp, and in favor of transfer to the Game Commission. And he said he hopes to convince some of his colleagues. Our messages can help do that.
I will continue to write letters to my respective representatives regarding saving Spring Creek Canyon but I feel as though I am tilting at windmills. The only reason the GC even has 8 million dollars to spend on this ground is because the Governor forced the sale of the Toftrees Game Lands to Penn State. The legislators will put on a façade of paying lip service to the outcry from the public and probably sponsor some kind of dog and pony show to give the appearance of listening to the taxpayers but I am sure the outcome is already a given. The bottom line is this; the legislators are going to listen to their major campaign contributors, many of whom are Penn State supporters and alumni and it will be all over. Now if you could get Joe Paterno to endorse a plan to sell this land to the Game Commission it might succeed.
The irony in all this is the College of Agriculture at Penn State announced several weeks ago in the CDT that they are cutting back on the Ag. College and would be announcing lay offs. If they are cutting back why do they need more ground for agricultural research?

Why do I have the feeling this could be another retirement village for Penn State supporters with private access to Spring Creek included in the package?
Amazing: I was thinking the same thing, but more along the idea of a gift fo the college President, after all they did give a former President a nice chunk of land on Spruce Creek, above Baileyville somewhere, down in the meadow. I am still extremely miffed about the state (Rockview and DOC) closing the Canyon in retaliation for the fly fishing guys exposing their sewage pollution of the stream. I spent many hours down there fishing before that action and would love to do it again.