Salmon River


I've tried to enjoy mud sharkin' and bead draggin' for steel. Yes, the fish are big and strong but it's not enough for me to want to deal with the circus that surrounds the tribs of Erie and Ontario. The fish I've taken in 34 degree water would have put up a great fight in 60 degree water but it is what it is. Maybe it's because nymphing is just something I do to kill time while looking for rising fish. Not an option up there and after 2 hours of chuck-n-duck without any takes, I'm more interested in a beer and a nap. LOL. I should go this year because every other time I'm up there, the SR is cranking 1000-1400 cfs and that's hell to try and fish in.
Today's storm may have changed conditions, but I heard warm and low water caused DEC to close off Altmar to ffishing.

They closed off the lower FF section, but kept the upper FF section open. The fish in the upper FF section got past the hatchery, so they are not interested in saving those poor bastages. Salmon no problem, they're dead fish swimming, but the steelhead, brownies and the few atlantics are sitting ducks for the most part...............unless it rains ALOT!
krayfish wrote:
Oh no! Fred has consumed the koolaid.

I will do my best to resist but if they offer me grape I'm in trouble.
last man standing.
krayfish wrote:

I've tried to enjoy mud sharkin' and bead draggin' for steel. Yes, the fish are big and strong but it's not enough for me to want to deal with the circus that surrounds the tribs of Erie and Ontario. The fish I've taken in 34 degree water would have put up a great fight in 60 degree water but it is what it is. Maybe it's because nymphing is just something I do to kill time while looking for rising fish. Not an option up there and after 2 hours of chuck-n-duck without any takes, I'm more interested in a beer and a nap. LOL. I should go this year because every other time I'm up there, the SR is cranking 1000-1400 cfs and that's hell to try and fish in.


I thought the same way as you and still do "somewhat" but then a friend of mine convinced me to go to the salmon river a few years ago. I only live an hour away so i said I would go, and yes it is a circus, but I quickly realized I had to change my mind set when I go. I now go with zero expectations and consider any steelhead I catch a bonus fish for the year. I don't care if I catch anything and I ignore the shenanigans up there because if I paid attention to it I would lose my mind. Its the only way I deal with the crowds but it works for me. I rarely go before november these days.

I don't do the mudshark thing at all. That is just ridiculous. I totally understand what you are saying though too.

Well, My girlfriend and I are heading up Sept 28th early in the morning (2.00 a.m. ill start the drive) We should be up there around 8:30ish if all goes well. I seam to have read somewhere's that the two FF only areas listed are catch and release only.

I hope that the Salmon are still alive with the lack of water flowing and oxygen. I'd sure like to battle a couple with my 3wt Orvis....

Anyways....What are the best of colored flies and streamers to use when the water conditions are this low?
First the two fly zones are C & R however the lower zone at this time is closed until Oct. 31.
The Salmon are doing fine,except for the snaggers,and with the cooler nights the water temp is now in the low 6o's and will probably be in the 50's when you get there.
If your serious about using a 3 wt be sure to have a backup of at least a 7 wt,8/9 wt would be better.Those fish will rip that 3 wt into a noodle then snap it!
As far as color bring everything you have in size 10 and up,look at what others are using and switch flies/color until you hit the color of the day.

I was just jokin about using my 3wt rod.....I have an 8wt.....and just replaced the line. Been busy making some new streamers....not sure how they will do. Mostly with yellow and orange so far. Look forward to testing them out.

P.S. If I did use my 3wt and you're there you would probably hear me yelling and screaming miles away to get out of the way as I run back and forth down the banks. You still might if I hook into something large.


Get some red in your flies. When red works it's on fire. Red estaz, some red in your stoneflies, and red streamers.

Last year a black zonker pattern with an orange bead head was THE pattern for my group.

Get some red in your flies. When red works it's on fire. Red estaz, some red in your stoneflies, and red streamers.

Last year a black zonker pattern with an orange bead head was THE pattern for my group.


Coho's started.
Make sure you have these colors: black/ in streamers.
Estaz beer
Tie some glo bugs on #12 short hooks in various colors.
You never know what the hot color will be,you gotta have a bunch of colors.
Just remember, the colors don't matter when you are "lifting" them in the dorsal.Well....maybe they do. Don't want to scare them when the weird colored fly gets close.
I do most of my "lifting" with a coil leader. You can feel every dorsal.
Those who have fished the grindstone... where did you park? I see the big lot at the mouth, anywhere else besides that?
Thanks ..I enjoy all the responses.. I went over to Mainstream Outfitters on Saturday and picked up a bunch of different flies from eggs to streamers. Look forward to laying down my line this coming weekend.
Here's the variety pack I've tied for some of the guys in my group. 126 flies. Should last a few hours...


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ryguyfi wrote:
Here's the variety pack I've tied for some of the guys in my group. 126 flies. Should last a few hours...

Nice junk flies :p
sorry... didn't think you could see over the TV tray to see them. :-D