Salmon River 2018



Jul 26, 2016
Well if true the season’s starting early!

I am headed up 9/18, hope they are still running;)
As a retired veteran of fishing the Salmon River in September I found that the slim chance of being at the right place at the right time in early to mid September is not worth the effort. I slowly learned my lesson, only took about 15 years. Now, anytime after Oct. 1 is usually well worth the effort, if salmon is your game. Unless you only want to slam a coho, then all bets are off and early season is your best chance.
I have only been to the Salmon River once and it was a long time ago. I was taken along with a friend and his dad when I was in high school. We stopped at a tackle shop and got our spinning outfits rigged with fresh line and whatnot. And then every salmon I hooked in the two days I was there broke off so easily that it was like my line was totally dry rotted even though it was "new." Seriously, it wasn't a fun trip. Plus there were SO MANY PEOPLE.
listen to Biggie,above; great advice
I have had great days in September when the fates align. A few years ago strong westerlies piled up warm water in the lake down to 100+ feet and a cool rain drew lots of fish into the colder river. I caught cohoes, kings, browns, steelies, an Atlantic plus smallies and fallfish - that is a slam. Plus the crowds were down and the weather was gorgeous.

OK, that happened once. The rest of the time it is a lot of waiting and searching for any sign of fish.

My best fishing in September was when I was unemployed and single and could head up at the drop of a hat. Same with Finger lake tribs fishing. You have to have local info and get up quick when it is happening. Now I am married and working and I am lucky to get up at all and rarely hit the excellent fishing.
This is a early run and it will only get better later as the lake is loaded with fish and they will get that urge when it cools off.I have been there early and it is hit or miss,even down in the DSR but your chances are better there as they are fresh from the lake and not hassled.Later they will be everywhere in the river.
When I fished the sr, my favorite weekend was 2nd or 3rd weekend in Sept. I would fish as close to dsr as possible. Lots of hot fish if you know where to look.
Biggie, sound advice. I know September is hit or empty river, but I love the chance at coho’s and bright fish. The funky smell and yellow tails of October are too much for me, plus I like archery.

Sound advice to the board though!
I must add that once you hook up with a bright coho…………...well there is nothing like a fresh ho, but as we age, even the lure of a fresh ho wears off. Now steelhead season can't come quick enough.
Well stated Biggie. I never dabbled in the Ho's myself. I guess I should have in my younger years, but I too have aged and now wait for the steel.
A fresh Ho is like a Steelhead on steroids.
There have been early runs on the SR, like now, almost every year. These are very hit or miss affairs, include relatively few fish, and typically last only a couple of days. I was up this past week, Tue/Wed/Thu, fishing DSR. Tuesday evening, I caught 3 kings but nothing, not even a sniff Wed/Thu. Your best bet is mid-September onward with an increasing chance as you head to the end of September/early October. As others have said, cohos are simply outstanding to catch but the runs are iffy and don't last long. If you happen to hit it, it's a truly epic experience. mid- to end of September seems to be the best time for it.

This year's season could well stack up as epic. The charter boat captains on Lake Ontario have been limiting out by mid-morning and have noted more fish in the lake than they've seen in quite a few years. The NY DEC just released their catch rate data for the April-June 2018 period. It is the highest it has been in decades. The chinook (king) salmon catch rate set a record that was 227% above the previous 5 year average. The catch rate for all trout (brown, steelhead) and salmon (king, coho, Atlantic) species also surpassed the previous record high, more than 37% above the previous 5 year average.

I expect to be at DSR September 16/17/18. PM me if you want to meet.
mcneishm wrote:
There have been early runs on the SR, like now, almost every year. These are very hit or miss affairs, include relatively few fish, and typically last only a couple of days. I was up this past week, Tue/Wed/Thu, fishing DSR. Tuesday evening, I caught 3 kings but nothing, not even a sniff Wed/Thu. Your best bet is mid-September onward with an increasing chance as you head to the end of September/early October. As others have said, cohos are simply outstanding to catch but the runs are iffy and don't last long. If you happen to hit it, it's a truly epic experience. mid- to end of September seems to be the best time for it.

This year's season could well stack up as epic. The charter boat captains on Lake Ontario have been limiting out by mid-morning and have noted more fish in the lake than they've seen in quite a few years. The NY DEC just released their catch rate data for the April-June 2018 period. It is the highest it has been in decades. The chinook (king) salmon catch rate set a record that was 227% above the previous 5 year average. The catch rate for all trout (brown, steelhead) and salmon (king, coho, Atlantic) species also surpassed the previous record high, more than 37% above the previous 5 year average.

I expect to be at DSR September 16/17/18. PM me if you want to meet.

The SR was quiet over the holiday weekend, but things can break at any time in the next several weeks, especially when the water begins to cool.

Whitakers SR Report

SR Flow
I’m heading up there for the first time on the 24th-26th. I would appreciate any tips or hot flies I should tie to have with me.
Standard egg patterns and egg sucking leeches always work for salmon for me. As they get more pressured and steelhead show up, I'll throw basic stones or more natural nymphs.
kobalt335 wrote:
Standard egg patterns and egg sucking leeches always work for salmon for me. As they get more pressured and steelhead show up, I'll throw basic stones or more natural nymphs.

Are you fishing the DSR with these patterns? For salmon, I've always just tied some estaz to a hook and flossed but I've never fished fresh salmon in the DSR either.
Millsertime wrote:
kobalt335 wrote:
Standard egg patterns and egg sucking leeches always work for salmon for me. As they get more pressured and steelhead show up, I'll throw basic stones or more natural nymphs.

Are you fishing the DSR with these patterns? For salmon, I've always just tied some estaz to a hook and flossed but I've never fished fresh salmon in the DSR either.

I normally fish the upper river later in the run, so these fish see it all. You can use anything really, because it all works. I just tend to have more fair hooked fish using these flies.
Agree with all the above. My personal preference is for brighter color estaz or glo bugs for fresh fish in DSR. Seems these fish will respond positively be it anger, territory, feeding, instinct, curiosity or something else. Legal hookups are common.

As the fish move up river they see these color baits by the thousands and perhaps encounter a few unpleasant experiences with them. I also believe they are aware of the many fisherman and associate the colors with fisherman and behave negatively. I have seen fish spook upon seeing brightly colored flies many times.

Up river I have found darker colored flies to be more effective. Black, Brown, Dk Olive, Blue, Purple estaz eggs tend to work better.....for me at least. While they may not eat every one, they are at least less apt to spook provided you get a good drift.

I am headed up there October 13th-16th. Is that pushing it too late to get into salmon? We figured we might get into some brown trout or early steelhead. Last year I went the first week of October and we did pretty well for our first trip up.
There will still be plenty of salmon around and steelies will be there. Never hit too many browns on the SR, but you may catch a few at that time. Good luck.