Done with Haverford Orvis



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
Today, I went into the Orvis store in Haverford, just to pick up some split shot. It's only ten mins from my home. Anyway, as I'm looking at their selection, an employee comes over and asks if he can help me. I said "I'm just looking for some spit shot, but I'd rather not spend $15 on it". The fellow says "this is a fly shop and we sell non-toxic split shot". I felt like saying, "oh, this is a fly shop?" I thanked him for his time and I left.

This is a store where I've probably spent no less than $1000 on various items over the years it's been there. Waders and wading boots account for the bulk of my spending there. But, I don't need an employee reminding me what type of store I'm in. I've been going there for a long while, and this may have been a new employee who doesn't know any better. Either way, I didn't care for the comment, so I won't be shopping there again.
I continued up the road to the Bryn Mawr TCO, where I got the split shot I wanted for $5, and I had a pleasant conversation about Valley Creek with one of the employees. Anyone else get rubbed the wrong way at an Orvis museum, I mean store?
I think you overreacted; that said, I much prefer TCO- they have a way better selection, especially on tying materials.

Edit: I'll just add that if it's the Orvis employee I'm thinking about (skinny, middle aged guy), he's definiutely a bit of an oddball and can be off-putting.
Dear wildtrout2,

Sorry you had a bad day, maybe the guy was just trying to prep flatlanders for their trip to God's Country over the 4th of July? ;)

I can't say that I have ever shopped in a store that was wholly owned by Orvis. I have Orvis products, including rods and reels but they were all purchased at independent shops that carried Orvis products as one of several brands. Flyfisher's Paradise in State College was one of the places I bought Orvis rods and reels and waders and there were others like them where I shopped over the years. Opting for variety has always been the way I like to shop.


Tim Murphy :)
I think you overreacted; that said, I much prefer TCO- they have a way better selection, especially on tying materials.

Edit: I'll just add that if it's the Orvis employee I'm thinking about (skinny, middle aged guy), he's definiutely a bit of an oddball and can be off-putting.
It could well be, your description is pretty accurate.