Rocky Mountian trip...



New member
Oct 2, 2006
Went out to Colorado this past week to climb Long's Peak (14,255ft) in Rocky Mountain National Park. As a side trip we hiked up to about 11,000ft to a lake and the brook that fed it, Icy Brook I believe it was called. We had a great day of fishing these high mountain spots, they were loaded with Greenback Cutthroats (the only fish that was there), we landed at least 15 -20 each ranging from 8-16 inches. The cuts put up a great fight with a 1wt and 3wt rod and they are a beautiful fish. All and all it was a great trip...and the summit of Long's Peak is one of the best views you'll ever see. I will try to post some pics, most scenery (getting pics of the fish was tough because the Greenbacks are a protected species and you are not even supposed to take them out of the water to unhook them, never mind to take a picture)...
when I get a chance.

Glad to hear you had a good and safe trip, looking forward to those pics.