Recent Review of Waterproof Cameras



Jul 21, 2011
Here is a link to a recent review of waterproof cameras that I thought might be of interest to some. DP Reviews does a thorough job with their camera evaluations for those unfamiliar with the site.
no cannon d10?
From the 2011 review: "Crucially, (and unlike the still-available Canon Powershot D10) all of the cameras in this group are genuinely 'compact'."

They did review the D10 in 2009.
I had a older film minolta Vectris that used the apx film cartridge took great pics, was water proof and handled the cold ...then i got a Olympus1030SW i love it also takes short movies too ,have had it out many times from torrential downpours to takin a few pics snorkleing to -25 F deer like a charm.
The Boss{my fiance'} and i have a Canon 30D DLSR its also a great camera ,And IMHO Canon makes the BEST DLSR 's out there also they have the greatest range of Glass currently avaiable and the Image stabilization set the standard.
I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Canon,But at the time Olympus was light years ahead with the all weather conditions p[oint and shoot and with a movie feature ..well Canon didn't have a point and shoot at the time .
Huge fan here of the Pentax optio series. I have the 80 model and it's been a very reliable and rugged waterproof/shockproof camera.
How does the photo quality of these cameras compare with the Canon S95, which is a highly rated non-waterproof compact camera?

Troutbert this is about waterproof point and shoots
Yeah, and he's asking how they compare to a non-waterproof.
go for a swim or better yet try taking a pic underwater of a fish you are releasing. that should solve any questions
jayL wrote:
Yeah, and he's asking how they compare to a non-waterproof.

When you put them in water they rate poorly against non-waterproof.

Panasonic eats babbys for breakfast. I sold all my cameras last night in a drunken stooper and bought moar Panasonics ftw.
I have the D10. It's length and width is similar to all other P&S's out there, but it is thicker. A weird egg shape. I don't find it overly big, though. I'd think it should be included in the category here. Though if you go to Best Buy or similar box stores, they have no clue it even exists.

It takes very nice above water pictures, I'd rate it equivalent to Canon's other P&S's. For your standard, everyday picture in good light conditions, I think the sharpness is superior to my Canon SX20is. Though the SX20 obviously has a lot more versatility for more difficult conditions and specialty type shots, and light years better zoom.

Below water, I've gotten a couple decent ones, but nothing like some others have posted with Olympus and others. Not sure if it's the camera, the operator, or the place, or maybe a combination of the above.

The thing is bombproof.
Last year I bought my wife a Panasonic Lumix TS2 for the same reason pcray stated... Its bomb (or wife) proof. Its done well for her. I haven't been able to use it long enough to really play with it. but she says its easy to use. Her photos look great.

But it doesn't compare to my Nikon D2Xs... but then its not water proof to any depth and doesn't fit in yout pocket.
s95 because;
1) Better lens ( f/2.0 compared to f/2.8)
2) Bigger sensor. (= less noise).

Just don't get it wet.
I have a Fugifilm Z33WP. Its a good point and click camera. I've had it for a little over a year. The battery lasts a long time, the pics come out nicely and its submersable. It's been a great camera for me.