Public Comment on Spruce Creek

salmonoid wrote:
FrankTroutAngler wrote:
rrt wrote:
Regular posters to this FLY FISHING site: franktroutangler's puerile posts are designed to antagonize fly-fishermen. Otherwise, he would post his comments about Slate Run and Fishermen's Paradise on a non-fly-fishing site, not here. Don't let this non-fly-fisherman get "under your skin."

Rich, please explain how advocating equal fishing rights for all anglers makes me childish and anti-fly-fishermen. Please use Slate Run/Francis Branch as your example.

I'm not in favor of special regulations in general, but if they do exist, I'd always vote for C&R All-Tackle. That being said, if I had to pick a hill to die on, getting the few miles of FFO water in PA converted to something else would not be it. Yes, it may not be fair or equal, but it is what it is. You trumpet this grave injustice in the world every time you can and you point out that it was a fly-fisherman who you encountered while you were fishing your stream beat; presumably, they interrupted your fishing, but maybe you interrupted theirs? This may be why folks view you as anti-fly-fishermen.

I'm always grateful for what I do have; not ungrateful for what I don't have.

The many times I've mentioned running into other angers while fishing spinners and disliking having to leave and finding another place to fish has always been done for education purposes. Anytime I've mentioned that it was a fly fisherman that I ran into was stated strictly because it was in fact a fly fisherman. I've had bait and spinner fishermen impact my outings as well and would have stated this if it had happened on the day I was writing about.

Fishing behind another angler while fishing spinners is a total waste of time. I've preached this in my seminars for many years as well as in the stories I've written online. It is one of the big keys to my success. Heck, even rrt admitted years ago that he never thought about other anglers putting down the trout while fly fishing -- I guess he used to just think he was using the wrong fly. Now if the trout aren't out feeding and he thinks it's because of angler disturbance he goes to another section of the same stream or to another stream altogether rather than trying another fly. You see, even a fly angler learned from me. As I recall, he mentioned this in one of his articles in Pennsylvania Outdoor News, though he didn't give me credit.
"Groundhog Day?"

Or "It's like deja vu all over again?"

Feel free to post my address and phone number too ????. I have been a PAFF member for far longer than you (Dances With Brookies prior to Wild Trouter), and I can remember all the way back to 2011 when you would come on here and essentially troll this board. Some of your past posts/responses can be construed as antagonistic and I think it is deliberate that you come on a FF website to rile people up. You're retired now. Go back to 2011 in your history and start reading the comments in threads you participated in as there is a common theme. My take (not alone here) is that you have a real problem with fly-fishermen for a variety of reasons, but maybe it's your approach...dunno and don't really care. God Bless
Frank, please answer these 2 quesions:

1) how many miles of trout streams (both wild and stocked) are there in PA?

2) how many miles are fly fishing only?
So following the law and keeping your limit is feeling entitled? There is enough regulation out there to satisfy the feeling of entitlement for the trout FF crowd to choke a horse. To rant over 700 feet of stream is the essence of entitlement.

I'm an angler who does not pigeon hole myself to just one genre. I fly fish, spin fish, bait fish, salt water fish, and ice fish on any given day. I pay for a license, I obey the letter of the law and at times I keep and eat the fish I catch. This my friends is not a feeling of entitlement. Demanding everybody plays by your rules, preaching that following your rules makes a better sportsman is pure unadulterated FF snobbery.

Yes, we can all get along by respecting the legal choices of others. We don't have to agree with those choices but we must respect their choice with no ill will.
jifigz wrote:
The government already can't manage what it has/runs let alone one more tax loophole, I'm sure they'd screw it up. And this whole C&R/bait fisherman harvest thing is kind of whack. Think about it, we have better trout fishing and more wild trout now than any other time in our state's history. I would say that 90% of fisherman today release fish. When I've been out on opening days just observing in places that are stocked fisheries even those bait fisherman are mostly releasing their catch. They ate just there for the fun which is why we all fish, at least part of it. I don't think that an unstocked stream will draw as many anglers looking to fill their freezers. How much impact will it really have? There aren't enough WCO to enforce what currently exists and people can easily keep fish from C&R water already......I've seen it done lots of times from the Little J.

With that said my favorite trout steam is stocked, Class A, packed with wild browns, the stockies hold over always unless caught and killed, has open regular statewide regs, and is in terrific shape. How do all of those browns thrive in there without C&R regs? Oh, and one better thing, serious anglers pay it less attention because it still gets stocked..

Clearly you haven't spent time in my neck of the woods on opening day. My comment regarding a limited harvest period actually parallels your belief that a majority release fish, and it was meant to be an idea to save PFBC money since the trout stocking program isn't solvent.


Frank, I like your methods of fishing, I too fish like you sometimes, but not always. I am a person that loves fly fishing, ties flies and leaders but also builds gang hooks, spinning lures, walleye rigs, spoons, etc.

I get a feeling you and I are quite similar in beliefs about fishing in general. Would I be on the right track to say. "fishing is for everyone".
With that, I mean. Bait, spinner, fly, we won't discuss fingering, as it should be taught as a survival method.

Frank, i have known some perfect fishermen, gentlemen at best. Perfect in their knowledge of fishing in many ways, They taught me their way! Now, i would never tell the teacher, your wrong! I would be wrong in not to understand their methods. These people caught fish after fish, their way and i could not wait to learn, their way.

Everyone always gathers around the cabin porch, campfire, living room, to hear stories of fish, falls, ghosts, black panthers, lost pine creek man with pipe looking for loved one's with red glowing eye's on Pine Creek trail.

We talk, North, South, East and West. Shops now, Shops gone, Hero's and legends, Myth and fiction, The good , bad and ugly!

June is here, a starter is corn on the cob, a good potato salad, clams on the fire, grill, steamer and some Rolling Rock. Let the fun begin. Children running aroud, excitement to the fullest! Campfire, hot dogs, smores, mountain pies. Oh boy, I am in love! Trout on grill, smoked trout on crackers with cream cheese. Yep, Good fun!

Okay, i had my beer and food and am sitting by the fire. feeling free, feeling good, I ask " how did you catch those whoppers". You reply "spinners". Instead of getting up and leaving, I say "wow" what kind, i want some!

Maxima12 The mind of Maxima12 is forever in motion!

maxima12 wrote:

Maxima12 The mind of Maxima12 is forever in motion!

True enough. I just can't figure out the direction.
outsider wrote:
Frank, please answer these 2 quesions:

1) how many miles of trout streams (both wild and stocked) are there in PA?

2) how many miles are fly fishing only?


Hypothetically speaking, if the PFBC proposed making 8.7 miles (coincidentally, the same length as the PFBC-sanctioned fly fishing only club water on Slate Run/Francis Branch) of Penns Creek Bait Fishing Only, do you think the fly fishing community would just shrug their shoulders and say, "Sure. Go ahead. It's only a few miles of water. We have lots of other places to fish?"

The answer to this question is the reason why your argument is old, worn-out, and indefensible.
FrankTroutAngler wrote:
outsider wrote:
Frank, please answer these 2 quesions:

1) how many miles of trout streams (both wild and stocked) are there in PA?

2) how many miles are fly fishing only?


Hypothetically speaking, if the PFBC proposed making 8.7 miles (coincidentally, the same length as the PFBC-sanctioned fly fishing only club water on Slate Run/Francis Branch) of Penns Creek Bait Fishing Only, do you think the fly fishing community would just shrug their shoulders and say, "Sure. Go ahead. It's only a few miles of water. We have lots of other places to fish?"

The answer to this question is the reason why your argument is old, worn-out, and indefensible.

What’s your obsession with Slate Run? If you really want to fish it, then grab a fly rod and have at it, it’s really much easier than complaining about it.

For the record, I don’t think FFO is a good use a public resource. Artificial only w/ single barbless hook would be fine with me for all current and future FFO waters
FrankTroutAngler wrote:
outsider wrote:
Frank, please answer these 2 quesions:

1) how many miles of trout streams (both wild and stocked) are there in PA?

2) how many miles are fly fishing only?


Hypothetically speaking, if the PFBC proposed making 8.7 miles (coincidentally, the same length as the PFBC-sanctioned fly fishing only club water on Slate Run/Francis Branch) of Penns Creek Bait Fishing Only, do you think the fly fishing community would just shrug their shoulders and say, "Sure. Go ahead. It's only a few miles of water. We have lots of other places to fish?"

The answer to this question is the reason why your argument is old, worn-out, and indefensible.

I asked you a very pointed question, and you did not answer it. Your response is the one that is old, worn out, and indefensible. So answer the question, if you are so informed.
Aw, guys, you're letting fta get to you. When dealing with him on this fly-fishing website, it is just best to ignore his petulant posts.
Just fun and games. Frankly my dear, I don't give a dam. Name the movie.
Sounds like Gone With The Wind to me.
Here is your answer. GG
Wild_Trouter wrote:
Feel free to post my address and phone number too ????. I have been a PAFF member for far longer than you (Dances With Brookies prior to Wild Trouter), and I can remember all the way back to 2011 when you would come on here and essentially troll this board. Some of your past posts/responses can be construed as antagonistic and I think it is deliberate that you come on a FF website to rile people up. You're retired now. Go back to 2011 in your history and start reading the comments in threads you participated in as there is a common theme. My take (not alone here) is that you have a real problem with fly-fishermen for a variety of reasons, but maybe it's your approach...dunno and don't really care. God Bless

Wild Trouter: Why would I go back into the history of my posts on here and look for something that exists only in the minds of people with reading comprehension skills clouded by anti-FrankTroutAngler rage?
rrt wrote:
Aw, guys, you're letting fta get to you. When dealing with him on this fly-fishing website, it is just best to ignore his petulant posts.

Rich, I believe the reason you didn't answer my question in post #37 is not because you think it is best to ignore what you call my petulant posts, but because you realize that if you answered my question honestly you'd be writing something you'd prefer not to have your name associated with -- something that gets right to the core of this issue that you don't want to admit.
Seriously Frank, what is you goal to achieve by continuing this? Do you expect converts to your way of thinking? I suggest you go to your local liquour store and open another bottle of whine.
outsider wrote:
Seriously Frank, what is you goal to achieve by continuing this? Do you expect converts to your way of thinking? I suggest you go to your local liquour store and open another bottle of whine.


I see nothing wrong with defending myself against vicious accusations such as the one from Wild Trouter.

And yes, there is no doubt that what I have written on here has changed the minds of a few people.

I'm a teetotaler so all of the whine is for you.