Proposed Newbie Brush-up Day, Saturday, May 5th at 10AM

Thanks for the info! WB's any good this time of year? Never fished with them.
WB's are good any time of the year.
Just read up on that a little bit. Might give them a shot tomorrow depending on water level and clarity.
shirk81 wrote:
I'll be the guy with Dogfish Head brewery hat :)

If it's anything like the last brush up, just about anyone within 50 yards of the Heritage Fly Shop will be from paflyfish.
Just a conditions update for Foxfest II -

The LL has a flow of around 115 right now. That's perfectly fishable. The forecast shows anticipated precipitation amounts of under a half inch.

I'll wager that the stream will be very fishable tomorrow, and probably not off color too much, if at all.

As far as what to expect, bug wise - dunno. We could/should see some sulphur activity, craneflies, caddis, and the usual midges. There may be some BWO's as well.

Looks like a pretty nice day to be on the water.

Foxgap239 wrote:
I have to go to my "no frills rough it camp" in Centre County the following weekend.

Oh, righteo. You're so deprived. :roll:
Quote: I certainly don't have any issues with a little a$$ kissin' either but in the spirit of full disclosure I will not be attending the jam. I have to go to my "no frills rough it camp" in Centre County the following weekend. Posted on: Today 7:41

Well I see how it is.......In that case I won't need your help anyway because I would probably just out fish you anyway. Although it would be fun to teach an "Old Timer" a few new tricks. :-D
delta_dog wrote:
Quote: I certainly don't have any issues with a little a$$ kissin' either but in the spirit of full disclosure I will not be attending the jam. I have to go to my "no frills rough it camp" in Centre County the following weekend. Posted on: Today 7:41

Well I see how it is.......In that case I won't need your help anyway because I would probably just out fish you anyway. Although it would be fun to teach an "Old Timer" a few new tricks. :-D

What? Is that the sound of a gauntlet been thrown down?

Fox-fight, Fox-fight! :)
Okay, those thinking about going early, check here before you leave in the morning. I'll post if I'm not going early due to the stream being blown out. I doubt that will happen but check to be sure.

DD, the "heated" pin is going back in as we speak!
Foxgap239 wrote:
Okay, those thinking about going early, check here before you leave in the morning. I'll post if I'm not going early due to the stream being blown out. I doubt that will happen but check to be sure.

Dammit. I haven't been out in like 2 wks. I'm leaving about 5:15 or so. No donuts for you. I'll mail one to d_d though.

Sorry, I won't be able to make it now. I injured my shoulder playing golf today and it's in a sling. I hope to make it the next time everyone gets together.
Looks like storm had no impact on the water, see you there guys! Bright and early
Just got back home from a good day out on the creek.
I caught one, and met a bunch of great guys.
Looking forward to meeting up again for more lessons and fishing.
Got to meet and fish with old (read Fox) not so old and new friends from the forum and had a great time.

Now to work on the hooking skills.
Another great day put on by Mr Fox and his 'kits'. Met & fished some more new guys and well as the ones who have been showing up to all the newbie jams. Spent the entire AM with Mrwisker (I believe and I hadn't met yet) as we were with Fox and then VN. Broke my rod rigging up but Cabelas was really easy to deal with and exchanged it for me w/out a receipt and @ what I believe was original retail price as they no longer make that model.

Fox .. You weren't w/ me for my first fish BUT I did catch my first on one of your rods. Thanks for lending me that. U spent a good hour 1/2 with me and when it stuck. I didn't walk back

Volknurse - Thank you so much for untangling that clusterF I had with my line. My first fish w/ you and MW. Totally starting to get where to try and place my line and where the fish maybe hanging. After mothersday weekend we'll get together w/ some of the Bucks county/local guys around here.

Heritage - awesome spending some time and working on my roll cast. Felt somewhat comfortable up on that rock on the shore line. Definitely a cast that I will use often.

-I think the most valuable thing I learned yesterday was the same thing all 3 of you re-iterated thu out the day. I had no clue when ur indicator stops and/or u feel that lil jerk on ur rod, tighten up and lift the rod to hook the fish. I have never done any type of fishing prior to this and just thought mr. trout would grab your bug and it hooks. Could've gained all the knowledge and casting info but would never catch fish.

Great day yesterday and a really nice turnout
I got there around 2:30 fished for about 90 minutes and ran off to get something from Wendy's and just relaxed by the stream. I didn't see anyone I recognized from the last meet-up.

I hit the water again around 6pm and fished until 8pm but got skunked. I did not see any risings but there were a lot of small black birds skimming the water. Around 7 pm I noticed some fish jumping.

I had some trouble casting. I was breaking off flies while casting (I guess on my back cast) and on my forward cast my leader was hitting the water in a clump. I think that's called not turning over the fly.

In retrospect, I think I was casting too hard. Any advice would be appreciated.

In spite of getting skunked and not casting properly it was a nice relaxing day and I looking forward to hitting the water again.

Oh, I also saw a blue heron the size of the spring house. Ok, maybe not the size of the spring house but it was big.

I got there around 730 and didn't really see anyone, but then again, I never met anyone from the form so I just went right in the water and started fishing :). Had no luck but kept going after a golden rainbow that was just being a stubborn SOB....

I ended up meeting two guys from the forum right when I was leaving and I am so sorry but I forgot who they were...I ended up staying later than I was supposed to and had to rush home so the wife wouldn't be too angry :). But anyway, hopefully next local meetup I can meet some more of you guys. It was good to check a new area out and at least get some practice in.
dj212345 I met you right while I was leaving correct?
Hi RC - I was looking for you, but since we've never met, I had no idea who you were.

Was there until about 5PM, and was looking forward to helping you with your casting. We should make it a point to meet, and get this done soon - an hour would be plenty of time.

Some basic instruction on the fundamentals will go a long way...

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to get together. I can usually free up an hour or two most any day.
