Proposed Newbie Brush-up Day, Saturday, May 5th at 10AM

by djs12354 on 2012/4/22 12:56:58
Heritage-Angler wrote: Quote: Fox doesn't do early, but he goes like hell once he gets going. Oh Yes Fox does early....He just whines about it! A Lot!!

You should have been there when ED had his brush up day. The one that Steve and I were the only ones that showed up at! I do recall ED whining about having the "sniffles" and then went home leaving us POOR NEWBIES to fend for ourselves. :-(. But it was fine because George more than made up for it the following week at his event. :-D
Don't even TRY to pass yourself off as a newbie!

At next year's newbie jam, you'll be on the outside of the tables - count on it.

by Heritage-Angler on 2012/4/22 14:19:08 Don't even TRY to pass yourself off as a newbie! At next year's newbie jam, you'll be on the outside of the tables - count on it.

Count me in. Will be more than happy to share what I know.
Which part of the LL are we talking?
I am always interested in learning more.
I'm in. No babysitting this time. :>
I might be there before 10am :) look for the frustrated guy trying to untangle his line...that will most likely be me :)
Okay a couple of things. First, I read this forum and see all of your coments, Dave and Ed! Paybacks can be a "fickle little *****"!

Second, I don't mind (or whine) about early, I love early, I hate early and cold! Pick better weather Dave!

Thirdly, I'll be there at 6AM and fish before you weenies (some may be green) even think about getting out of bed!
I'll bring the donuts
After yesterday going to do my best to get up there. Had no clue where to look for fish. Didn't see any rising and had no clue where to chuck my fly out. Also had no clue what fly to use so I tried to match my fly as closely as I could with some bugs that were flying around.

I'm in.
I'm going to try to shoot for 7am. I am actually thinking about stopping by the fly shop this week and might drop a line in then. I'd like to talk to those guys about some spots in the area that they recommend since I work right off Lehigh St. It is pretty much on my way home (Fleetwood)
Okay, I'll shoot for no later than 7 myself, maybe even 6 if the weather looks good. We'll meet at the picnic tables closer to the parking lot. If I'm fishing early, I'll try to be back to the tables by 7.
If not no worries. Like I said, I would really like to scope the area out this week Since I am working here this week (my locations change). Looking forward to this.
You guys SUCK! I wish I could make it but May is a pretty busy month for me with clients. So MY fishing time is gonna be limited but at least I'm still out on the water.
I can't stay long. Only till maybe 10. Have plans later but I really want to get out a few hours.
No worries Dan. I'll eat a donut for you.
Foxgap239 wrote:

Okay, I'll shoot for no later than 7 myself, maybe even 6 if the weather looks good. We'll meet at the picnic tables closer to the parking lot. If I'm fishing early, I'll try to be back to the tables by 7..

Geez Fox... No consideration for those of us driving down from the north? 7 am??? Looking for feathers off the early bird?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mr. Dave, as the thread title says, start time is officially 10AM. I'm just getting there early to catch as many fish as I can so they are all stung by the time you get there! :-D
As of right now :-D I'm in.
Depends on the boss and my favorite monsters.