Proposed Newbie Brush-up Day, Saturday, May 5th at 10AM

Weather looks like it will cooperate (may even be hot) so I'm planning to get there by 7, if not earlier. My voodoo dolls will be handy if anyone gives me any crap! :-D
by Foxgap239 on 2012/5/2 17:34:28 Weather looks like it will cooperate (may even be hot) so I'm planning to get there by 7, if not earlier. My voodoo dolls will be handy if anyone gives me any crap!

You can leave my doll home since I won't be making it Saturday but do me a favor and pull that needle out of my foot because it still hurts.
oops, let me go do that now. Sorry about that.
Gents .. will be there by 8AM if not earlier.

Will the AM crew be fishing close to the shop, similar to where we were a few weeks ago? Just want to have an idea where I should meet you guys after I rig up

//Totally stoked .. haven't been out on the water in 12 days
Yes, we will be fishing in that area.
For those that are concerned about the "Voodoo Fox", I'll be bringing a red fox tail from my tying supplies, and a box of pins.

If the Fox doesn't accept Volksnurse's offering of sheep entrails, we'll just fight fire with fire.

For those that already know the Fox, especially those that have suffered from his recent use of voodoo - there's more than one way to skin a fox. :cool:

Seriously, you guys are in for a treat. The Fox is one hell of a good fisherman, and he'll give the newbies some great instruction. He's also a real pleasure to fish with - never a dull moment with that boy around.


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And I had almost decided in donuts...sigh...
Volks - Donuts are probably the smart choice, but you might want to bring the sheep entrails - just in case.

It's my turn to buy the Fox lunch, and I don't think there's any place around here that has sheep entrails on the menu.

Of course, we could just end up sacrificing a live chicken.....
Heritage-Angler wrote:

It's my turn to buy the Fox lunch, and I don't think there's any place around here that has sheep entrails on the menu.

Of course, we could just end up sacrificing a live chicken.....


has to be an old-fashioned Italian place around. We can get him an order of tripe. Not sheep, but entrails just the same. :)

That's offal. Really.
Tripe = AWFUL
Hey guys leave Fox alone!!! He really helped me by pulling that rusty needle out of my voodoo dolls foot.
delta_dog wrote:
Hey guys leave Fox alone!!! He really helped me by pulling that rusty needle out of my voodoo dolls foot.

A classic case of Stockholm Syndrome. :cool:
by Heritage-Angler on 2012/5/3 21:02:15
A classic case of Stockholm Syndrome.

LOL....I wouldn't go that far but I have no problem kissin ***. You never know I might need Foxes help getting on some fish at the Jam. ;-)
getting a jump-start on the learning here:

So I am actually sitting about 10 mins from the LL currently (working :p) I hear some nasty storms are coming today. I am curious with the rain stirring things up if nymphing would be the way to go in higher water? Or is using dries just as good even after a few days of rain?
I'm still plannig to come up tomorrow. I hope to be there between 9 and 10. I don't know what anyone looks like so you'll see me wondering around lost stalking everyone I see to find you guys:)
delta_dog wrote:
LOL....I wouldn't go that far but I have no problem kissin ***. You never know I might need Foxes help getting on some fish at the Jam. ;-)

I certainly don't have any issues with a little a$$ kissin' either but in the spirit of full disclosure I will not be attending the jam. I have to go to my "no frills rough it camp" in Centre County the following weekend.
I'll be the guy with Dogfish Head brewery hat :)
shirk81 wrote:
getting a jump-start on the learning here:

So I am actually sitting about 10 mins from the LL currently (working :p) I hear some nasty storms are coming today. I am curious with the rain stirring things up if nymphing would be the way to go in higher water? Or is using dries just as good even after a few days of rain?

In high, stained water tie on the biggest, blackest streamer you have in your box. This is probably the best chance you'll have at catching the larger fish.