JackM wrote:
The second paragraph isn't stupid at all. But I can understand your wanting to think so because it blows away the slippery slope falsehood that I suspect you have found yourself persuaded by.
Now on to "why won't it happen." My belief is that it won't happen for the reasons I already mentioned-- first, it goes too far and places too big a burden on gun ownership; second, it won't happen because Bubba and Bubbette will be inflamed by the rhetoric about Big Brother coming to get your guns and few legislators who want to be re-elected (and that's nearly all of them) will touch it with a ten foot pole. Unfortunately, few will even want to get close to a more reasonable gun control measure for the second reason.
Suspect what you want, but that one was wrong. I felt you second paragraph was stupid because there is no correlation between the right to own a gun, and the other ones. It is just rhetorical bull crap. I was surprised you even went there
[color=CC0000](again)[/color], and now you chose to defend it? Come on. you are much better than that. Here is another one. Shouldn’t all pro life people be against the death penalty?
The why won't it happen part? Wake up Jack, You didn't need to be answered again. Afterall, I followed it up with "We both know it will happen"? i had agreed with you before. But I "suspect" I know whay you went after that again. It was so you don't have to achnowledge my earlier point. You have dodged it a few times now.
Every argument like this has two extremes. If one side lays down and takes a nap, what happens.
Jack, let me use another sensitive subject, and maybe you will relate. Abortion. why do you suppose that the Pro Choice side has continuously fought regulation agains partial birth abortion? It is the same freakin argument Jack!!! Is one OK, and not the other???
It is just the way it is. That is the way rights are taken away. they are usually not taken away all at once. Instead, they are taken away piece by piece. that is not a big brother statement at all. It is reality.
I'd like to take this time to say thank you to the Bubbas and Bubbettes out there. Without you, the current balance would be upset and the guys at the other end of the spectrum would surely gain ground.
I am a law abiding citicen (never committed a serious crime), and have no criminal record; absolutely nothing outside of traffic violations. Yes, I get tired of protecting my rights to keep my firearms, but I will never give up and say, "here, take them." I'm not even a member of the NRA and never was because I don't agree with everything they say. Just because I am a moderate on this issue, doesn't mean you can recruit me to the left. in fact, you are slowly convincing me that i should join the NRA. When smart people like you go this far to try and convince me I don't need that right, then maybe it is time I sent them a check.
How do you feel about this one. first of all, we both know that people commit crimes. sometimes it is with guns, but usually not. Instead of treating the symptom, lets treat the cause. Everyone age 6 and up should be fingerprinted, and provide a DNA sample to be kept on record by the government. none of thiis voluntary crap. Every couple years, they should be required to get a new photo ID. Make it mandatory. That way, when someone commits a crime, we can identify the criminal and the victim a whole lot easier.(unless they are OJ). It should work. I mean, if you aren't a criminal, you shouldn't have a problem with that. It is for the good of the people, right???