Pontoon / Float tube

Well if Mr. Paul is going to get a river floater-
He needs to remember that it's a two person project[two cars anyway -so canoes make more sense-unless you want to have two kayaks.
Canoes are a lot easier to jump in and out of.
Hold more.
And just as safe since only the village idiot would want to do a roll with waders on and expensive equipment.
acristickid, I see the pic of your yak. That is not very condusive to fishing. I think you would get a lot more use from a sit-on-top yak. Look at the Wilderness System Tarpon 120. These don't roll and are extremely stable. I say more use because they are versatile and will cover fresh and salt water, ponds, lakes, streams and rivers, but not Class III rapids.
Pete41, I think you will find the yak easier to get on and off of than the canoe in and out of. Canoe can hold more, but the yak has a lot of storage too.
Either way...both IMO are better options than a float tube for your only boat. A float tube would be a great second craft to fill any niche the canoe or yak would just not fit for you.
I have had both-have a hobie now-lived in montana 30 yrs and can say canoes are more practical out there because you can take two people and their gear and just as good river running.a canoe is as stable as a sit on.Plus of course if you are a hunter a canoe carries a deer better.
use to do both-take gun and rod-catch some nice browns,get a deer.
Thanks gents for the info.

Not looking to buy now (borrow maybe-hehe) but I appreicate the imput. But since I am addicted to fly fishing I am sure to buy one in the fututre.

Certainly have lots more accessories these days for boats etc...

Missed another golden opportunity.

I bought this kayak mainly to just float the Chattahoochee when I lived in Atlanta (during Olympic year) and lived very near the Chattahoochee River- which is completely freezing (bottom release dam) enough for trout. Did'nt FF then. Dummy.

Just like Florida when I was in high school- now I have to pay to get there. I was in snook and tarpon heaven. Dumb.

Once again it is nice to hear from fly fishers about products.

Nothing beat years of experience with products to give you the straight dope.

Thanks. And since I think I am A.D.D. I wil reread this thread a couple times.
oops didn't realize you had a yak-do fine-
mostly wade fishing except for Bighorn-